Thursday, August 13, 2009

Three Skeins of Malabrigo Pollen FTW!

Liesl in Malabrigo Pollen
A while back I momentarily became a robot and bought three skeins of Malabrigo worsted in Pollen. At the time I wasn't quite sure why I was buying it, I just let my reptilian brain do the talking and went with it. Later that day I got home, logged on to Ravelry and saw that not only had someone in a forum posted the question "what to do with three skeins of Pollen?", but that I had actually participated in the conversation. Seriously?!!
Liesl in Malabrigo Pollen
Lo-these-many-months later I have put it to perfect use--Liesl. Somehow this sweater had not been on my radar until several weeks ago. Isn't it fascinating how a pattern can burn up the blogosphere without you as much as hearing a peep about it?
Liesl in Malabrigo Pollen
Miraculously I actually had the foresight to bring this yarn with me on my trip to Mpls. and made the genius move of casting on for Liesl on the way back from the farm. A little knitting here and there and voilà I can now say that I knit a sweater in a week. Yes, I can now lay claim to being one of those knitters you (not so secretly) hate on know, the ones who knit a sweater in a week? Ohai, that's me!
Liesl in Malabrigo Pollen
The Specs
Pattern: Liesl by Ysolda

Yarn: 3 skeins of Malabrigo worsted in Pollen

Needles: 7mm--oddly I actually had this totally non-standard size hanging around. Perhaps these were acquired sometime during my early knitting career when I thought you needed a new pair of needles for every new project. Cuz I was smart like that.

Mods: The only modification I made was that I did the sleeves on 7.5mm needles a. in order to Magic Loop them and b. so I could have a little drape happening. I also completed 3/4 of the body, did the sleeves to the length I wanted, and then went back and finished the body. This allowed me to very satisfyingly use all the yarn, every last bit.
Liesl in Malabrigo Pollen
I am gaga for Liesl. Not only did it help me accomplish a little stash busting but I was also able to break out a super sweet shawl pin that Big Babs gave me--as it turns out it's the perfect closure for this sweater. Hooray!


Anonymous said...

It's lovely!
Margie in Maryland

Allison said...

Ah, my old favorite Feather and a lovely sweater! It looks great!

Heather said...

I really love this in the pollen colorway. Very pretty.

Leah said...

Just gorgeous!

knithound brooklyn said...

Oh, that color! I want to eat it.

tiennie said...

It's so pretty!!

caknitter said...

Beautiful sweater!

Shana said...

Gorgeous! And such a satisfying sounding project!

Anonymous said...

So pretty. It makes me want to add that to my Ravelry queue!

Laura said...

Heather, that is gorgeous! I wish I could wear yellow.

Jodi said...

Super cute! I love the Pollen color. BTW, you knit your Liesl in 1 week; mine is still languishing, sadly sleeveless, after more than 1 year. Sigh...

Sarah said...

I promise never to hate you for finishing a sweater in a week! I might be horribly jealous of your mad knitting skillz, however, especially in several months when I have neither time nor energy to knit.

Your Liesl is lovely! The shawl pin is indeed the perfect closure.

Stephanie B said...

That yellow is so lovely! I love the sweater and have it on my list also.

Spinning Ninny said...

That is lovely! I might want one of those for myself! Love the color too!

earthchick said...

Oh Heather, it is FABULOUS. Truly gorgeous!!!!

I like yours much better than my own - which I have yet to show pics of because I am so thoroughly dissatisfied with every shot I take. You were so smart to stop knitting the body and then do the sleeves to the length you wanted. In addition to the fact that mine is a wee smaller than I'd like, the sleeves are also too short. I was working with only 2 skeins of Sundara, though, so I just had to stop (and believe me, I used every single bit of that yarn - I have less than 3 inches of it left, in little 1 inch increments!).

I LOVE the color you did yours in. So SO pretty. You did a great job!

(p.s. I also skipped the buttons on mine and am just using a shawl pin to close it - love your pin!)

Yarnhog said...

Clearly your subconscious has mine beat by a country mile. I'm still trying to figure out what possessed me to buy that neon orange acrylic.

I love Liesl, and that pin is fabulous!

Felix said...

Oooh I love that. I have never seen that colourway, but I think Liesl in pollen is gorgeous.

kim said...

Oh, wow, the color and the sweater are both fab! So much beautiful inspiration these days...

weezalana said...

Lovely! I love that pattern.

sophanne said...

I've got 3 skeins of purple velvet hanging around... hmmm

Aunt Marti said...

Ooh, thank you so much for sharing your LIesl. I bought the pattern, but couldn't decide what yarn to use. I have three skeins of Malabrigo!

Anonymous said...

Love the color and texture! Great sweater!

nicole said...

Hey, look, SLEEVES! You've broken the waste yarn curse.


margaux said...

gorgeous! hooray!

Sourire11 said...

I've been away from the blogs for along time now but it's nice to see that you're still lovin' the malabrigo! Beautiful Liesl... the pin closure is really pretty, too.

nova said...

Pretty. And if I didn't like you so much, I would totally hate you. A sweater in a week. Unbelievable.