1. The new REM album came out. Wowza!
2. La Frick organized a killer* fundraiser for Ravelry. Go participate now, because hey, it's Julie Frick, y'all, and she has the best ideas.
3. The Y-Knit podcast #4 episode was released, and in-flight somewhere over Newfoundland I heard my new favorite word: Ravtard. It describes us all.
4. I won the Flint Knits Monkey naming contest on a technicality. FYI: when entering a naming contest, go for vaginal synonyms and you'll probably win. To wit: Snatch!
5. Jenny i.e. the Woully Boully sent me some of her rad* sock yarn (color: Something Blue), all because I guessed her ring size a while back. She even remembered that I was a Koigu fan and used a special Koigu-like base yarn and wound it into two skeins. What a doll...but Jenny, your yarn blows doors* off of Koigu!
6. Nora sent me a scarf (see above). It is stupendous as per her norm...how can I be this lucky?
7. I inexplicably received the above button in the mail from MyMy.us. Thanks!

I have lots o' pics to show from France, but I will leave you with two very emblematic sets of images. Above you see a series of posters that were splashed all over the college campus in Montpellier that I was visiting. Students in France are incredibly politicized, many belong to unions and participate in the political process regarding policies that effect them in a way that they most certainly do not in our country. You know, because text messaging and Facebook are really demanding and take up a lot of time...And below, you have some hilarious retro signs from a café in Le Grau du Roi, a seaside town that is sort of like a French version of Ocean City, MD. except not as honky-tonkish. They remind me of that dancing candy and popcorn cartoon that used to play in movie theaters to advertise the snack bar. Next up: trans-Atlantic knitting content!

*80s speak, because I am desperately clinging to my adolescence
I love those retro posters! My kitchen is screaming for them. Shut up, Kitchen! I'll work on it!
Sensory overload. Too much to comment on...
Sounds like a lot of good karma came your way, even in absentia! So many pretty things... I'm off to check out your links.
Wow! loads did happen. I just have to say that I LOVE what I heard so far from the new REM album. and congrats on winning flint's contest - yay. Looks like you had a great time in France - looking forward to hearing about it :)
I heard ravatar. You know, like Ravelry-Avatar. But I wsn't dealing with jet engine noise at the time. Or maybe I misheard. Let me know, 'k?
Oh, geez. I didn't even realize blowing doors off was retro. I still use it all the time. Love the button. I keep hearing the Y-knit is great. Must download.
Wowzaaaz!! You are definitely loved. :) How fantastic to return from vacation to be greeted with such amazing gifts.
Love your photos!!
Ravtard. Ha-ha-ha-ha! Must start listening to Y-Knit!
Love the posters, can't wait to hear more about the trip.
Je suis si jalouse de votre voyage en France!
maybe you shouldn't leave us! look what happens when you leave!!! SOOOOO much!!!
going to buy some REM.
Welcome Back! Those poster are all AWESOME! (more 80s speak right back at ya)
I can't think of a better way to return from such a "radically awesome" trip. REM was on the today show last week hyping the new album. Michael Stipe without eyeliner and in a suit. It made me a little sad.
You mean young people in other countries have other things to do with their time than text messaging and *gasp* time-sucking facebook?! So, maybe my kids will turn out better if we do move to Switzerland like my husband suggested a couple months back...
Or, maybe we could just do some intentional parenting- but that's so much work... and it would leave so much less time for blogging and ravelry... oh, the conundrum...
Oh well, enough heavy thinking for this morning, I have a history lesson to plan for...
Love the retro signs, ah, back when life was generally cute...
And the knitting? Don't keep us waiting for too long, okay? Dunno if my neves can handle that...
Happy knitting-
Have you heard the new REM yet? It's good! But on the short side. I totally want to see them while they're on tour this summer...
And Magknits died.
How was the trip?
I'm so glad the something blue was waiting for you upon your return. Welcome home!
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