Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Knitting at work

Sometimes I really am reminded just how much I desperately need to get a life--seriously. You know you've crossed a line when you're knitting at work. I had the sudden realization that I think about knitting and yarn about as much as your average high school guy thinks about sex or beer--which is to say ALL THE TIME.
The picture you see here is my Mountain Colors Bearfoot sock in Ruby River, it's almost done. That's my desk you see it on. Yes, my desk--that place where I'm supposed to be grading papers, writing exams and generally at least pretending to look busy. During a mid-afternoon lull that no amount of caffeine or chocolate could cure (esp. when you're too lazy to even think about hauling your a$$ down to the coffee cart) it suddenly dawned on me that my new cell phone has a camera on it and that I could be using precious office time to post on my knitting blog! Eureka! Another tale of American workplace productivity done in by technology...So now that I've completely crossed this line of acceptabilty, perhaps I'll soon cross other lines, like 'knitting while driving'. My friend told me of a co-worker who saw a therapist that we all know and loathe who was actually crocheting during his therapy appointment. As much as I can't stand the woman, I totally understand how she got to that place. Does anyone else feel like knitting is starting to seep over into areas where it clearly should not?


Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Yes I do. Now I not only want to knit when I'm in class, I want to knit while I'm *teaching*. Sad sad sad.

Gingersnaps with Tea... said...

Yep, with you all the way. I tend to use knitting as a means of putting off less savoury tasks (like changing the cat litter or looking for a job). I console myself that at least it's less costly than buying books and magazines (my other passion).

By the way, you know that RUBY RIVER sock yarn is becoming a serious object of desire for me… I have this obsessive thing about the colour red :-D.

Anonymous said...

Hi from Austria! LOL - but hey, isn't it great to have a job where you can also squeeze in a little knitting from time to time?
I like your socks a lot, the color is so vibrant!

Prof. Knitwit said...

I totally know what you mean! If it were up to me, I would just be knitting all day..or if not knitting, then reading about knitting, going to my favorite LYS, etc. But, that annoying little thing called "a job" always manages to get in the way!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one who has a knitting one track mind!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean! I want to knit everywhere I go, but don't I'm finally comfortable with people watching me knit. : )
btw Love the sock!

Lone Knitter said...

I knitted most of the time I was visiting with my girlfriends out of town. My boyfriend thought this might have been rude...I don't think so. But when I look at my composition class and they have no idea what I'm saying, I think to myself, I should be knitting or maybe I could get away with knitting--afterall, they don't understand a word I'm saying.

Woolly Wormhead said...

Yep, totally understand. My current thing is to get my partner to drive everywhere so I can knit as we go.. was a real bummer when we drove across Europe last summer, as he kept interrupting my knitting to ask for map directions.

dinty_w said...

You need therapy, dear.

shadowlands said...

I dream of knitting at work. But, I work in a law office, which everyone knows is hell on amphetamines, so there's no way I could possibly pull it off. The attorneys would turn purple and keel over if they saw me knitting . . . and then I probably wouldn't be able to hear for days . . . But, I can still dream - someday - I'll have a job where I can knit at work . . . (meanwhile, I'll quietly envy you!)

Lisa said...

Oh yeah baby - I;m with you all the way. NOt sure why this is the case, but I know it exists because most serious knitters are the same.

Funny, eh?

btw - I arrange conference calls so that I can knit at my desk while still participating in the call. hee hee.

B said...

I just ran across your blog from the Knitter's RingSurf! I totally get this!!! I have pulled my knitting out at work the last few nights as well and am now in the habit of knitting in church during the sermon (I sit in the back!!!!) LOVE your blog! but I am so ADD that if I didn't knit - I would be counting the tiles on the ceiling!!! I really am paying attention!