I must say the extent to which I go to play games with myself is truly astounding. From the outset I declared this project a shawlette and not a shawl in order to take the pressure off. What--I can finish a shawlette in four week days. Piece o'cake! Such are the deluded machinations of a person who casts on for a wedding present during an especially busy work week as she has promised the wrap for the bride to wear at the reception. Which is being held outdoors in October. In Minnesota. Heh.
The Specs:
Needles: size 9
Mods: It's $^&$ small, how that for a mod? But it doesn't matter because when you lower the bar from the height of shawl down to the very pedestrian and quite doable shawlette, it doesn't matter. I win!
Seriously,my intention all along was for her to wear this more as a scarf anyway. It's small, yes, but will look ultra cute as a cat poncho gamine-like scarf tied ever so fashionably around her neck. I'm declaring it a success.
The yarn is an utter joy to behold. Soft beyond all measure. The color is also so rich that when I spied it on the table at the yarn store, the employee gave me a knowing glance that basically said "I know, right?". Wowza.
This pattern is truly the most adaptable shawl(ette) pattern out there. You are the master of your own destiny as you decided exactly how big you want it to be. Which is perfect for impatient knitters who just want bind off already, dammit. In my case this was at 5 am the morning of the service, which was itself in the morning. But I did finish in time to do a photo shoot at the hotel pool (sad) and give it to my niece at the reception. And she's such a gracious, obliging lassie that she cooed and oohed and awwed over it, just like her auntie wanted her to.
The visit to Minneapolis was short and somewhat bittersweet. That was my last 'scheduled' visit there as there are no big events coming up and my mom has been successfully moved . A friend asked me if that was tough on me, and I have to say that it isn't. I believe in making your life work wherever you are, and yearnings of a geographical nature rarely bring fulfillment. I had the most stupendous childhood there, and am fortunate to have all the those happy memories. So I say congratulations to J and L, we're so happy for you! And I'll see the rest of you lot at Rhinebeck (hopefully)!
Your shawl is beautiful. It's a very nice pattern but the yarn is lush !!! I'm happy your mother is moved successfully. How fortunate that you can think of your coming up in Minneapolis with a smile.
A beautiful shawl!!
Looking forward to seeing you at Rhinebeck!!
The shawl is beautiful. Nice work, sister! It was a fast turnaround, but hopefully the knitting of it was a peaceful break from a hectic week.
There have been a ridiculous amount of times when I will wonder what to knit - I'll play around with different patterns, always having that one that I really want to try in the back of my head. Something might hold me back, whether it's real life or a knitting insecurity, and then there will magically be a post on your blog about that very pattern! And after I see what a beautiful kick ass job you do, I just know I have to cast on for that very project that very minute!
I WISH I could come to Rhinebeck! I hope you have a blast :)
Had I been drinking anything when I read this, "cat poncho" would have caused a spit take.
Also, the shawlette is frikkin' gorgeous!
cute!! i love the color - and YES you will see me! I won't let this year pass us by again :-)
Cat poncho! NO way girl - that shawlette is way too pretty for that!
You HAD to mention Rhinebeck, didn't you?
Not bad enough that you flaunt such lovely MadTosh right under my nose.
(no one sells it here in Ottawa)
The "cat poncho" is beautiful.
Glorious colours! Casting off at 5am? I'm sure we have all been there1
The colorway is just perfect. And every cat needs a shawl! Personally, though, I think the new owner should wear it for a few years before letting a cat take it over...
Such a pretty shawlette and a lovely bride.
I find that the knits done under pressure often turn out the very best. It's lovely, as is the bride.
Deadline knitting is always a stress until the final moments. And if you make it on time, it's the utter joy of having pwned a deadline.
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