I continue to work away on my Ulmus, ever so pleased with that slipped stitch action. It's a honey of a project for sure and any day now I'll be at the exciting lace part. Something to look forward to!

I got so revved up about the Socks That Rock for my Ulmus that I decided to cast on for chevron #3. This time I'm using 'Monsoon' (from the sock club a few years ago, hated the penis pattern that came with it) and 'Footzey Foo' (too anemic on its own). This is the ultimate airplane knitting project...

The Icarus continues to occupy my time as I cannot resist the lure of the Jitterbug--the yarn, not the phone. Hilarious side note: the Luddite I'm living with saw the Jitterbug commercial and declared "this is my dream phone! It's just a phone---what a great concept!". Estimated date of completion: just in time for sweater weather!

New Kids on the Block: there are two. First up we have the Featherweight cardigan. At MDS&W I had been wrestling with Whisper, a project I have since frogged as I didn't understand the construction of it and felt that I was knitting blind. Then I saw Ashley's Featherweight in person and was intrigued although put off by the idea of a lace weight garment. I then saw Carrieoke's version on her blog and that sealed the deal. Both are by the same designer, with the Featherweight seeming more doable to me because I can visualize the pattern as I work. I'm using Malabrigo Lace in Pagoda and am seriously smitten. My goal is to have this one finished by July 4th. Why then? It's the date that Monsieur Jitterbug and I are leaving for a week in Paris! Yes, he has been hoodwinked again by yours truly.

And finally we have the pattern that is taking the nation by storm: Springtime Bandit. There are so many lovely iterations of this handsome devil over on Ravelry at the moment I just couldn't resist. I am partial to this one and this one as well. I'm doing mine in Brooks Farm Solo Silk and couldn't be happier--this yarn has a sheen factor that is out of this world. I might be fast tracking this pattern for imminent completion.
And here ends a glimpse into the mind of a maniac. Tell me what projects are currently keeping you up at night. Peeper-Lou will randomly pick your name out of a hat and you might receive one of the two skeins pictured below:

