Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Felted Tween

Joni in Rowan Felted Tweed
I am taking a major risk by posting the word 'tween' on my blog, I know. The last time I tagged something with that word on Flickr, the photo got like 3000 hits (as compared to my usual 19) and attracted the unwanted attention of a shit bag guy, 'IncestPapa' or some such nonsense, who made creepy, scummy comments. Don't make me go all Valerie Solanis on you guys out there.

Please note: if you are married to me, please skip to section b. If you are not married to me, please continue reading at section a.

Section a: No sooner had the family piled into the car and started out on their journey than I began my weekend extravaganza, which included watching trashy tv (that is, if you consider 'Celebrities w/o their Make-up' a trashy show, which I definitely do), having cereal for dinner (great idea, Knithound!) knitting like a mofo 'til 2 a.m. on Friday night, and then hitting the road on Saturday morning for a full day of special LYS funtimes at Knit One and Natural Stitches. I might have also had a high end cupcake or two as well. Once home I slept late, listened to 80s music really loud, and had ice cream for lunch. I also watched a John Cusack movie on Oxygen.
Yarn and such
My LYS haul was very controlled (compared to what it could have been) and really I just picked up some odds and ends...you know, just some yarn for this 'n' that. I got three skeins each of Malabrigo Silky Merino in Coral and Smoke for some upcoming shawl projects and then two balls each of some Rowan Felted Tweed and Jo Sharp Tweed for my latest project, Joni. I picked up two skeins of Malabrigo Worsted in 'Damask Rose' and 'Verde Adriana' for a few cowls and nabbed a pattern or two...aww hells bells, who am I kidding? I went a wee bit overboard and have my eye on some Classic Elite Inca Gold for my next trip. Self-control? Not a strong suit.

You will notice that one of those pictures is not of yarn but is instead a little message I created for the miscreant that stole my Obama sign. Please note neighborhood trickster, you're on my list.

Joni in Rowan Felted Tweed

I cast on for Joni right when I got home on Saturday evening and by Sunday night had the hat you see here. I noted the pattern on Kirsten's blog when she published it several weeks ago, but it was Pam's version on Flickr that sent me gasping in paroxysms of delight and made doing the hat a foregone conclusion.

Joni in Rowan Felted Tweed


Pattern: Joni by Kirsten Kapur, Through the Loops
Yarn: Rowan Felted Tweed, one skein each of #152 and #168.
Needles: Size 4 Addi Turbos, 16"
Time: Finished in less than 24 hours!

As color work/stranding patterns go, this one has 'major winner' written all over it. If you've never tried this type of project before, this would be a great place to start as the fair isle section only lasts for 12 rows which is very doable and not strenuous. The Felted Tweed is a pure delight, very springy and not scratchy, which is interesting because on first glance it looks like it might feel like twine. But it doesn't. Miss Thing even remarked that this hat was 'better than usual'. Katie bar the kitchen door--was that a compliment?
Joni in Rowan Felted Tweed
Normally on such a jaunt I would have tried to get in touch with the Pittsburgh peeps and arranged a get together, but I'm fairly certain that Leslie, Keana Lee and SJ would have been otherwise occupied with their families and loved ones. But ladies, take note: I'm coming to getcha, very soon!

Section B: The weekend was drab and uneventful. I emptied the kitten's litter box, did many loads of laundry and finished some leftovers. I spent my free time reading various periodicals about political economy. My mood was sullen and forlorn, yet I was content to limit my activities to what was useful and practical. O how living within the constraints of a budget brings me a sense of quiet satisfaction!


Daphne said...

"O how living within the constraints of a budget brings me a sense of quiet satisfaction!"

!!! I love it. Perhaps a message for the CEOs of our nation?

Anonymous said...

This may very well just be your funniest post yet. And your prettiest hat!

Jodi said...

Hmmm... I think I prefer section A to section B! Sounds like one heck of a weekend (aside from the Obama sign-stealing twerp). Gorgeous hat, amazing yarn haul, what more can I say?

BTW, John Cusack is one of my favs -- Better Off Dead, Grosse Point Blank, High Fidelity... so many good movies. And Lloyd Dobbler holding up the boom box!

Anonymous said...

This is definitely your funniest post. I am still laughing! BTW, the hat is just too darn cute!

nicole said...

Section A: Holy crap, that sounds like the BEST WEEKEND EVER! I'm dying to know which 80's music you indulged in. Hope there was some Smiths in there. And is "Celebrities w/o their makeup" and actual show? Cause we sure don't get THAT one in Canada, but I'd be all over it like white on rice. Fantastic Joni! "Tween" knows a good thing when she sees it.

Section B: I commend you comrade for your exemplary restraint and discipline. In these difficult economic times and amidst this cankered moral climate, you are a shining paragon of virtue. Your family should be singing your praises and showering you with the glory you most clearly deserve.

