Certainly a sign of middle age is developing a strong attachment to music that you have no business (at your age!) to be listening to. The DRMC's age inappropriate love object of choice is Maroon 5. At age 50, their fey pop stylings are an odd choice for him. My age inappropriate musical inspiration? None other than those forceful Teutonic metalmeisters Rammstein. My favorite song? Rosenrot, number 1 with a bullet. So when I logged on to the Wollmeise site, would there really be any doubt in anyone's mind that I would immediately order the sock yarn of that very name? Plus four others? [From left to right you see Rosenrot, Frosch, Rhabarber, Poison #5 & Gewitterhimmel]. Yes, apparently I'm on an 'ordering yarn from Europe' kick (!?). After the brilliant Kauni-from-Denmark acquisition experience, I thought I'd go for broke. Seriously. I'm now broke, but it was so worth it. Isn't that what every fiendish addict secretly feels?
The site is set up in an informal way, your order is placed via an exchange of personal emails with the Wollmeise herself, and the yarn arrives in a lovely parcel. Claudia makes you feel like a friend to whom she just happens to be sending an exquisite gift. When the yarn arrives--a mere several days later, you feel as if you're opening a present of the most extraordinary kind. The utter richness of the colors cannot be overstated. Big, massive thumbs up for this gorgeous yarn and all around experience...if you're thinking of ordering, just do it. Wollmeise ist ausgezeitnicht!!
I do have a modest FO to display. I mean, not only do I buy yarn, I actually knit with it:
Pattern: Thuja socks from Knitty
Yarn: Artyarns Supermerino, color # 149
Needles: Addi Turbo Size 7, Magic Loop
Mods: These were done a size 7 needle as I wanted a loose gauge for my FIL, who has Rheumatoid Arthritis and needs a little extra give in his socks. To accommodate for this I reduced the stitch count by 4. Artyarns Supermerino couldn't be more perfect--completely soft and beautiful in every way. The next pair will be done on size 6 needles, however.
Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful, perspicacious comments on the contest post. I have enjoyed reading every one of them, and promise to post the results this weekend...
All gorgeous! Love, love the colors. What is the yarn in the middle picture?
There must be something in the air about ordering from Europe lately. I just ordered yarn for Kauni and I ordered books from a German bookstore and the German ebay. (German doesn't translate very well with Babelfish.)
Pretty Thujas! I've never knitting with Artyarns, but it looks like lovely yarn.
That yarn is fricken orgasmic! Lovely, lovely, lovely. Yes, I will be making a purchase when I get home from vacation. Unlike you though, I'm not sure if I will actually knit it. I just might fondle it.
Drooling over that pretty, pretty sock yarn. Mmmmmmmm. I even managed to navigate the site pretty well - I think SOCK YARN is a universal language. :)
Hmmm - that is beautiful STR.
The socks aren't to shabby either!
It is a good thing I'd already swallowed the last of my tea, else the massive inhalation of lust would have had me coughing it all over the beautiful beautiful colours!!! isn't it a good thing I don't speak German and can therefore resist the temptation??
And what I really came to say, before I saw the gorgeousness and all rational thought disappeared, was thanks for visiting my blog!
My goodness, what a great post! And I absolutely love the socks, the colorway is perfect.
Gorgeous, I love the colors!
Oooooooooohhhhhh! Temptress!!
PS: I was actually thinking about the Thuja socks this morning and then there they were, on your blog! What's that now? Coincidence # 1550?
OMG that is some serious beautiful yarn! I'd have to sit that on my desk and pet it all day long .... all the while hissing MINE! MINE! when anyone else came near.
But that's just me .....
Wooooohoooo! Does yours smell nice? I keep wondering if it's just me.
I started a swatch with one of my skeins last night, and I have to say it actually gets better when you knit with it. Softer somehow.
I wonder what yarn she's using, it's very smooth, and the stitches really pop. Definitely a yarn for intricate patterns.
wow that yarn is yummy...
You do realise I'm going to have to buy something from the site now, don't you?!!
It's beautiful, what fantastic colouring!
The colors! be still my heart! gorgeous!
Very nice socks for your FIL too. I have not tried this pattern yet, but I like the simplicity.
Wow, beautiful yarns - especially the ones in the middle. Gorgeous!
Nice socks too.
Gorgeous yarn colors!!
Love the Thuja socks. I have one 1/2 finished sock based on that pattern. It's a pretty pattern but the top down was defeating me. I may rip and restart as toe-ups.
Wollmeise is stunning. I do not need any more sock yarn but I want that!
Nice socks! They look squishy-comfy. The new yarn is just lovely. That's a great song, by the way (Du Hast)!
Oh my, that stuff looks delicious. Must maintain yarn diet! Must resist.
The socks are fabulous as well... hmmm. I think the man may need some of those.
You're such an enabler!!!
Mmm, Wollmeise. Do I spy some Frosh and some Poison Nr 5 there near the Rosenrot? There's a Wollmeise-aholics group on Flickr, and probably on Ravelry now -- they'd love your photos. :)
Hooray for worsted weight socks!!
I really like your thujas! Do you think that BMFA STR heavyweight would work for them? I want to knit some thujas too.
I live on the Wollmeise website. I love the colors!!! I'm SO SO SO jealous!
Oooooooooooooh. Wunderschön!
Look at all those lovely colors, I'm so jealous!
I love the packaging that your yarn came in, so pretty. Your socks are handsome; I'm sure your friend will LOVE them.
Laughing at kate knits a bit!!
Gorgeous colors in that yarn! I immediately went and looked at the website but couldn't understand a dang thing*smile*. But how beautiful! Your going to have some fun and beautiful items after.
Love the new socks! That's such a perfect guy pattern. Enjoy your yummy German goodness. I just got some myself and I just sit at my desk and pet it lately! :)
holy cow - you have a great collection of Wollmeise - don't you love Claudia? I feel like I have to hurry and order more before the rest of the world figures her out!:) Your Thuja's are awesome - great yarn choice, socks on a size 6 or 7 sound delightful!
Hi there lucky lady. You've won some yarn on my blog. Please email your address to me and I'll send it your way.
Sweetheart, you are such a knitting tasmanian devil... a whirl of wind and you've got beautiful socks. I'm so jealous. And all your Thujas are killer. *growl*
Ok, once again I am the last one to have yet to knit a pair of Thuja
socks! I love Artyarns Supermerino yarn. That stuff is so squishy soft!
The yarns you bought are so beautiful! Colors are very rich.
LORD, that's gorgeous yarn. I want to officially dope-slap you for introducing me to it. *Smack*
Oooooh, want! I've been craving the Woolmeise so much lately, while trying to keep on the yarn diet. Mmm, rhubarber.
Such pretty yarn!
I love the colors on your Thujahs. It's a great pattern, isn't it?
What absolutely stunning yarn! I'm definitely adding that to my wish list.
I've missed reading your blog. Without a doubt we could have great fun together. I have to admit I have been exposed to Rammstein and actually enjoy it, much to the delight of my Gorilla Boy. A chunk of hours on our trip was dedicated to searching for Rammstein music not released in the states. (We were unsucessful but we did find some Gogol Bordello. Love that Wollmeise. Gotta get me some.
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