For the first time in the history of the testoserone training ground that is the Boy Scout Pinewood Derby, Girl Scouts have been invited to participate, at least in our little corner of Nascar, PA. So Daughter #1 and Resident Marxist Curmudgeon crafted a car appropriate for the times, simply called "the Clicker". Built to resemble a t.v. remote control, the Clicker was apparently built for looks and not speed as the other cars in aformentioned daughter's heat had gravity on their side and defeated the Clicker with alacrity. You would think that a Physicist with two Ph.Ds could design a vehicle that would cross the finish line before the other cars (at least once!), but winning isn't everything, right? Of course you wouldn't know that from the uber-competitive parents at the Pinewood Derby. There was more than a little over zealous competitive spirit in that rec hall this afternoon. But daughter #1 handled her defeat with aplomb...
During the race I was able to make major progress on two little rinky-dink side projects that are providing this knitter with a mental break from other larger, more annoying projects. I finished the hat shortly after the race began, it's called the Cable and Rib Cap, a pattern taken from the the Knitting Pattern-A-Day Boxed Calendar. This particular pattern (Jan. 30) is just what the title says--a simple cable and rib pattern. I did it in some leftover Rowan Cork yarn in 'Very Berry'. Some of you might know that this fantastic yarn has been discontinued for reasons that do not make sense to a simple yarn enthusiast like me. But I enjoyed working with it again, it always feels nice to find a yarn in your stash that is suitable for a quick, fun FINISHED project. Doesn't the Resident Marxist Curmudgeon look positively adorable in the finished product?
The other project is the Lopi-Lace Scarf from Weekend Knitting by Melanie Falick. Despite the ridiculous cover of the book which features a bonny redhead with a skein of yarn wrapped around her neck, this book is a fantastic resource with excellent patterns. I am enjoying this scarf immensely and am hoping to finish it before the end of winter. The rough Lopi is a perfect counterpoint to the lace effect of the pattern. Loving it!
Love the clicker!
Any chance you're near DuBois, PA?? I've family there...
That scarf is so pretty. And I think your daughter's pinewood derby car should get 1st for creativity.
Your Cable and rib cap came out great and I love the color of your scarf!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)!
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