Miss Ripley said...

Katie bar the door you make me laugh! And Nicole, you's a funny lady too!

vivian said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend! (section A, that is.)

Angela said...

Okay, funny lady, you actually made me snort out loud!

knithound brooklyn said...

Oh that was really funny! You made my evening!
Does the curmudgeon have a sense of humor?

Pikku- Kettu said...


I love the hat!

Anonymous said...

Great hat!

I think we have some knitter's mind meld going on because I recently bought 3 skeins of coral silky merino for a shawl, and some damask rose worsted malabrigo! Yay for awesome yarn :)

wazz said...

I heart felted tweed! Love the teal and cerise combination - very tasty.

a friend to knit with said...

i want that weekend. and that hat.
and YES! for you to come get us!!! soon!

loved this.

Sonya said...

I'm sure the Curmudgeon will totally believe the section b version of your weekend. I think the section a version sounds heavenly.

re: 80s music My husband has been taping the 80s videos on VH1 Classic. Interestingly he fast forwards through all the songs I like and I fast forward through all the songs he likes. Me thinks we may not have gotten together if we'd met in the 80s.

Sarah said...

I was going to say that I was sorry I didn't know you were in town, but then I remembered that I was busy all day Saturday hosting my husband's coworkers at a barbeque, so it's probably better -- I would have felt bad that I was unable to meet up with you! But definitely let me know the next time you'll be in town so we can try to meet up!

The sign you left for the Obama sign-stealer is cracking me up!

Heather said...

Oh my God. This post is hysterical.

"Felted Tween" is very clever--and looks great.

I can't believe that someone stole your Obama sign! That's PA for you, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Oh Heather, please sign me in for your next uneventful week-end! I can cook. While you'll be doing laundry, I'll be canning tomato sauce for the long winter (living on a budget = lots of pasta). And if we are very good we can watch Grifters for reward (Cusack + Bening + Huston = vavavoum).
That hat is absolutely lovvvely. How good I just had to pack a ridiculous amount of stash (clutter stocktaking), otherwise I might do something naughty.
Bises ;-)

Kirsten said...

You just about made me spit my coffee! Thanks for the morning laugh!

Stephanie B said...

I love the colors!! So pretty. Nice note there. You should check out http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/ for some tips!

ingrid said...

That colour combo is most perfect. I'm trying to think who on my Christmas list would his or her own Joni . . . (because, of course, it would be wrong and selfish to knit myself one.)

Kim said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend! Nice yarn haul too. I wonder which John Cusack movie? My favorite has to be Better Off Dead. I've never done color work before but your endorsement of Joni is too much for me. Must do it. I hope you catch the a-hole who stole your Obama sign and beat him to a pulp.

Yarnhog said...

I can't even tell you how much I wish I had been there!

That tween thing? Repulsive. What sort of freak...never mind. I can't possible be surprised by anything people do any more.

Love the hat! "Better than usual" *snort!*

Anonymous said...

John Cusak and breakfast cereal, yarn and cupcakes...where can I pack my family off to?

jennie said...

Sounds like you spent your weekend much as I would have, if alone. I love D, but sometimes I miss those days alone!

And now, with all of those lovely Joni's entering the universe, I think I have to knit one myself...

Anonymous said...

Your Joni turned out so awesome!

I get that icky feeling when I read about stuff like the tween thing. Gross gross and more gross about the sickos out there!

Anonymous said...

"Section B: The weekend was drab and uneventful."

haha love the spousal version :)
Sounds like you had a horrible (AWESOME) time. I just got some silky merino from a swap. It's luscious!

WonderMike said...

You are in top form, my Dear! Section B made me laugh out loud....

Angela said...

thanks for giving me something to laugh about during an otherwise stressful day!

cute hat - love the colors.

Anonymous said...

I will be quoting you very soon
"living within the contraints of a budget brings me a sense of quiet satisfaction" is the best thing I've ever heard.
Really love Joni, I can see one in my future

nova said...

Every time I see this hat, I love it. Also, you are so funny. Seriously.

Pheelya said...

Great hat!!

BTW, I've nominated you for an award :) Check out my blog for details :)

Knittymuggins said...

Hee hee! Awesome! I *love* weekends like that!! The 2 parts to your post made me giggle like a schoolgirl and I adore the new hat :)


YawnOver said...

You are so funny :) Were you reading Das Kapital and eating porridge as well?

Elizabeth said...

I love it! I love it! Bing, onto the Rav queue you go.

Jessica said...

Love the sign to the Obama hater. Love it! Love the hat too. And your sense of humor! You totally crack me up.

Are you going to Rhinebeck? It would be great to run into you again!

Anonymous said...

You ARE funny...and that's a fantastic hat.