The title of this post can only mean one thing: I haven't got sh*t accomplished and I'm stalling for time. In my defense, I have been working like a busy beaver on several work projects that have been immensely satisfying. As it turns out, you can get a tremendous amount accomplished when you're not sitting on your duff knitting 'round the clock. Why didn't anyone clue me into this closely-guarded industry secret that might well be key to my professional survival?

During my micro-breaks from generating text, I've been switch hitting between two different shawl projects, each one affording me a different type of personal satisfaction. First up we have Daybreak, a viral pattern if ever there were one. You can bet that if there's a Rav bandwagon to jump on, I will be hoisting my large frame onto it. I spent h-o-u-r-s in the project gallery on this one, trying to determine the perfect combo of socks yarns for this shawl. I was two-steps away from making some sort of excel spreadsheet detailing the potential pairs of sock yarns for this one, with the only thing stopping me being my slipshod approach to such tasks and general inability to distinguish between 'rows' & 'columns' in such computing matters. See also: inertia. But I thought about it. After numerous hypothetical pairings, and way too much time, I settled on the original idea I had all along: two madcap Zauberballs. Gee, perhaps I could have read the pattern slightly more carefully--I would have then seen that it is fact one of the recommended yarns. Of course! Perfect.

My other project, i.e. my car/work project, is another Liz Abinante project. This time: Traveling Woman. This is the perfect stoplight knitting--and don't even try to pretend you don't do that, because if you read this blog, you are sufficiently far gone enough to know exactly what I'm taking about, mmkay? Besides being my commuting companion, because I have yet to hit the lace section, this shawl is also my 'watching the Penguins', 'waiting for my advisee to arrive' and, perhaps cheekiest of all, 'my kid is serving at the altar, so I might as well knit during most of the service except the Eucharist' knitting. Yes--this is what 'no boundaries' looks like. I'm using some Socks that Rock Lightweight (Blue Moonstone)--something I haven't touched in years--and I'm remembering what all the fuss is about over this yarn. Which is quite handy, since in a little over a week from today I'll be pushing and shoving with the best of 'em in that Fold booth at Maryland Sheep and Wool. I'll be there with a sullen 12 year old who will be texting the entire time. Stop us and say hello!
Awesome! I'm going to MS&W for the first time! I will definitely search/stalk you out. As for stoplight knitting, there is one light on my commute that I generally get to sit through three cycles, so of course I'm knitting. Although I wonder what the drivers to either side think of me. Love both shawls!
So with you around my friend I will not have to research much for my 10 in 2010. I'll just continue to be the lemming that I am.
Oooh...I was wondering what I could do with some Zauberballs. I love them, but envisioned myself knitting something that either looks clownish or Grateful Deadish. Neither a look I want to cultivate. Anyhoo, thanks for that.
And, phew! I'm not the only one knitting at stoplights. Some day, my child will realize that not all the moms do this. It's one of the reasons I don't want to join a carpool. The other kids would think I'm crazy! But, then, maybe I am!
I may need to hire a driver. I commute 20 miles to work and no stoplights. Unless I take "the highway"; then there is one. But it theory, I totally get stoplight knitting. And I see a couple of bandwagons I'll be a-jumpin' on.
Where I live there are exactly five stoplights in THE ENTIRE COUNTY. Even so, I know about knitting while stopped. Someday you will not have to worry about your professional progress and will be able to knit every waking moment.
I'm so pissed I won't get to hang out with Bugles this year.
Okay, you are going to MSW with off spring? So am I! We will meet I will be there with Howler and Grunt, K will be there too; but, me, I am the one you really want to see.
Heck, what's wrong with knitting at a red light? I saw a woman in her car flossing while the car was stopped *and* going!
Thank god you get on the Ravelry bandwagons; your blog is my definitive style-guide to what-is-hot out there in Ravland.
Without you there as my leading light I would be clad in terrible 1980s knitwear mistakes from the pattern-piles at the back of charity shops.
The Zauberballs yarn that I keep seeing everywhere is so wonderful that I am considering relinquishing my promise to only buy UK rare breed wools, in order to sample its tasty, long-repeat nom-ness...
Urrgh. I wish I could go!! But, I must to the poodle show.....
I know what you mean about stop light knitting. I get the strangest looks from other drivers. I also love knitting while walking and knitting while reading. I can knit lace while walking, but to read I need stockinette in the round. I have definitely pushed all the knitting limits I can. Love your blog and your gorgeous knitting!
I recommend either making the stockinette section bigger or doing extra repeats of the Traveling Woman. The one I made came out super teeny and it made me cranky. As always, all of your yarns are very pretty and you're making me want to do some bandwagon jumping.
Don't you just love it when you spend all that time trying to figure out the best stash yarn and then end up buying the recommended yarn instead?
I will have to add Trav. Woman to my queue for another stoplight knit. I love getting a row in at red lights.
Haha! Guilty...
And that Blue Moonstone- gorgeous!
why haven't i seen daybreak?! i probably have... but this really is the first time i have "seeeeeeen" it. and now i MUST make it!
i wish i was bumping into you at ms&w!
i think i should text keana. :)
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