When Melissa released her two most recent hat patterns, Acorns and Crooked Paths, I knew beyond any doubt that I would be making both of them. Her patterns are among the clearest and most fun to knit out there, and since I am a bona fide small accessory fangirl, well the three of us were 100 % meant to be.

First up: Crooked Paths. This is an absolute delight of a pattern. The byzantine twists and turns are so visually pleasing, their circuitousness belies the actual ease of the pattern. Crooked Paths is beyond easy! So much so that I even knit a few rounds after several Pimm's cups and the hat isn't any worse for it.

Pattern: Crooked Paths by Melissa LaBarre (Knittingschool Dropout)
Yarn: Madeline Tosh Tosh Merino in Moss, 80% of one skein
Needles: size 6 & size 8
Time: About a week
Mods: None at all

This is the first time I've used the Tosh Merino and I am 100% charmed by it. I can seen what all the hullabaloo is about--the color is sublime and the softness? Off the charts. Here is an example of an Internet sensation that isn't a bunch of malarkey.

Speaking of Internet sensations...I've been on a bit of a Paypal tear this week and am not at all sorry about it. Virtue be damned! I'm all about coming home from work and finding a parcel waiting on the stoop. Students, are you ready to be schooled with some show and tell?

1.) A brand new DSLR strap from one of the biggest talents out there, Caro of Splityarn. If you are into cheerful patterns, ingenious design and an eye for color, then you are well aware of her handiwork. This is Splityarn strap #2 for me. Why a second one? Well obvs. I need one for when the first one is being washed. Yes, they are that essential. She also makes a mean wee pouch & an even meaner box bag if camera straps aren't your bag. Heh.

2.) A brand-new project bag from Stitchy McYarnpants--do you know her stuff? She has a knack for wicked humor and everything she makes just basically sends you into retro paroxysms of happiness. One quick glance at her Etsy shop will send you over the cliff, and if it doesn't, you are dead to me. I'm only sort of kidding! Recognize the design on that fabric? If you lived through the 70s you certainly d0. Wacky Packages my friend, Wacky Packages. If you lived in my neighborhood in the summer of 1976, and you checked the drug store for them on the tri-daily basis like my friend Carrie and I did, then you know we would have cut a bitch to add to our collection. They were a scarce, valuable currency in our cruel, candy fueled underworld.

