I never cease to marvel at the incredible talents of our knitpal designers. We are so fortunate to be surrounded by a cohort of super talented designers that seems to effortlessly churn out patterns that keep us interested and knee-deep in fabulous knits. One of those designers, Melissa of Knitting School Dropout fame, just won't quit with the amazing. Case in point: the Cecily Beret.
The Specs
Pattern: Cecily Beret by Knitting School Dropout.
Yarn: Dream in Color Smooshy, 'Happy Forest', .75 a skein.
Needles: 1 and 2.5 16 mm addi turbos.
Mods: Please don't.
'Happy Forest' just happens to be my most favorite Dream in Color ever. I feel that it should be renamed 'Happy Place', or why not even 'Happy Pill'? I suggest this because the effect this luscious green has on me is akin to pharmaceutically-enhanced euphoria. YES it's the yarn equivalent of ____________(fill in the blank with your drug of choice. I'll choose poppers c. 1981, before its deleterious effect on the brain was so harshly revealed and they became, well, not even slightly fun. Hmph.)
This pattern was the type of affair that the more intrepid among us could whip up in a few days. I chose to do mine slow boat to China style and It has been ages since I've knit something at such a fine gauge. Far too long! This was a pure joy from start to finish, so I strongly recommend you give it a whirl.
Melissa is a seriously talented knitter who deserves your full attention. You know another designer who is nothing short of freakishly talented? Larissa! And if you high tail it over to her blog you might win something truly exciting...