For those of you wondering what the devil a 'trunk purchase' is, it's basically a situation where when bringing a newly purchased item into the house would cause your spouse so much tsorris (if he's Jewish) or agita (if he's Italian-American) that the best thing to do is to leave it in the trunk of your car until the coast is clear and you can sneak it into the house without causing him pain. How thoughtful of you!
When does stash enrichment become gluttony? When is too much of a good thing not a good thing? In continually acquiring yarn because a. it's on sale b. so perfect for some imagined future project c. terribly fabulous/soft/unusual/hard-to-find or d. you see some other intrepid knitter who must know something you don't buying it and suddenly have to have it, are we setting ourselves up for a lifetime of excess, awash in projects that will never become realized?
I am a yarn glutton and am on the verge of experiencing yarn gout.
The yarn you see pictured above is one hell of a trunk purchase, all gleaned from my playground pusher errr LYS which was having a mega-sale this week. Note it's location: the trunk of my car! Most of it is Swiss Chalet (discontinued!), Landlord (also discontinued!) and Two-Two (discontinued as well!) and unless I plan on spending the summer in Australia where the temperature would necessitate heavy woolens, these projects are all going to be for next year...
That is one heck of a trunk purchase!! *L* You purchased some great yarn!! : D
Ah, I trunk purchase and I'm not even really married. Who knows then what my/our future holds...
Love the yarn! Nice work.
I am so lucky. First, I don't have a trunk...because I drive and old Saturn Wagon! But, I am lucky to have married a mensch. He never questions the yarn, the needlework supplies or the art supplies...he even picks up the tab occasionally. I wonder if that will change when I no longer have a big income. ;-)
I should note that my hubby read my post and thought it was funny, so I guess he IS a mensch!!
This is hilarious! Loved visiting and will definately return! Thanks for visiting!
Yep, that is definitely a trunk purchase. I am getting married this July and I'm already thinking of ways I can hide my stash from my future hubby. I'm not sure how he's going to handle my addiction,but I did admit to him that I am a yarn addict and I have a large stash :).
Awesome stash accumulation!! I do the trunk thing too!
Anyway, I'm new here via the Knitting Blogs ring.
Great blog!
OMG that is hilarious.. I have made lots of "Trunk Purchases" hahaha..I would buy something hide it in the trunk and sneak it into the house later..*LMAO*!!! I thought I was the only one that done that. I'm so jealous of all the yarn.. I need some really cool yarn to get my creative knitting juices flowing I think I am in a funk.
Yarn gluttony! I love it! Sometimes it's hard for me to get a bag of two skeins through the door. I can't imagine having to haul a whole trunk.
That is such a good idea. I just wish I could drive! Although I find that as long as I tell my husband that I'm knitting gifts he doesn't care (even though they are actually lovely gifts for me)!
That is a whole lotta yarn! I don't have a hubby to worry about, but until I move into my own place, I have an argument with my parents everytime I bring yarn in so I do the same thing...a lot! LOL
Ahhh..the trunk purchase. I actually have had them and since I've been out of town, I had several due to yarn stores not in my area, which of course I had to visit. The trunk thing is a great idea - I however, sneak stuff into said house when I'm pretty sure no one is looking.
Hey ADD knitter! Thanks for letting me know about thinking of making the t twist tee. :) JS Aran Tweed is one of my faves, too ... it's just sooo yummy. Don't you love the squishiness of it? Check out reluctantMANGO's FO of the Tee ... And, I'm glad to hear that other people hide yarn in the trunk as well. :) (Though I brought all the yarn in last week so mine is empty right now ...) http://jeniferknits.blogdrive.com
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