Sunday, September 10, 2006

Top down madness

It used to be that lit. crit. academic types like myself used to hear a term like 'top down' and immmediately think of some sort of materialist critique of political economic systems. Now as a knitter I hear the term and have a little frisson that has nothing to do with Marxism. I now know the real thrill of top down, it's not just for economists anymore! I am working on the Knitting Pure and Simple's Men's Top Down Cardigan and I am loving it. It's a similar vibe as that of the Green Gable, except since it's a cardigan, it's not knit in the round. It has the easy sleeve shaping and progresses very quickly. I'm doing it in Kraemer Yarns Summit Hill, which is a nice, springy machine washable worsted yarn from Bethlehem, PA. So far I am really liking this yarn, it had a beautiful hand and is looking like it's going to be a winner. I am also reveling in the lack of seaming involved with this sweater. I have sworn off seaming, for good. Luckily I ran into a woman who lives a block from me that does finishing on the side and charges about $25/sweater. I do have several WIPs that will need it, and I will not hesitate to darken her door. In any case, here's to hoping that the A.D.D. stays at bay long enough to make some headway on this project and that I don't loose steam. Pictured below are the baby socks that I finished about 15 minutes before I had to leave for the party where I was to see the nice girl from Iowa, who graciously thanked me for them and seemed to enjoy them. Knitting for appreciative Midwesterners is a true delight!

Monday, September 04, 2006

la rentrée, hélas...

It's that magical time of year when academic loafers such as myself are required to put down the suntan lotion, the gin and tonics and the knitting needles and politely report back for duty on the front lines of the American university system. I have to say that I am not displeased to return to the daily grind of work (hey, I was doing some work over the summer, people!) as summer vacation does get slightly dull at times. So it's back to school, c'est la rentrée!! I will still manage to fit in my knitting, no worries there, and I did manage to lighten my load by finishing Koigu sock #1 (picture above). Doesn't the Darling Marxist Curmudgeon's foot look positively, well, aristocratic? I also finished a baby sock in the Lorna's Laces from Purl for that nice girl from Iowa who is probably soured on the whole Sock of the Month Club and is silently wondering when the heck (Iowans don't swear) the next pair is coming her way.
I also frogged several summer projects that were bugging the hell out of me and finished the Blue Sky Alpaca Fitted Tank, a project that has me swearing off stockinette for awhile as a. it's so boring and b. every little mistake shows! So I am ready to undertake some fall projects. The DMC has requested a cardigan. Yes, a cardy! So that should be fun. He was wondering "..if I had any yarn in my stash for one". He used the word stash correctly in a sentence! Ladies, aren't you jealous? He's a keeper, this one...