We got to meet lots and lots of new knitting pals:
As well as see some old friends, too.
There was also some yarn purchasing because I mean, HELLO it is a knitting festival, for Chrissakes:
I got the requisite STR because, well, I'm nothing if not 100% predictable. I also picked up some much needed Green Mountain Spinnery Mountain Mohair and Sylvan Sprite for a hat pattern that I saw and had to cast on right away [more on that next time]. The yarn I was the most hoping to encounter for my next tam project is interestingly enough the plainest yarn around, Jamieson & Smith Jumper weight. Don't the three colors below just seem desperate to become a Dollheid?
I was also fortunate enough to nab the last O W L mug from Jennie the Potter. Scoring the last one of anything will always have a special place in this mad consumer's heart...
There was grub at Rhinebeck, and while I am perhaps excessively proud of the fact that the fried dough wasn't part of my equation, the 12 year old me is absolutely stunned that the in-my-40s-me waited in a long, tedious line for. . . artichokes? Huh? But oh they were so delicious. Plus it's not like we had to be anywhere, right? There were also apples, because we were in New York state after all, and let me just say that the Honeycrisp is the king of apples--get one while you still can!
I am working on finishing a big project that I hope to have the stones to complete this weekend. As it will involve picking up 279 sts around a neck and collar, the self-defeatist gears in my mind are already wildly spinning, desperately trying to find a way to get out of it. Maybe a new project...
That Yarny Old Kim makes her way around the blogs!
This is the third fabulous photo I've seen of her!
I was with everyone in my imagination.
Honeycrisp Rocks!
I'm so sorry I didn't see you. I missed just about everyone this year. How is it possible that so many fabulous people were at Rhinebeck and I missed most of them? Perhaps I was too distracted by my own consumerism?
I'm so psyched that I finally got to meet you, but SO bummed that we didn't get to hang out! Good luck on the neck/collar, you'll be fine!
That looks like such a blast! One of these days...
I had trouble spotting the owl on that mug. All I could see for the longest time was a rather satanic looking SpongeBob. Oh, to be the mother of girls instead of boys!
Ack, I'm so jealous! I love looking at everyone's Rhinebeck photos though! I can't wait to see your new tam. I LOVE that last one!!!
Aren't Honeycrisp apples Da Bomb? We have had them in Minneapolis for at least ten years (they were developed at the University of MN) but they seem to have exploded over the US last year. Mmmm.
You do have the stones to do it, m'dear. Just repeat after me: I will not start Dollheid until I finish with thie $%&^$ project. (you can fill in the blank with your favorite expletive).
And yes, those colors are going to look fab as a Dollheid.
Great pics from Rhinebeck. I hope to go one of these days. Le sigh.
(p.s. My owls yarn arrived just now!!! The only downside - dh was home to see me receive yet another big package. Oy!)
It was great to see you again! As always your yarn choices are spectacular! Sadly I missed the owl mugs but got some of her stitch markers. And yes, artichokes are worth it. Yum.
That mug! So lovely.
And what a stunning array of hats, and behatted people, you bumped into at Rhinebeck!
The Artichoke French tent might be just the bribery needed to get my husband to agree to fund a Rhinebeck trip for me next year. Whoo-ha!
Beautiful pics by the way, what lens do you use?
Sorry I didn't see you but I took the exact same Artichoke French sign photo as you! It's on my blog, and I, too, am shocked I waited in line that long. But they were delicious. And the view of all the handknits going by made the wait interesting.
Love the colorful scarf that Pam is wearing - what the heck is it?
I am so utterly delighted to have made your acquaintance in person. It's kind of a miracle that I didn't snatch your darling acorn hat off your head and run like mad, but now that I've met you, I'd like to stay friends. ;) I skipped the artichokes this year AND the fried dough, but I did eat lots of apples. Honeycrisps are heavenly, aren't they? My husband always worries when they first appear at our farmer's market, because i gasp audibly and grab his arm (or something like that), and it takes a sec for him to realize what's got me going.
I may have to find a way to get to Rhinebeck next year if only so I can find out what these mysterious artichoke delicacies are! My grandmother's name was Freda, so I think I'd have to have an Artichoke Freda just because of that.
Glad you scored big at Rhinebeck! Didn't go this year but I was with you and all the yarnaholics in spirit.
Wow - what a wonderful time!
Fried artichokes, yum! The Jamieson & Smith look so gorgeous together and I can't wait to see the knitted Dollheid with them. 279 stitches...yikes, but you've got the stones!!
Looks like so much fun! And - I agree - Honeycrisps are the kickassest of the apple kingdom ;)
Oooo, lookit all that STR...
Hahahaha, Fried Dough! At least they're up front about it. No hiding behind words like churro or donut.
Awesome grab on that mug! I love Jennie the Potter! Anyone who can calmly sit and watch several of my children play with her clay and not worry about any accidental touching of pre-fired pots... (not that MY children would do any of that! others already had, so my children got to play with the clay from the sadly dented bowls...) while working away at her wheel and chatting casually, encouraging me to find a pottery class for my enthusiastic children to enjoy- wins big starts in my book. That, and I LOVE her work!!
Looks like fabulous fun!
Happy knitting-
I so want to go next year! It looks like so much fun!
Anyone know what yarn Pam used for that adorable scarf??
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