It's that magical time of year when academic loafers such as myself are required to put down the suntan lotion, the gin and tonics and the knitting needles and politely report back for duty on the front lines of the American university system. I have to say that I am not displeased to return to the daily grind of work (hey, I was doing some work over the summer, people!) as summer vacation does get slightly dull at times. So it's back to school, c'est la rentrée!! I will still manage to fit in my knitting, no worries there, and I did manage to lighten my load by finishing Koigu sock #1 (picture above). Doesn't the Darling Marxist Curmudgeon's foot look positively, well, aristocratic? I also finished a baby sock in the Lorna's Laces from Purl for that nice girl from Iowa who is probably soured on the whole Sock of the Month Club and is silently wondering when the heck (Iowans don't swear) the next pair is coming her way.

Whoa, you have been busy. Everything looks so good too! Correct usage of the word stash?? Oh yea, big points for that one!! My DH was watching me work on a Ballband Dishcloth yesterday and said "You are doing a knit stitch on this row, right?". Me: "Yes" Him: "And you knit the last row too, right?" Me: "Yup". Him; "So shouldn't this be a purl row?". Okay, points off for him thinking everything is knit in stockinette st, but I WAS quite impressed he can tell if I'm knitting or purling!!
I'd have to use that as an excuse for shopping!!
great job on your tank! Looks good! And on your finished socks : ) Kudo's to DMC for using Stash correctly! Very impressive ; )
Nice Fitted Tank! You know I'm going to love that one. Great socks too. Using the word "Stash" correctly was a very clever way for your DMC to guarantee himself a gorgeous cardi--overall--I'm impressed!
Wow, lotta projects! I love the baby sock -- so cute. And your own sock looks great, too!
I jealous over your FOs! The sock is awesome! Is the pair going to the DMC? And don't worry about the lost ball band for the Koigu colorway--I found a website with tons of colors and am having a hard time deciding which one to buy! I continue to be amazed by your ability to balance sweater and sock knitting.
The fitted tank came out lovely. I really like that color. As always, the socks are cute. Did you say he used the word "stash" correctly in a sentence? That is wonderful. My DH isn't familiar with the terms yet. He's always intereted in knowing how the end product will look, but that's it. All he knows is that I use two needles. :-). I think it will all change after a couple of years of marriage.
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