Is it any wonder that I can't get anything done with this type of monkey business going on? Honestly! I know that talking about my cat on my blog puts me at risk of entering a new pathetic category of woman in her 40s that talks about her cats as if anyone really cares, but why do cats feel the need to interfere? Granted this Irish Hiking Scarf happens to be taking up space on his special piece of living room furniture, but still....

I am happy with this scarf and it is certainly a lot o' fun to do, but I feel like somewhat of a dipstick when I see that most people have been doing this scarf on big-ass #10.5s and I'm plodding along on #8s. Damn you Filatura di Crosa 501 and your seductive ways! I could have been done with this a long time ago, but then again I wouldn't have been able to find this particular shade of chartreuse in another yarn, I feel. I am forever second-guessing myself with my projects, thinking "why didn't I do X project in X yarn using X pattern?". My best pal Babs declares that she is suffering from Knitting Asperger's Syndrome, which means that as a knitter you become totally overloaded by sensory input which causes you to shut down as a knitter and have to lie down whilst a maelstrom of potential knitting projects swirl about you. I can relate, Babs!
I think the scarf is perfect. Yeah, bigger needles and bigger yarn might go quicker, but it certainly wouldn't be as pretty as the one you are knitting now. :) It will all be worth it in the end.
I love that scarf! It's beautiful. I love the color.
Don't be embarassed about Kittenblogging! My black cat is curled up between my body and the keyboard as I type this... Kittens love yarn more than knitters!!
That is one STUNNING scarf! the colour is to die for and I don't think it would be as pretty on larger needles. If you're guilty of kitty blogging, so am I (and doggie blogging for that matter) if they didn't insist on getting into the knitting, they wouldn't wind up in the photographs :-D
I love the chartreuse color!! Very pretty
Cat+Knitting+Blog= Normal
take away the cat, and your one needle short : D
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