Seriously, you guys are too kind to me. Thanks for all of the nice comments about my Forest Canopy Shawl. If I could, you know I would just crank out shawls non-stop around the clock. But that is simply not possible, dk weight or no dk weight. Now that it's almost the weekend, I am ready to work on my beloved Kiri again. My little side-dish project this past week was a fun little frolic called 'Lina', a pattern that has much to recommend it, despite the throbbing sensation in my wrists from all that 1 x 1 ribbing and tight cabling--apparently I'm not as young as I used to be. Is it a bad sign when knitting becomes strenuous and takes a physical toll?
I was immediately drawn to the pattern for a number of reasons. Mooncalf's version caught my eye as did a number of other ones on Ravelry. I love the lava lamp effect created by the cabling every ten rows, and of course as a native Minnesotan, the fact that pattern is Finnish appeals to my latent desires to belong to the Scandinavian tribe.
The Specs
Pattern: Lina by Joko knits
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino dk, 1.25 skeins. Color #18027
Mods: I did one fewer of the repeats since I knew this hat would immediately be snatched up by Peeper-Lou, who is already trying to get her look together for Ski Club 2009®
This weekend the Curmudgeon is visiting his dad in NJ (have fun watching the debate together, honey!) and those girls are going to the city to see their dad, which means that I will be A-L-O-N-E. Heh. Left to my own devises...what do you think is going to happen?
So cute! As a fellow Minnesota native, I, too, am often drawn to all things Scandinavian.
Hmmm... I predict we'll see a completed Kiri by the end of the weekend.
Could it be a trip to at least one LYS is in order? There'll be no Curmudgeon to witness the carrying in of large bags of yarn....
Great hat, and that Peeper Lou is quite the cutie.
Pretty hat! And your little girl is adorable in it!!
I cannot even begin to imagine how many new skeins of yarn will be added to your inventory this weekend. Lina looks awesome on your little beauty. Enjoy your weekend of knitting bliss!
Wow! It's gorgeous. And what a cutie-pie. She is rocking that hat.
Knit, Knit, Knit.
Do not clean house.
Eat cereal for dinner to allow more time to Knit, Knit, Knit.
Something like that, maybe??
I agree with the last comment, DO NOT CLEAN HOUSE. You have to take full advantage of your time! It does seem like you could really sneak in a lot stash enhancing goodies if you need a knitting break...
Oh! Don't have too many cocktails, they can cause horrible knitting accidents. For real.
I can hear the keyboard clicking from here as you single handedly support all the yarn venders all over the world....peace though merchandise.
The hat is cute, but your model is even more adorable!
I'm so jealous that you have your weekend to yourself and your stash. I've gotta host a barbeque for husband's coworkers. Make me really jealous of your yarny time, k?
LOVE the hat! It looks like the kid does, too. Obviously not Tween Thing, with that cute little smile, hmmm?
I hope the Curmudgeon has the foresight to take the credit cards with him and leave some prepared foods to keep you alive during the knitting orgy that is bound to occur.
Niiiice hat! Time alone....that sounds dreamy!
Great hat! The color and style both really work for her.
Time alone? I don't know if I could find something to do. I live for picking cheerios up off the floor and trying to keep Junior out of the trash can...
Lina is a work of beauty. I love those traveling stitch cables. DELISH!
And, did the DRMC make you relinquish the credit cards???
And with even one less repeat and a boyishly handsome shade this would look fantabulous on a boy. Peeper Lous looks ready for skiing! What size needles did you use?
Hmmm...knitting furiously, pausing only occasionally to sip/refresh the pleasing adult beverage perched on the table next to the comfiest chair/couch in the house?
Love the hat!
Oooh you lucky gal, getting the weekend all to yourself. Hmm, yes, I wonder what you will do?
Peep is SO FREAKING CUTE!!! And the hat! The hat! With knitting like that, they'll make you an honorary Scandinavian!
Have fun rocking the knitting this weekend! I'm jealous.
Off to watch the debate... (too bad OUR elections offer no hope whatsoever.)
Absolutely adorable! Hat's cute, too. ;)
Awww you wee one is soo cute. Love the hat!
OK.. you're all ALONE..??? absolutely there should be NO USE of FOUR letter words.. and I mean - COOK, WASH, IRON or DUST.. NONE of that!... order take out! LOVE the hat.. that COLOR pops!... MUST add that to my queue for C.. Thx!
Oooooo, and empty house for a weekend!?! Have fun!! Knit, knit, knit! But don't hurt yourself!
I hadn't noticed that hat pattern before. Being one of the "Scandinavian tribe" I do see how one can be drawn to it! Twisted stitches always get me. Pretty, pretty!
What do I KNOW is going to happen? I'm going to be very jealous of you, that's what. Alone is my favorite place to be sometimes! The hat is gorgeous, I love the color - I was a bit surprised it was not Malabrigo though:) Take care and have fun!
Oh, that is really beautiful!!! I love the stitch pattern and color.
Your model is absolutely fabulous. As in super cute. The hat is cute, too.
A whole weekend by yourself? I am green.
That hat is awesome! I happen to be a scandophile as well.
Cute hat! Hope you enjoyed your freedom this weekend. :)
What a cute cute cute hat on her cuteness! Hope you had a great weekend!
Cheers for some quiet time alone!
It was smart to plan ahead for your lovely hat to be snatched away, but she's gorgeous and will be oh-so-stylish on the slopes.
I just love your pictures and the work illustrated on them. :o)
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