Being that I am basically a lemming at heart, I figured I would try my hand at the scarf that is taking the nation by storm. I am of course referring to My So Called Scarf, a winning project that has been undertaken by no less that 1,779 knitters on Ravelry. I told myself that if 1,779 people can do it, why can't I? And since I would place my knitting i.q. squarely within the respectable B+ range, I figured that I would be safe in assuming that I could tackle this pattern without too much fuss.

Well, I futzed around with the directions for an hour or so trying to comprehend the first row, but to no avail. I even sent the Darling of the room because he was trying to talk to me about how much he loves Jack Lemmon (a subject for which I would normally be very, very game) and I simply couldn't focus on the task at hand. The directions are simple and clear yet I just wasn't grasping their meaning. Scratching my head I went back over to Ravelry and looked at the icons of the people who had successfully completed the pattern. They ranged in gender, age, and geographical location and didn't seem like they looked THAT much smarter than me. Ever more frustrated and peeved, I snooped around some more and found links to what would turn out to be my salvation: Youtube. Several knitters had actually posted video tutorials to the pattern, and after no less than 10 minutes I was well on my way. Hip Hip Hooray!
Youtube: it's not just for Kelly videos anymore but a bona fide knitting resource. Who knew? Maybe you did--do you have any particularly helpful Youtube tutorials to share ?
I did the scarf in Dream in Color Classy (Ruby River), a recently acquired yarn that I am just absolutely loving the living daylights out of despite its ridiculous, and I mean RIDICULOUS name. Classy? Tacky. Right? Anyway, the variation in the color is subtle and produced a rich, textured garment. The yarn is also soft and not even slightly splitty. If you haven't tried it, I urge you to do so asap, despite the unfortunate name.

The Specs
Pattern: My So-Called Scarf
Yarn: Dream in Color Classy, Ruby River, .65 of a skein
Needles: size 9
Mods: I only cast on 22 sts as I was in the mood for a skinny scarf.

Should I be concerned that during our fashion shoot Tween Thing noted that "...all I need are some pumps and a Marc Jacobs skirt and I'm ready for the business world!"? At her age I dare say I was still in Levis husky cords and (very unflattering) rugby shirts and had no clue about designers and fashion. The next couple of years might indeed bring on that nervous breakdown I have just so deftly avoided...

