But there is a chill in the air and really that can only mean one thing: that we have entered Mandatory Malabrigo® season , a time when having a little Malabrigo somethin' on the needles isn't just a good idea, it's required.
My first project, Habitat, is courtesy of Kim, one of my fave blog chicks around. Since I copy everything she does, doing this hat was also mandatory. See how fun life is when you live by a set of categorical imperatives?
Pattern: Habitat by Jared Flood
Size: Large, for my big Irish head
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted in Apricot, .75 of a skein
Needles: Size 7 and Size 8 addi turbos
Mods: None needed, although all of that 'move stitch marker' action can make you doubt your sanity.
This is a great pattern that results in a fantastic garment. I cast on for it Friday afternoon and finished early yesterday. Cabling without a cable needle is a must, and after several rows I broke out the colored pencils and color coded the chart, which made time really fly. I recommend this hat as a fun weekend project.
I am on such a roll with the Malabrigo Mania® that I immediately cast on for the Forest Canopy Shawl in Malabrigo Silky Merino 'Acorn'. Doesn't this yarn seem so seasonally appropriate? And the pattern is beyond easy--it makes the Shetland Triangle seem complicated, so if you are afraid of this lace, this might have your name written all over it.
My final Mandatory Malabrigo® moment will be courtesy of LB, the indomitable Larissa Brown, someone for whom I am now on the record as being her number one fan. The record in question is the Y Knit podcast--Hizknits and Wondermike (who is totally coming here next year for Md Sheep and Wool with me and Peeper-Lou, if she gives her final guest list approval, which she most likely will because he can teach her to spin) just released their latest podcast and it features Miss Thing and all her Knitalong glory. It is one of their best ones yet, you really get such a complete sense of what it's like to put together a project such as her book. I have picked up my Mabel's scarf again and am almost done with it. This one is in Bergamota, clearly I am on an orange-fruit roll. Thanks LB!
I am debating about entering these projects into our local farm show, a venue that in the recent past has been one of shame and aggrievance for me. What if the judge sullies my perfect Malabrigo creations with another damning-with-faint-praise third place ribbon? I don't know if I can withstand the disappointment and bad karma that my reaction will likely set into motion...
I loves that Larissa book.
I hear you on the wips. I rue the day when I gave myself permission to have so many.
I'm definitely "with ya". Life isn't right if the majority of your needles aren't occupied with something.
Lovely hat. Yes, you should enter that local farm show.
Definitely enter the stuff! Sounds like fun, and the hat is gorgeous.
Love the hat, and the scarf both!!! You SHOULD enter it in the fair/contest thingy. What's there to lose?
Mmmmmmm-malabrigo!!! Forget the current WIPs and ZZZZZs . . . you HAVE to cast on some Malabrigo when it gets chilly!!! Go ahead and enter those marvelous projects in the show - but remember, if they don't get the recognition they deserve, it's the judges, not the project. Your karma will be fine. The judges will get the Bad Karma!!!
Thanks for bringing up the Habitat pattern. I don't think I've seen that before! Off to queue it...
I'm down here in Texas, where Malabrigo season is still at least a month away.
And I just happen to have a few (cough) skeins of malabrigo sitting around. Habitat is gorgeous!
squishy. malabrigo. yummy. must. cast. on. now.
I love the concept of Mandatory Mmmmalabrigo! The hat looks so cozy and wonderful, and the "acorn" shade of the shawl is truly marvelous for autumn.
Sigh... I'm right there with you on the almost-done projects and "zzzz-ing" duds.
Hah! I have also finally figured out that the only way not to have my unfinished project staring at me every time I go into Ravelry is to "Hibernate" them! It's so freeing!
Love your Habitat! The Malabrigo makes everything look so much "squishier." And the Mabel is so pretty too. But, oh, the shawl in the Malabrigo Silk, um, GORGEOUS!!!!
Ahhh man! I wanna come hang out with you and those Y-Knit boys. So lucky!!
I love the peachy color for that hat! Good enough to eat. All the Malabrigo is luminous.
The acorn color is perfect for that project and I love the Bergamot. I wish I had some mmmmmmalabrigo to pet right now.
Love all things Malabrigo! you just can't go wrong....
Love, love, love the hat! That color is gorgeous! And Mmmmmmalabrigo to boot. (I just picked up some Silky Merino from someone's destash on Ravelry. I am addicted to surfing other people's sale/trade pages. I bought yarn from three different people this weekend. But, really, who destashes Malabrigo, anyway?)
You GOTTA enter the farm show!! Your projects look amazing and if someone wants to give you a ribbon for one then why the heck not? Even if it is the bronze!
