If I ignore certain minor irritations, like the Curmudgeon claiming he didn't know we were exchanging Christmas presents this year and therefore not getting me anything (luckily my girl Peeper-Lou was keeping up with my Amazon wish list like it was her job and saved the day, if you count telling him to tell me that he was going to buy me an electric blanket as a last ditch desperado move as saving the day), I'm basically living a charmed life. More proof of this came last month when my one true love Kate Davies offered me the chance to test knit an up and coming pattern that is going to take the world by storm: F U G U E

The fact that doing this project involved receiving a parcel in mail from the lovely and generous Lilith of Old Maiden Aunt Yarns made the whole endeavor terribly exciting. Special Delivery: the softness, most otherworldly yarn ever!

The Specs:
Pattern: F U G U E (this is the official spelling now for all KD patterns, btw) by Kate Davies, forthcoming. Kate's Ravelled version is here.
Yarn: Bowmont Braf by Old Maiden Aunt Yarns, two colors Hebridean and Blackbird.
Needles: size 3 & 4, 16 ins.
Modifications: None whatsoever

Honestly, this yarn is something special. It is incredibly soft but creates a dense fabric that is completely warm. The yarn blooms beautifully during blocking--I really recommend giving it a try, it's 100% unique.
Like all worthwhile patterns, this one affords the knitter the chance to learn a new technique. For me it was the concept of the knitted braid, one that I am now dying to put on every single thing I ever knit form here on out. It's kind of like mastering the subjunctive, once you learn how to use it correctly, you want to use it all the time. Except it's knitting...

In a perfect world, everyone I love would be getting a Meret for Christmas, as they are exceedingly easy to churn out. Everyone deserves one. Honestly, if you start right now can you can easily finish by tomorrow morning, with time out for egg nog and the like. But sadly, my Holiday Handknitting 09 (tm) has consisted of frantically digging through my FO pile in order to pull out a (natty?) shawl for my mother in law. Yes, my holiday knitting is a giant serving of HELLA with a festive, heaping side-dish of NO. Just the way mama likes it!

The Specs:
Pattern: Meret by Woolly Wormhead
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Donegal Luxury Aran Tweed in #14, 1.25 skeins
Needles: size 8
Size: cast on for the medium but did three repeats total for slouchiness. Like (1).

I could imagine a person going hog wild with the various combos: 'medium size on size 7s with the large repeats/ large size on size 8s with the medium repeats', etc. It's a truly versatile pattern, people. I am quite happy with this iteration, and if I make more, I think I might have found the golden combination.

Here's to hoping that my Freethinking Pagan Pals had a rock solid Solstice and that all my Hebrew peeps had a killer Hannukah.

I know that my Christmas has been made because Peeper-Lou uttered the most Christmasy of all phrases last night under the tree: "...it's like the presents are blood and I am a vampire, tempted by them!". Happy Holidays!

Every once on a while there is a trend on Ravelry that makes the rounds and leaves little impression on me during the first contagion, but after it's hung around a while, suddenly it hits me like a speeding train and it's all I can do to not work on it 24 hours a day. Meret is this pattern for me--I saw many versions on other people and thought 'Huh, sure looks nice on them' and then kept on about my business, which probably involved obsessively checking my Amazon wish list while eating candy canes, because I'm 13 and I love Christmas.

Normally I shy away from slouchy hat patterns, as they seem to not be warm, can sometimes look like a giant sun dial on a person's head, seem at times too close too that scarf thing that Rhoda used to wear and can even be bigger & flatter than these pancakes that my brother recently ate in Hawaii. But not Meret! There are many options with this pattern--as written it's not terribly slouchy, can be made into a beanie but can go slouchier by adding repeats.

The Specs:
Pattern: Meret by Woolly Wormhead
Yarn: Malabrigo worsted, .75 of skein in 'Frank Ochre'
Needles: size 7, 16 inch
Mods: Cast on for the medium size but did the large repeats. As you can see the hat is not gigantic. If I had made this for myself I would have done two extra repeats and maybe gone up a needle size.

Knitting Meret also allowed me to get in touch with part of me that loves to crank out small accessories. I just love making small projects, it's where my knitting interests are most satisfied. Sure, sweaters are super-impressive, but more and more I realize that the short attention span theater in which I have taken up permanent residence dictates that small projects are my thing.

Now that my own kids have dumped me and moved on to other gigs, I had to rekindle my relationship with my friend Sandrine in order to snap some pics, because Lord knows this hat was never fitting on my head [see pancake pictures above for genetic explanation]. I was able to ply her with end-of-the-semester Thai food, and since I knit the hat for her anyway, I figured this was as good a time as any to give it to her. Plus now I can claim to have a real bona fide Parisian modeling a beret on my blog! What's next--a Japanese exchange student donning a knitted kimono? Hey, it's a small world after all...

I must say I enjoyed every one of your comments re: Malabrigo so much. Many of your fave colors were not a surprise to me at all [Impressionist Sky and Tuareg REPRESENT]. But others were totally unknown to me: Pearl Ten, where have you been all my life? I thank you for that. Luckily I actually have two skeins of Bobby Blue to send off [heh heh I am too sekritive]. And as soon as I get the addresses of Jodi and Elizabeth, they will be on their merry way to new homes. Enjoy!
I have basically broken every self-imposed knitting rule in sight these days and am in a sort of WIP free fall, which is not where I wanted to be several weeks before Christmas. Luckily holiday knitting 09 was D.O.A. before it could really take hold. This is a relief. Let's take a look at our list of infractions...
- Knitting more than two projects at once? Pshaw!
-Casting on for numerous large sweater when other large sweaters are laying fallow? Maybe.
-Having to buy more size 7 needles/stitch markers because all your other ones are in use? I'm not saying that didn't happen. Yikes.
-Melting cheese on everything in sight? Wait, different type of infraction. But still, not good.

Luckily such moments can be be rescued by everyone's favorite knockaround pal, the small knitted Malabrigo accessory. One of my very best Besties M made a gentle request for a hat for her son, E, who is basically the cutest kid in America. Apparently he likes to wear the hat I made for her, and so she was thinking that maybe if it wouldn't be too much trouble I could perhaps make one for him, too...is she kidding? DONE.

The Specs
Pattern: IAD Dulles hat, which in my mind is a. a very under-appreciated pattern and b. heretofore renamed the IUD hat.
Size: Children's small
Needles: Size 7 16 inch. See I wasn't kidding about the needle problem.
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted in 'Bobby Blue', a little less than half a skein

Please note that this hat is actually supposed to be hippy/slouchy, but it looks like more of a skull cap on our sullen, ornery 12 year old model. I fear my days are numbered as a mother with willing knitwear models. Waa.

I just love this hat, and let's be honest: the yarn is a dream. Malabrigo is made for the small accessory, is it not? And the color, the color...
Bobby Blue might be my favorite of all the Malabrigo colors, which is funny, because I normally don't even like blue that much. While Vaa is the closest color to a mood ring I've ever seen in yarn, Frank Ochre is both flat-out weird and fantastic all at once, and Sealing Wax is quite possibly the most luscious shade of red on the books, for me, Bobby Blue is number one with a bullet.
This leads me to the gimmicky portion of today's post. I love to give away yarn to people that love yarn, and since recent detashing efforts have been unpleasant, shady and soured me on the cheap-assness of many folks, leave a little comment here if you wish & tell me which Malabrigo color makes your heart skip a beat. I'll choose a random pal to receive a skein of my favorite color, Bobby Blue. We'll shut the fun down on Tuesday at midnight. So tell me, which is your favorite shade of Malabrigo?