Oh sure, I could show you recent pointless acquisitions from
Knit One in Pittsburgh like this
On-line sock yarn 
and this
Claudia's Hand Painted Sock Yarn in Passion Fruit from
Stitch Your Art Out in Pine Grove Mills...or I could show you pipe dream pics of this
Valley yarn in Longmeadow 
that I will supposedly be doing the
Green Gable out of (as if), or pictures of the
Blue Sky Alpaca Cotton Fitted Tank pattern 
that I'll no doubt be completing very soon (once I cast on for it, that is...). Perhaps I could interest you in this dreamy handspun and hand dyed yarn from Sugar Creek Farm,

a sheep farm in rural Wisconsin? A friend, someone who is my oldest partner in crime, sent it to me last week out of the blue. Maybe you'd like to see photos of my second

Fiber Trends Leaf Lace sock

or the nearly-at-the-bust-increases front side of
Sizzle. How about a shot of my
Nashua Handnnits Tank Top with Peplum?

But seriously,what would be the point? It would be nothing more than a shameless attempt to divert your attention from the real issue at hand. Real issue? That would be, of course, the glaring paucity of actual finished projects. Because there aren't any. All we have in that department is lack...and I'm not happy about it! I thought I could multi-task this whole knitting thing, I mean it seems to work pretty well in other areas of my life. I somehow manage to make dinner and read the mail while talking on the phone and drinking a gin and tonic. I am perfectly adept at rereading back issues of the New Yorker and brushing my daughter's hair while watching Project Runway and eating nachos, so why can't I finish these bleeding projects? I am so sick of all of them, I'm even sick of the ones that I haven't even started yet. What is wrong with me?! Knitting is making me feel mentally ill, like all of these semi-finished projects are some sort of outward manifestation of my inward state of extreme distraction and lack of focus. Someone pass the Adderall, stat!
Oh I don't know . . . I'm pretty impressed by all your WIPs!! Don't be too hard on yourself. You know what will happen? They'll all be finished at once, and then we'll all be so impressed by how many things you knit up at one time. :)
Just find comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone. Sister, you are not alone. I can't figure it out either. I'm wondering if I love yarn and the thought of knitting more than I love the knitting itself. Such a quandry - a true dilema. Just revel in the yarn and enjoy each project IF you feel like it. If you don't, move on to another one. (Now, I must remember to take this advice myself.)
I think you are definitely having issues with project monogamy. That being said, all of the projects look great, and the yarn is fabulous! :)
Finish the Jaywalker and nothing else for now--that's my two cents. It's beautiful, and you will enjoy having Jaywalker socks so that you will fit in with the Jaywalking college crowd as you run across College Ave in front of cars. And then you will have one thing done and feel better. By the way, I have ripped out part of the one thing I finished this year and am redoing it. I'm sure I'll finish it.
I think you and I could start a contest for who has the most WIP's going at one time ;-). Seriously, they all look fabulous. In fact, Sizzle looks so fabulous, I bought the pattern too. Now I can't decide what to cast on for next--Sizzle or the BSA fitted tank top. And for my money, Concerta beats Adderall hands down. Don't see it as a lack of focus but as an expression of your enthusiasm for knitting and desire to be all-encompassing in your personal knitting experience.
Love the projects, love the yarn, have a small bit of advice for you. Operative word: small.
- dishcloth -
Oh the lovely dishcloth, especially those the size of palm + fingers. Oh how briefly one must knit before... being done! Enjoying a finished project! Making another and enjoying its finishedness! Making a whole bunch in different color schemes, trying different stitch patterns!
Eventually, boredom sets in and an unfinished sock looks positively scintillating. And one is knitting again, making progress toward another... finished project.
Or, at least, it worked for me this summer :) Thanks for the comment on my blog, and for mentioning Pine Grove Mills with your yarn pics; we used to live in S.C. and had friends in PGM. Fond memories.
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