Please stay tuned for the last gasp of I'm-on-break-from-school knitting, which will include a Jo Sharp Silk Road Aran Tweed Drive-Thru extravaganza, copycat knitting (meaning that whatever Babs does I have to do, too--she has that effect on people), and an upcoming series of top-secret knitted gifts for a very special Bald
I've looked at that pattern often. Glad to know about the YouTube tutorials, as I'm sure I might not be quite smart enough to understand the directions . :)
Beautifully done!
I can do you one better - at her age, I think I was actually wearing *gulp* Lee Jeans. If anyone under the age of *BLEEP! AGE CENSOR ACTIVATED!* has even heard of Lee Jeans, I just might keel over.
I cannot fathom the breakneck speed with which you knit! LOVE the scarf.
I love the colorway!!!! Damn girl, how fast of a knitter are you?? I started mine over a year ago...guess I got bored with the pattern even though I L-O-V-E the scarf ..... maybe I'm ADD! *laugh*
Don't feel bad - someone brought it to me, thinking I'm some sort of expert knitter asking, "Does this pattern make sense to you?" I looked at it and sort of mumbled something and said I thought I had that stitch pattern in another book... It's so pretty!
Ooooh, pretty! I'm doing the Dream in Color Shrug right now in Classy (Happy Forest). It's making me want to knit 5 or 6 more, just so I can try out the other colorways. :P
Hi -I'm interested in the Schaefer Anne that you posted on Destash but I can't find your contact info (forgive me, it's been a long day). If it's still available, please shoot me an email: unpastisATdvtvDOTcom
It turned out very nice. Glad to see what it looks like for a cast on in 22 sts. If I ever knit this, I hope to remember to check this video.
I love the My So Called. It's a fun pattern and you chose such nice yarn for it!
Classy, it's so sassy. Heh. I have some in the stash but have only knit with "Smooshy" which is also a great yarn. And despite the trauma involved with knitting it, the scarf looks fab.
Such a sad, sad name. It sure made a great scarf, though!!
I don't comment nearly often enough on your gorgeous knits -- for which I'm sorry -- but I'll delurk long enough to tell you that this is downright luscious in every aspect. I hadn't heard of My So-Called Scarf, so thanks for the intel! Might just give me an excuse to buy some new yarn and further procrastinate on the Neverending Sweater. :)
Looks great! You're definitely smart enough for all of these :)
I'm glad you figured it out, because the "Classy" looks lovely in the pattern! All your scarves (from your last few posts) are great, and I love your iPhone!
Love the scarf - it was tricky for me to figure out too. I made one for my sister and then she promptly asked me if I would make one for her sister-in-law - um, the first one made my eyes bleed with monotony - no thank you. But it sure is a great look when its done. Maybe I am ready to get back on that horse again.
I don't think I'd ever wanted to knit that pattern until I saw these FO pictures! That colorway has just the right amount of varigation for the pattern - good choice! And yet another item joins my ravelry queue...
Ouah c'est beau c'est beau !! (drooling)
Je suis d'accord Jack Lemmon + Billy Wilder c'est imbattable.
Beautiful yarn and colour. I knit half this scarf before I frogged it, only because the yarn didn't look right. May try again with this yarn though. The pattern does give you pause,but follow without thinking too much and it works.
Lovely color! I just cast on for mine last night in Malabrigo! Does that make me #1780?
So pretty! And a very interesting stitch pattern. Classy. What were they thinking? I much prefer Smooshy.
The scarf is great! I often do the same thing with sewing and patternreview.com - "hmm, they don't look *that* much smarter than me! How come they could figure it out?"
Jack Lemmon. I'm glad you figured it out because whenever one is too busy to ridicule a loved one, something is wrong.
If it were me, I'd be much more concerned about the "ready for the business world" part of the comment. Is she getting ready to kick you out of the nest? (My son once asked me when I was going to get "a real job." Note that he only asked once.)
The scarf looks fab. Um... I mean "classy"
The best YouTube knitting tutorial I've seen is this one about knitting continental. Not that I've made the switch or anything. Maybe someday
Excellent scarf! Great to know about the tutorial. The only youtube knitting tutorial I've seen is a Cat Borhdi video where she makes animal noises while demonstrating the technique.
The scarf is gorgeous in that yarn! So squooshy looking. The pattern really pops with it.
you are just crankin' out projects in record time over there.
i was just cracking up (like usual) at your: they don't look THAT much smarter than me. oh. you are too funny. it really does look complicated!
that colorway is so up miss libbys alley. i will have to keep it in mind.
and don't be modest.....you were on your way to becoming a queen when you were her age. i am sure you were sporting your finest gloria vanderbilt cords!!! :)
The scarf looks fantastic! I heart Dream in Color, they have fantastic colorways. :)
Wow! That is beautiful! (I've got to try one of these)
Great work!
I made one of these scarves and was hoping for another go at it - it took me awhile to get the stitch pattern down, but when you do, it is a beautiful result. Great work in a pretty yarn!
Love the gorgeous scarf!! The color is fabulous!
I too have a love hate relationship with this pattern. I've knit it (twice I think!) and always seemed to hate the pattern itself, but loved the finished product. Go figure.
So glad you got it figured out, it was certainly worth it, it's beautiful! Yay for you tube.
Looks fantastic. I haven't seen many versions of this scarf I really like, but this is enough to really make me think about doing it in the future. (I like to think of it ironically, i.e., "Stay classy, San Diego." But then there's Smooshy, which is worse in my book.)
Why weren't there YouTube video tutorials around when I knit it last year? I swear I've never been so frustrated trying to figure out a pattern either. Well, except for the clog pattern from Stitch Diva Studios. That pattern is evil!
OMG. Do you know how bad I want to copy you right now? That scarf is totally amazing! Thanks for sharing :)
Your scarf is beautiful. I've frogged mine again. I'm even doing the YO, and I'm still struggling.
Maybe it's a sign to try something else, but I'm having a hard time letting a scarf pattern kick my butt :-)
Very nice! I tried that one awhile back and it torqued really badly. Never tried it again. But now you've inspired me!
This is just too gorgeous. I need to make this scarf some day. I suppose I'm late to the game.
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