Sunday, December 05, 2010

Needy Mom Alert

Star-Crossed Slouchiness
Something happened on Friday afternoon that hasn't happened in ages and ages and may never happen again, so I am choosing to view is at a star-crossed moment: one of my kids actually gave me a specific request for a hand knit. Not '
willing to wear around the house something I knit'. Not 'wear to bed a pair of socks I made'. But actually 'mom will you knit me a slouchy beret?'. Knock me over with a feather!

Star-Crossed Slouchiness
The Specs:
Pattern: Star-Crossed Slouchy Beret by Natalie Larson
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted, .70 of a skein of 'Paris Night'
Needles: size 9 and 10 1/2. If I were making this for a full-grown adult, I'd certainly go up a needle size. This hat is slouchy beret on her but on me it's skull cap material!
Mods: none

Star-Crossed Slouchiness
Of course I jumped to and cast on in a fit of motherly neediness. Oh you want me to knit you something, you say? Yes right away, I'll try to have that done for you asap so you can show your friends. Maybe you could have them over and I'll make those little Totino pizza rolls and I can serve them to your gang, along with some hot chocolate maybe?

Star-Crossed Slouchiness

The above interlude brought to you by the needy, pathetic ramblings of a middle aged mom. Ahem.

This is indeed a nice one-day pattern. You know that feeling of blind rage when you see knitters comment on their projects listed on Ravelry and say "oh I finished this in an evening" and for you it ends up taking a week? Yeah, this is not one of those. It's actually a one-day knit. You can bank on it!

Star-Crossed Slouchiness
I haven't used my beloved Malabrigo in a while, and am pleased to note once again that it is ever the soft luscious fiber to knit with...although I am praying so hard that it won't end up pilling like a mofo like several other of my other Malabrigo knits. Yes, it's the dark underbelly of this yarn for sure, here's hoping that this one will be different because the Paris Night colorway is especially ooh là là magnifique.

Star-Crossed Slouchiness
This project is a milestone for me for another reason as well, as it represents the first time I have done a particular knitting technique that it likely old hat for most of you. Steeking, you wonder? Cabling-without-cable-needle? No, I am talking about the very pedestrian long tale cast-on. Hmm mmm, you read that correctly. I've never been able to do it before, but this time I was determined to learn how. So I scheduled some special alone time with me and my computer (YOUTUBE, let's keep it PG-13, please!) and after much pausing and replaying, I am now a full-fledged practitioner of the LTCO. And so proud! I'm amazed at what a superior cast on it is, the stitches are perfect and make such an impressive edge. So even if the momentary good will on the part of the junior set directed to me and my craft disappears and we return to 'you and your knitting are embarrassing', at least I'll have my LTCO!


knithound brooklyn said...

I bet you were giddy with joy at the request. She has your eyes, Heather. And she's a beauty.

Ashley said...

My fave beret is Malabrigo and I am happy to report that it's pill-free.

Meredith said...

What a great request. Beautiful hat on a very beautiful girl. I think all of us middle age moms should unite!
Have a great day,

Judi P said...

I made a hat and mittens from Malabrigo last year, and while the mittens get pretty pilly (but really, it only takes a few seconds to pull off the pills and then they look great again), the hat has nary a pill. Malabrigo is perfect for hats!

Mandy said...

Can't believe you mastered the Long Tail. GO YOU.

Nina said...

Garsh that's pretty! (And your daughter looks lovely too.) Congrats on the long tail cast-on -- I was knitting seriously for two years before I realized that I was doing the knit stitch wrong. (True story. It was twisted!)

The WoodLand School said...

This hat is just gorgeous ... as is your daughter! I know the thrill of fulfilling the knitting request of an offspring. What a rare, wonderful joy!

nicole said...

LOL, I don't really know how to long-tail cast-on either!

Pretty hat indeed, and that yarn is SO well named! So so "Ooh-La-La"!

Katie K said...

I agree; she's beautiful and so's the hat. It's the same for me with my daughter re: handknits. I dream of the day she finds herself appreciating them beyond the few that she requests.

Which cast on did you used to use? I learned the LTCO from online instructions, too. Before that I used a similar method with the yarn wrapped around my right thumb. But someone said the LTCO was faster so I learned it and switched.

My best beret is also Malabrigo. It's a yarn you want next to your skin.

Sarah said...

I knit this same hat in malabrigo and I'm happy to report minimal pilling, two years later!

Kathy said...

Thank God for Youtube and other online video. Otherwise, I would never have figured out LTCO either. Your daughter and the hat are lovely. I totally relate to the needing to be needed thing. Was so happy when DS #2 (age 8) climbed into bed with us lastnight.

Yarnhog said...

The hat is awesome!

I can't believe how grown up your girl is, and how pretty. Beautiful eyes, especially.

Sarah said...

If your daughter's hat starts to pill, I think you need to be more worried about what she's doing with her head than the yarn. ;-)

Oiyi said...

The hat and the model are beautiful!

Liz said...

Hurrah indeed for instructional videos on YouTube. Short of someone showing you in person at knit night there's nothing better.

kgmama said...

Your daughter and mine must be the same age--they sure share the same, 'uh, no thanks' attitude about handknits. She looks great in her hat though. Mine has one too, but hardly wears it.

Brendaknits said...

My knitting philosophy is to never knit for others unless asked. It prevents having to avert my gaze when their eyes roll at the sight of the gift.

Anonymous said...

That is one gorgeous hat! It is similar to the 16-Cable Hat (it's on Ravelry) that I made for #2 Son's GF, except that one took me a week. Too bad she didn't see this one first ;-)

margaux said...

Lovely hat Heather!! And you're killing me with the LTCO!

Andi said...

I love it. The totino pizza rolls cracked me up. The hat looks lovely! Mark this day on your calendar because from now on you will probably receive many more requests.:) I am crossing for my day to come when I can cast on a great hat for my nephew instead of seeing him sport a 60.00 beanie from Vans.
Thanks for the chuckle

Jodi said...

So pretty! Love that colorway and that pattern. I've knit two Star-Crossed Slouchy Berets, and they both seemed small until I blocked them on dinner plates to give them more of a beret shape. Works like a charm!

Affiknitty said...

I'm right there with you . . . I LOVE it when my 14 year old actually wants me to knit something for him. The beret looks great!

kaetrn said...

what a great mom you are!!!! you knew that the day would have to come eventually right? wonderful mom, and a beautiful daughter!

Lone Knitter said...

Beautiful hat and beautiful daughter. The color of the yarn is perfect!