I think you should enter the show, but prepare yourself for a Hulk-like rage at the results. (Maybe wear something with Velcro seams?)
The problem with the judging at fairs and farm shows is that there is usually a big emphasis on the perfection of technique -- how even the tension is, how stealthily the ends are woven in, etc. That perspective made sense 150 years ago, when perfect technique was special, but it's a dumbass attitude today when knitting machines can be more perfect than any human. (And no, that's not "IMHO," that is a COMPLETELY OBJECTIVE STATEMENT.) Why ask a person to be a machine?
A better standard is the total effect of the item. Is it beautiful? Does it have the right ration of perfection and imperfection? How do the materials and colors suit the design? In that case the Habitat and the Mabel's should score high. For pieces like those (cool morphologies, cables) too many people use crazy variegated colors. You've got to stick with something luscious and simple so the shapes will come out and people will want to touch it.... at least before you turn green and Bruce Banner the place. :]
Does this mean I have to get out my Malabrigo now, too?
Yes do enter them! Malabrigo means that you must win, right? Pretty pretty stuff ya got there!
Oh, that hat - malabrigo is such a siren! Your projects are so yummy and cozy - a great post as it is 60 degree and cool today - knitting weather indeed!
Check this out, http://spinknitthefiberqueen.blogspot.com/ 4 of my friends at the LYS entered our Fall Fair and they ALL won ribbons I love seeing other people win stuff, so you HAVE to enter! And I would pay to see you go all "Bruce Banner" on their Arsses
Oh and I love the Malabrigo frenzy, of course, not unlike socks, when it comes to WIPs, Malabrigo shouldn't count.
I am just finishing up a Mabel's Scarf. I am knitting it with Malabrigo. Its the first time I've used Malabrigo and I love it!!!! Your scarf is pretty!
i must get some malabrigo.....and figure out how you put that little R there.
and make a habitat hat....
and tell you....YES enter those in the contest!! a win is in your future, my friend.
Oh you must enter it! We can all live vicariously through you!
I love the hat, it's beautiful!
I listened to the podcast over the weekend--they are too much fun. LOVE the Habitat!
Too many wips, you say? Join the club. Binge knitting is not for wimps - and neither is the farm show, so you get in there and teach those 4-H people a thing or 2 about knitting.
Hey, so you're really just using the 2 skeins of the Silky Malabrigo? I'm worried that the yardage will be...not enough. Oh, well--only one way to find out. Off to cast on.
Um, don't you realize that some of us are trying to be good and not cast-on new projects? Why must you taunt us with this Mandatory Malabrigo bullshit? Heather, you know I'm weak. Help a knitter out, will ya?
But TOTALLY enter the contest. You will eventually break them with your insanely soft and pretty knitting. It's working on me, and I'm not even close to touching distance.
(btw I was so chuffed hearing your name being mentioned in the last YKnit podcast. I kept thinking, yay Heather!)
Another reason for me to hurry up and download YKnit already :-)
Yes, do enter your knitting! You must!
Your Habitat is beautiful! (Why I didn't think to use Malabrigo, I will never know . . .)
Just think, if we didn't have heating, not adding to your wips by knitting some very warm mmmmalabrigo would be tantamount to your own death. So, evolutionarily, you're just doing your duty.
Enter it into the contest. If they don't like it, throw donuts at them. (I bet you win next year, heh heh)
When I see all the lovely things you have knit this summer or are working on, and then look around at all all my unfinished projects, I think I should change my blog name to "Slacking in Transit".
I love the hat and the apricot color! Maybe a quick knit is what I need...
Michael's Mandatory Malabrigo Madness Month May coMmence. Damn that last word. What's a good m word?
I think you should definitely enter the Mabel (see the theme?), but that habitat is gorgeous. I'm going to cast on for both of these, too, because I copy everything you do... practically.
Gorgeous Malabrigo, gorgeous, gorgeous color! I can feel the squishy goodness right through the monitor.
I say definitely enter, and if the judges aren't privy to your excellence this year, you can always fugly-yarn bomb their homes. :P
that cabling and yarn combo couldn't be any more perfect! awesome job!! :)
My mind is reeling from all the Malabrigo! I want to reach through my computer and pet them. All of them.
You'll never win if you don't enter! ENTER!!!
Now I am going to go die of jealousy over all that Malabrigo...
that's a whole lotta wooly goodness you've got going on there! the hat! gorgeous!
Good grief that is a freakin' gorgeous hat! I seriously can't afford another WIP right now, but your version of this hat is really making me tempted....
Gorgeous hat! Your post reminds me that I need to get cracking on my Tailored Scallops sweater out of yes, Malabrigo, before it's too late!!
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