Yes, the more things change, the more things stay the same. Last night, we had a special dinner straight from the pages of Barefoot in Paris. Somewhere during the Endive, Pear and Roquefort salad, the Darling Resident Marxist Curmudgeon declared that he was "my slave for life". And this even before the dessert, a sinful chocolate cake with a chocolate-orange ganache! After our meal sans enfants (thank you Lord for slumber parties!), we settled down in front of the fire to a lovely bottle of Bordeaux, watched the second halves of several movies that we hadn't been able to finish during the past year and I happily knitted. Sheer delight, esp. since I now have my very own slave for life à la the Brady Bunch!
I finished a sock I started in NJ and must quickly cast on for #2. I used the Filatura di Crosa Zara which is fast becoming my new best friend. I did this sock of #4 dpns and am very happy with it. The #4s certainly made the job go quickly, yet the socks don't seem as bulky as the ones that I have done on #5s and #6s.

As I did the heel and the toe in a contrasting color, I made a little snafu and had a line of the green going across the top of the foot. This gave me the perfect opportunity to break out a book I've been wanting to use ever since I got my grubby little hands on it. I learned how to do duplicate stitching and completely fixed my own problem. Imagine that! Anything that prevents me from going to my LYS and spending tons of ca$h (see below) is a good thing. Knit Fix is totally worth the $$ if you've been thinking about getting it!
Hole in the head department: Today my LYS had their annual New Year's Day sale. Now, why on earth did I go to this?!! Such is the life of an addict. I am so annoyed with myself, not only did I purchase some yarn (see Lorna's Laces, Trekking and Lang JaWoll, totally not needed and pictured below),

but I somehow managed to LOSE an entire bag of patterns and Norwegian Knitting magazines that I purchased. When I went to the car to bring it in, of course I waited for the cover of night, if you know what I mean...to my horror I discovered that it's nowhere to be seen. I am praying that I mistakenly left it at the register. Argh! Hoping that my trusted LYS owner (who is much more together than me) will have it in the safety of her store. This is actually kind of funny, since every time I go there I always leave the pattern that I'm working on behind, so how fitting that I should leave a whole year's worth there on New Year's Day!
In other news:

Our church knitting group is shipping our Caps to the Capital off tomorrow. We made 50! I was very pleased and am glad that our group is now going strong. We have a fantastic mixture of new and experienced knitters and are looking for our next service project.
oh no! Hope you find your missing patterns, I do love the new yarn you picked up and the colors in the yarn your using in the first pic. My thats a lot of hats!
Happy New year girl!
Yeah Slumber Parties!!! What a feast, no wonder you got yourself a slave ;-D.
Regarding the patterns… Don't you hate that! I do that all the time with groceries, they go in the cart but they never make it home… where do they go? What you did manage to bring home looks wonderful!
Congrats on the hats too by the way… nice going.
I'm so impressed at all those hats - wow! Hope you find the patterns.
Happy New Year.
Wow look at all those hats!! Hope you can find the patterns.
Happy New Year!!
Yikes!!! Here's hoping the patterns are safely with the LYS owner and in your hands soon. Your dinner sounds as wonderful as all the lovely yarn you bought!!
Sounds like you also had a great New Years' Eve! What a meal!!! Not only that...what a yarn stash! You got some lovely purchases there - and I'm so impressed with all of those hats - they look amazing and I know they will be appreciated.
The carnival sock looks like it's coming along nicely!
So sorry about your patterns and mags, I hope you were able to find them back at the shop. I guess when there's a yarn sale going on, we all can get a bit flustered. :)
Great work on the hats, your group has really done their part!
Happy New Year! It looks like you're off to a great start with sock knitting and sending out those 50 caps. Great progress. Hope you find your patterns.
My stomach sank as I read that you left your bag some place full of all that yarn. Lorna's Laces is one of my favorite sock yarns.
Love Barefoot Contesa! Love love the food she makes. Yumm, all sounds so wonderful your meal.
Woohoo, look at all those hats you and your group knitted! That's great.
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