Every once in a while, I actually begin a project, work on it in a semi-diligent way, and finish it. It happens. To wit: Ginger. I purchased this Rowan Summer Tweed at the Knit Nook in Louisville (go there, it rules) several weeks ago and immediately fell in like with at least three patterns from the Rowan Summer Tweed leaflet by Kim Hargreaves. The yarn itself feels slightly rough before knitting but it really softens while you work with it. The pattern, while somewhat laconic in certain sections in that very British way, is not difficult. Above you see a shot from the back and excuse the inexplicable hunchbackness of my posture: Please note that because we're trying to not earn an NC-17 rating for this blog, there won't be a frontal shot. Why? Well let's just say that from the front, and I quote the DRMC here, "there is major titty action". After seeing it on from the front I had a sudden flash of comprehension as to how the word torpedos came to refer to a woman's breasts. Yes, we'll just leave that image for you to contemplate and opt to forgo the inevitable psychological damage that actually seeing the front of Ginger would likely induce. You can thank me later.
I am very glad to be done with Ginger as I can now clear the decks for another project, one that has captivated my attention and indeed that of countless other bloggers who are desperately trying to order the yarn from Denmark for--you might have guessed it--the Ruth Sørensen Kauni cardigan sweater. All I can say is WOW this sweater is a sight to behold. Mme Yarn Harlot is currently working on it and there is a kal as well. The pattern itself is a free one, you can find it here(just click on strikning and then you'll see it available in English). Be prepared to drop some serious coin on the shipping of the yarn as it isn't available--that I know of--stateside. I ordered mine from here, but Astrid's Dutch Obsessions--I just love writing that--has it as well. As an example of a gorgeous rendition, below I have linked to Margaret, an awesome knitter whose blog is here. Check her out, her masterful turn at Kauni is impressive. You'll also find K2Karen's beautiful in progress Kauni as well. While you're at it, check out Ali, she has a new killer contest!!:

finished plus leftovers 001
Originally uploaded by margaretinmanhattan
Hey! Congrats on finishing your Ginger! I didn't have that "frontage" problem you mention - it could be because me and torpedo are not two words that can be used in the same sentence together. I didn't, however, have any problem with wearing a bra -- the straps were really well covered -- did yours turn out differently?
AND -- oh man!!! I can't believe Kauni!!!! This is the first I have seen of her and she is gorgeous!!!! I think she may be too much for me to handle though but I'll live precariously through your progress!
Good job finishing Ginger! I'm left with a somewhat disturbing mental image, granted, but still happy for you.
I've seen the harlot working on that sweater and it is definitely gorgeous!
The color of that tank is gorgeous. LMAO @ torpedo references. I see what you're getting at. There's got to be a better way to wear tank tops and have some sort of built in coverage!
Congrats on finishing Ginger! I like Rowan Summer Tweed. It softens even more after a couple of washes too.
I'm with Laura on the summer tweed- though I think not only does it soften upon washing- it also stretches a good bit, yes? Not sure what that will do to the frontal view- not sure I need to know. : )
Great job on ginger....totally cracking up at your description of the frontal.....nothing that a good strapless can't help! :)
Yes, Love Love the Kauni.....
great job with the cardi! two FOs - yeah for you.
Glad you finished your Ginger, but from the sounds of it, will you not be wearing it out? Good luck with the new sweater. It really is beautiful!
Holy torpedos, Batman, time for a trip to the "Foundations" department! Can't wait to see your Kauni, love the pattern and the colors. Don't forget to pick up some Scotch ;)
Hey Quazimoto! Get back into your tower!!! I love the colors in the new sweater, but it is WAAAAAAY beyond my pitiful skills.Will it be done by next week?
How can we be sure that is your back? :—)
I love anything with a low cut back, and because I mostly wear nursing bras lately, I hear you on the torpedos (though mine are merely grenades).
Oh, my! I'll be following this project with interest.
PS: Love the low-cut back - HOT!
Oh my - torpedos! You crack me up! Congrats on finishing a pretty top!
oohhh, my! I'm still laughing at what DRMC said!!
Yea for FO's! Does your summer tweed smell funny before you washed it? Mine was dreadful.
Congrats on that pretty coloured top!! I'm getting more and more tempted by summer tweed...
Torpedo boobs never make a gal feel good. Good job with finishing though, I agree with Keri's comment re: the stink (I'd of never made it through)!
Holy colorwork, Batman!
I hope the munitions reference doesn't mean you're not going to wear the sweater!
Now, there's a problem I will never have! I hope you find a way to wear it.
You are my hero for even considering making that sweater. WOW!
I love your Ginger! I giggled while I was reading about the lack of a frontal shot. :-) I have the Summer Tweed book and have always loved the pattern but I was worried about how Summer Tweed would be to work with. I'm glad to hear it softened for you.
i'm tempted to holler "take it to the bridge."
sorry about the front of ginger, but the back looks fab!
Glad you like the Summer Tweed. I've got some but haven't knitted with it yet. Good luck on Kauni.
Sister Woman Torpedo Mama, you so have my number. That Kauni has made me re-evaluate my "Knit From the Stash" (yeah, right... what was that???). I've even put my name on a list of local folks who are waiting for their US appearance of Kauni wool. Whooo Hooo!!! Bless your junkie heart.
Yikes on Ginger, and LOL on "laconic in that slightly British way" - I know just what you mean, owning probably every pattern book that Rowan has published.
Your new project is going to be GORGEOUS. Love all the colors. I need to do another colorwork project - what do you think of Eunny Jang's Deep V vest?
Kauni EQ is available in the US at A Knitted Peace in Littleton. Just an FYI.
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