Like everywhere else in America it is hot as hell in Nascar, PA. So hot in fact that a detour to the pool was in order this morning. The photo above was taken earlier today just before ferrying both kiddie-winkies to camp--it's a nice view, no? There are many less-than-ideal aspects to living here (ratio of people who still inexplicably like Bush to sensible people, lack of coffee shops,good bookstores and whole grain bread, alt.culture in general, etc.), but the view is one reason to maintain some liking for the place.
The junior set is at camp this week, the Marxist curmudgeon is doing his proton routine at the lab in Durham, and not, as the tiniest kiddie-winkie told our friend, 'experimenting with croutons'. All of this lack of togetherness means that I am on my own drill this week, and all good knitters know what that must mean, right? Knitting my a$$ off day and night!! Yes people, nothing or nobody can stop me. Just try... Apart from several meetings and a manicure (when did I become so... err shallow) this week, I will be knitting ad nauseum. This sense of freedom has compelled me to make a rash decision, that of taking on an entirely new project while I am in the midst of several other pressing ones.

The project that has my attention is Sizzle over at Knit and Tonic. I just love Wendy's patterns, so much so that I am concerned that Wendy, the blogger/designer behind K & T, will think I'm stalking her due to the many downloads of patterns from her site. I'm not Jennifer Jason Lee in Single White Female, I swear! In any case, I'm making excellent progress on Sizzle--so aptly named for this week, isn't it? I'm doing it in Cascade Pima Silk and hope to finish the back tonight, what with all my freetime and all...I'm curious, what patterns are calling your name right now in a big way? Which ones are seducing you, making you want to forget your current WiPs ever existed?
Camp--yeah camp!! A week alone… gotta love it. I dropped the boy off this afternoon. Too bad Nascar PA and Calgary AB weren't just a little closer together, we could hang out at the pool and knit ;-D. Blue Sky Alpacca's "Fitted Tank" is the top calling my name right now. In Misty Alpacca Lavender Pima Silk. Two things I love--cotton/silk blends and tank tops--a deadly combination. Can't wait to see "Sizzel" in that Cascade Pima Silk, I bet it's going to be gorgeous!!
My life is one long string of unfinished projects, I can relate!! Now I am dying to try something from Wrap Style...
That is a beautiful view! I see that you have caught the knitting fever, I think it's spreading 'cause I'm feeling it too. Sizzel sounds like a hot project :). I can't wait to see it, and as usual, I love the color. My knitting group at work has their eye on a coat. The coat does look easy enough and I can't wait to start it while trying to finish my other projects.
Goodness, it is Hot as Hell in PA!! Your view is fantastic, the same reason I love PA. Sizzle looks like she is off to a great start, enjoy your week! : )
PA is very pretty, I agree. And so is Sizzle. And so is the A.D.D. Knitter! I miss her and I'm sick of croutons!
Oh yes, this is truly an amazing view - and I'd love to lie there on a sunbed at this pool right now! Your Sizzle looks absolutely great already, I love the color you're using - looking forward to seeing more progress pics!
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