On top is a STR Silkie mill end (there's a white patch on it but it looks kind of cool) and below is a skein of Misti Alpaca. Both are from MDS&W and their destiny is to go to someone else besides me. The funtimes will end on Tuesday at midnight:)
i suffer from the same thing... i always want to cast on for about eight things. i'm trying, desperately, to be a little more monogamous to my projects right now, and every time i really want to cast on for something new, i just work feverishly on something i'm in the middle of, thinking 'when i'm done, i can cast on for something new!'
but right now, i'm alternating my late night knitting between 'pink sonata' convertible fingerless gloves, and the second monkey to my pair... i can't wait to finish them and cast on for something else!
Well I'm dying to cast on for the Fountain Pen Shawl from the spring(?) IK, but I want to do it in my own handspun, and I'm still spinning it! Plus, I'll have to wait to see if I actually have enough yardage when I'm done.
In the meantime, I've finally gotten around to knitting the Tangled Yoke Cardigan. It should be finished just in time for summer. :-/
hmccoy@gmail.comI have been slogging away at a Montego Bay scarf for a month as a gift for a blogger in Australia. Sure hope I can finish it in time so she can wear it during their (so-called) winter. It is only a 4-row pattern (really only a 2-row pattern, since rows 2 and 4 are just purling back), but anything that requires counting AND paying attention causes lots of tinking on my part.
kmkatt AT (rhymes with wahoo) daht cahm (unable to submit comment properly)
I have my first pair of Stashbuster Spirals in various Lorna's Laces on the needles, plus a crochet oddments scarf, plus Barn Raising Quilt squares, plus a pair of 2 x 2 rib socks in self striping yarn. And I think of myself as a monogamous knitter.
I'm trying to be virtuous and complete my potholders for the swap before I cast on for anymore lace. I really should finish that FLS, too.
I really want to cast on for the Faery ring jacket, but it may be a while before I start on that.
You are one prodigious knitter! And your keen ability to match yarn to project always amazes. So the Featherweight in that lovely Malabrigo has me swooning.
My late night knitting project at this very moment is the Cable Lace Cardigan I started way back in November and then allowed to simmer in the UFO pile all this time.
Working on the Whisper cardigan and debating between casting on for Ishbel or the Featherweight cardigan next. Also have a lace ribbon scarf on the needles, somewhere. That one is tedious but is also my go-to long plane ride knit. Also about 2 inches into a pair of plain ribbed socks for my boyfriend.
You may be drowning, but at least you have great color sense!
I totally understand. I have two projects that are sleeping and have been for over a year and a half and I had two on the needles, but just the other night I had to start the La-La-Love You Cowl by Sandra Park with a new skein of Malabrigo that I had picked up. And now everything else is on the sidelines until this puppy is done.
I have about 5 WIPs at the moment. Two pairs of socks, one is a pair of knee socks using a lovely BFL yarn by Pagewood Farms. I just have to turn the heel on the 2nd one and finish the foot and I'll be done, but I haven't touched it in about 2 weeks... I also have a FLS on the needles. I'm about half-way through the body but I just noticed an error in the 3rd or so lace repeat and am trying to decide whether to rip it or not. Your projects all look very interesting to me, maybe I need a few more WIPs ;-)
I'm working on 3x1 ribbed socks knit 2aat for the hubby and then need to finish the lace ribbon scarf I started for my mom's 60th birthday (which was last August!).
I am constantly hounded by The Saint's Big Ass Sweater that has been on the needles for at least a year...it's hibernating again now because it's spring and a sweater the size of an afghan isn't fun to knit when the weather gets warm, LOL. In the meantime, I have 3 diff pair of socks going and a teddy bear sweater...please don't tell anybody else, hehehe
Luddite - you slay me :) Nice projects. That chevron scarf is going to be fabulous!
After a period of successful monogamy in which projects were actually "finished" and "worn," I have been dying to cast on a bunch of projects. I'm working on Buttercup as I type this, but simultaneously drooling over Featherweight (what is up with that, anyway? I am usually so not a laceweight person) and several different shawl patterns. How to choose?!
I feel so lame admitting this, but I'm really bad at reading charts, so I usually stick with written directions. Charts intimidate me. As such, I cast on for the Ishbel shawl and started knitting it in earnest a few weeks ago. At the time, I had no idea that the written instructions were wrong, so each time I hit the section where they were incorrect, I had to rip back and kept thinking I was the problem. Suddenly some folks who are smarter than I posted the corrections on Ravelry, so I ripped again and am finally trying to tackle the chart. Sigh.
I cannot stop thinking about my Ishbel in STR lightweight, Mustang Sally. I cannot finish it soon enough!
I have a pair of Monkey socks that have been on the needles for 2 years now. As much as I love knitting socks and admire this pattern (and its popularity), it has been a bear for me to knit. It's holding me back from making any progress on anything else. Though looking at what you're doing with the Malabrigo Lace might just be the motivation I need. I have some languishing in the stash.
Enjoy your projects! They're all going to be so pretty.
Thanks to your blog and the few completed projects on Ravelry, I feel the strong need to start an Ulmus of my own. I have the yarn and the pattern, I am making myself wait until I get shorter needles. The hubs has decided he needs another pair of socks (just in time for summer!) And I would really love to get started on $5 in Paris (might be fun for your trip, no?). I try and try and try to stick to no more than two, but it's getting bad...
If I had more time to sit down and knit for more than 5 minutes I would be casting on like mad. It's almost a compulsion I have to knit a few rows after I've casted on for something. If I don't I feel totally off (like I'm not already). Anyway, I've been obsessing over Buttercup. It's written for dk weight, but I want to use worsted so I've been thinking of how to change it. Can't wait to cast on :)
you have my drooling over your WIP's love the color of your featherweight cardi
Perhaps it is the fact that it is spring as I have terminal startitis. There are 3 FO's that only need to be made up, a vest that only needs the armholes finished, and then at least 6 WIPs that follow me around. I can't even talk about future projects that are calling my name and the inevitable second sock!
It's something in the air, because the moment I get a project started, my head wants to move on to the next one. I've got an impossible number of warm weather projects that I want to finish.
Right now, the only project giving me the chocolate cravings aka stress is my slouchy cardigan. A-not-so-innoncent knit I thought I would surely finish in no time. Not so. I'm loving the Misti Alpaca colors.
Thanks for sharing you humor. :-)
Oh, man, I cannot list all the things I've got on the go right now. Too scary!
But I did just cast-on for my own featherweight. I'm not going to be taking mine to Paris anytime soon (but maybe NYC...)
No need to enter me. Though I'm tempted by that seriously gorgeous yarn, I'd rather let someone else win for once!
Many projects get cast on, a few grow to be finished an blocked. I consider it a form of evolution; the "good," healthy projects maintain my attention, the weak, not-so-well-thought-out-for-my-skill levels languish in the wip pile, currently stacked a foot high on the coffee table.
The ones getting attention are a lace project in a bulky, black alpaca from a nearby farm -- a motif taken from one of Barbara Walkers books, and blown up in black! