Stripe study indeed: you best be prepared to study and study those stripes because you will be spending a lot of quality time together. In fact you'll have a blooming PhD in stripes by the time you're done. However I am not going to disparage this pattern too much because when all is said and done you are left with a stunning and impressive shawl of the highest order, but what I will say is this: you will be completely emotionally done with this project way, way before you are actually indeed done with it. You dig?
The Specs:
Pattern: Stripe Study Shawl by Veera Välimäki
Yarn: madelinetosh madtosh sock in 'Tart' and 'Winter Wheat'. One skein each, no leftovers!
Needles: Size 6
Mods: Do you call stopping after 11 stripes because there is no way in hell you're winding another skein for one stripe a mod? If so, then yeah. That.
I all honesty the project was a rollicking good time for the first 6 stripes or so. It is quite fun to see the assymetricality of the stripes take shape as the short rows do their magic. The pattern is very easy once you fully get the logic of it all.

My love affair with all things madelinetosh continues, my friends. This sock yarn is a dream. And does anyone do colors the way madelinetosh? Please clue me in of you have a cheeky answer to that question, because I am all ears.
I'm going to call this pattern the Flat Stanley of WIPs because I took this pattern everywhere:
-to a Sea Shanty party (if that's your bag you might want to join this group on Ravelry. I don't even...):

-to work to randomly knit on while waiting for advisees to show up. I got a lot done this way if you know what I mean:
Yeah, this project was my constant companion for about a month. And if you can believe it, I am thinking of casting on for another go-round as I need a good travel project. More on that in the next post...
gorgeous shawl dude but I dig. That seems like stripe overload :-)
I am knitting garter st on 3mm needles and am *right there* with you. As a child, I really wanted to be posted across America with a jolly egg sandwich. . .
The finished project is gorgeous, but the process sounds maddening! At least you've been making the most of your spare moments. Can't. wait. for. summer. break.
LOVE the Flat Stanley naming! I've made a few -taking everywhere- pieces like that.
Also, love the yarn, love the result... so lovely.
I showed this pattern to two of my knitting friends and they both knit it in like, a week! And I'm tempted to cast on, but I'm afeared of all that garter. Calling it travel knitting is definitely something I can get behind.
By the way, it is gorgeous!
It is gorgeous - I can see the monotony though:) Good job - perseverance!
Okay, you sent me on (another?) Ravelry marathon. I love the shawl, love your colors, love mindless knitting, so this is perfect (except for the other shawl and sweater and blanket squares and hats already in my mental queue). Yours is absolutely gorgeous!
I absolutely LOVE your color choices on this one. And somehow the prospect of complete boredom hasn't managed to kill my lust for this pattern.
The finished shawl is beautiful. I love the colors and it seems very wearable.
I wonder if it's the garter stitch that makes this get dull? I mean, it is a stunning shawl, and it's clearly not something that you have to think too too hard about while you're knitting. Garter stitch seems to numb my brain, though. Nevertheless, this pattern's been on my radar, so I'm wondering if I'll end up knitting one eventually. Your is certainly inspiring -- those colors are amazing!
It's gorgeous! I'm about half done with my Flat Stripey (also using Madtosh Tart but using a seaglasss green/bleu color instead of the yummy whinter wheat. For me, it's perfect commuter knitting and my brain is numb lately anyway so Stripe Study is all my mind can deal with.
Gorgeous color combo! And the stripes look like such fun (especially since I'm not the one who just finished knitting them). That project sounds like a great mindless knit for when I need to be able to set my knitting down at a moment's notice. I even have two skeins of tosh sock in the stash . . . but I'm not sure I like them together. Is that a good enough excuse to break the stash diet and go get more yarn?
I love the colors you chose - complete perfection!
I tried to do the Jeannie pattern from, and I just couldn't do it. I still hold out hope that someday I'll be able to tackle it again. Congratulations on beating your stripes and creating a beautiful shawl!
i keep coming back here to stare at this shawl. it's pretty, but i think it's lust for that red yarn too. so i might have just purchased ALL THE YARN.
gorgeous work.
I came to check out your blog before the guild meeting tomorrow night, and lo and behold, my office building is the background of your pictures! Looking forward to meeting you! - Christina
That is such a clever desin. Is it not true of most knitting that the second half is more of a slog than the first?
You ask who does colour like madeleinetosh? I don't think it's exactly the same but Tanis Fiber Arts is excellent, it's the only wool I will knit with (except some Noro here and there, gotta love that).
Tosh is like crack-I can't get enough of it. I think every color is more delicious then the next. Beautiful work!
I have been studiously ignoring this pattern. FO looks nice, but W&T phobia + lifetime supply of garter? Please note that your post and FO have pushed me over the edge. Off to purchase the pattern and rummage through my Tosh Sock for a match.
In my world, there can never be too much garter stitch. I love the results. And yes, MadTosh is the colour bomb!
What a great name for a pattern! I'll bet you smile every time you wear it.
Love, love, love these stripey shawly thingies. That is all.
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