Hilarious footnote from the land of the husky jeans: At some point Target came out with Wacky Packs t-shirts and I begged my mom to let me get the POUNDS shirt (take-off on the Mounds candy bar).
Mom: Oh lovie....Golly...I don't think that's such a good idea...
Me (clueless): What? Why not?
She had some serious tact, right? Luckily she was able to steer me clear of the humiliation that would have surely rained down on me.
3.) You might have noticed that I used my flash on several of the above shots. But...I thought she hated the flash, is what you might be wondering. Well not any more I don't, because I am the proud owner of a Lightscoop, an ingenious little device that allows you to deftly bounce the pop-up flash off the ceiling, thereby creating pictures that don't make you despair. Love this thing!
So that's my little consumer round-up for you. You are now kindly invited to share all of your amazing Interwebs deals, because that's what we do. GO!
Whew! What a great post! I'm off shopping for a Lightscoop and some Madeline Tosh Yarn to knit up that crooked paths hat. Love it!
I remember Wacky Packages! I used to collect them as well. Loved them! My friend and I used to store them in empty cigar boxes we would get at the local liquor corner store along with my cherry chapstick, scented peeloff stickers etc. Of course, nowadays, the kids have those fancyshmancy plastic pencil boxes that come in assorted colors. Kids today don't know how good they have it, but they don't know how much fun they missed too.
The hat is cute, btw.
Thanks for the blast-to-the-past.
Crooked Paths with that semi solid straw like golden yellow colourway = awesome combination made of awesomness.
I do love a semi solid yellow.
Stitchy McYarnpant's website, the Museum of Kitschy Stitches is a riot! And thanks for introducing me to more temptations :) I'm actually waiting on a shipment of Madelinetosh sock yarn right now...
A fine post for a morning that screams for internet shopping. It's raining, I think I need a new camera strap.
I collected Wacky Packs, too! It was so fun to see them on your blog!
So, the hat is easy, huh? It certainly looks hard.
And Pimms Cups??? I thought my family was the only in the world who drank those. Always garnished with cucumber, of course!
Crooked Paths caught my eye and am glad to know it has passed muster- her patterns rock don't they?
Gorgeous work as usual! And thanks for the links!
Joanne McCluskey and I would gladly have taken on you and Carrie to get at the best of the Wacky Packs.
Right now all my thoughts have turned to finding the perfect summer pants. This will take all of my patience and energy leaving me too burned out to shop for the crafty goodies. So alas, I have nothing to add to this discussion.
OMG! Wacky Packages! That takes me back to my youth and riding my bike to the store to pick up the new MAD magazine. Sweet.
And, nice hat! Melissa rocks.
Wacky Packs!! Remember the gum? It helped quell some of the disappointment of a "bad" pack! I am loving Swallowfield's shop on Etsy. Jennifer Judd-McGee is a visual artist who does drawings, collages and magnets. Check her out!
Love the hat!
Wait, what? You had Target when you were a kid?! We've only had them out here for the last 10 years or so! I CAN'T BELIEVE TARGET HELD OUT ON US.
Your mom sounds awesome! What a sweetie.
The Crooked Paths hat is really cute, and I think the extra couple rows made yours look even better. Must. resist. buying. more. Madelinetosh. yarn.
omg - I loved those Wacky Cards - loved them, what a funny throwback! And the lightscoop - thankyouverymuch - I may need to have it:) That hat is freaking fabulous too! What a great round up of goodies!
Ahhh, my Paypal account was smokin' already and now I had to go buy that Lightscoop thing... too hard to resist a new gadget.
I LOVED Wacky Packages!!!! My mom would get me one or two packs and I'd be thrilled!!! However once my aunt got me an ENTIRE BOX!!! OMG I was over the moon! I didn't care abt the gum, I wanted the cards!! Also had Bionic Woman and Charlies Angels cards. Still mad I threw them away when I was abt 16 and *too old for such things*.....
oh my gosh. i had wacky packy stickers EVERYWHERE!
all OVER my notebooks. (i mean coloring books. tee hee) i am pretty sure i stuck a few on my furniture. and got in big trouble for that.
having two camera straps? you are a genius.
and i am SO showing libby the crooked paths in the morning. maybe it will be the "beret" she is looking for.
That hat is amazing. The pattern/yarn combination - perfect. I must try this MT yarn that everyone is raving about. Wacky Packages - that sounds naughty. Wow, that took me back about 35 years. Holy!
Great post... all of your posts are great... Thanks for the tip on the yarn. will have to hurry out this week and buy some... oh what the hell.. why get dressed, I'll order it online in my jammies.
Wacky packs, how I love thee. When I was 9 or 10, I had wacky pack bellbottom pants and a Jail-O t-shirt. Naturally, I also have that Stitchy wacky pack project bag.
Must be something in the air because I ordered a splityarn camera strap and a box bag too. My lightscoop is probably in the mail.
You are the queen of awesome hats!
Girl, you have been BUSY with the PayPal, eh? Awesome goodies you've got there. LOVE the hat, too. Gorgeous.
I have the Lightscoop on my Amazon wishlist, in hopes that certain fellas will take notice for Mother's Day.
Hey Wacky Packer,
My oh my, memories of those Wacky Packs were buried so deep in my memory, it was like visiting an alternate universe when I saw your photo of their wacky wonderfulness. Mad Magazine--candy cigarettes--Wacky Packs--the semi-twisted universe of our parodic candy-inflected childhoods!
Now I want a Pimms Cup. Or several. Also, a hat.
Hi Heather,
Thanks for the link to your blog.
I could just eat this hat!!!!
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