Today was the much anticipated Stitch N Pitch in Picksburgh (translation for non-locals: Pittsburgh), PA. I brought kiddie winkie #2 and her sweetheart of a pal while the Darling Resident Marxist Curdmudgeon took #1 canoeing with a friend, and it's a good thing, because the sheer amount of Dippin' Dots consumed by the junior set would have made his hair stand on end!

Before the game we had a look at the exhibit table and saw our LYS owner as well as others who were involved in putting this very fun afternoon together. There were examples of knitting and needlepoint as well as a free bag o' swag for the Stitch N Pitch Stitchers.

During the game we met new knitters as well as saw some familiar faces. I made scant progress on the Green Gable, but as it was such a gorgeous day, I quickly became preoccupied with mandatory baseball game activities such as drinking beer, eating peanuts, staring at other fans (are tube tops suddenly appropriate again?) and yelling things like "throw the bum out!" (kidding). Our group was acknowledged at the seventh inning stretch and thankfully I was NOT on the jumbotron, as I am jumbo enough without the magnification that modern technology can provide. But our LYS owner was, and we were proud of her...All in all we had a great time, baseball and knitting go together very well indeed. The Stitch N Pitch schedule is only half way completed, and for those of you lucky enough to live in a city where your team will be sponsoring it, I recommend it highly.
Looks like a blast! That sock is too freakin' cute, and Dippin Dots...yummy!
Sounds like a ton of fun! : )
Baseball and knitting! What joy! All I would need is my favorite food, and then I can be like George on Seinfeld when he had his pastrami sandwich, Yankees game on the radio, and well, his girl in bed.
I found you blog by searching for "stitch 'n pitch, pittsburgh" because I was at the game but didn't know knitters were there! Anyways I wanted to say hi and it looks like you guys had a great time.
What a great idea! Sadly, we no longer have a baseball team in Calgary… what would you call a knitting hockey game? "Knit 'n Puck"? Just a thought.
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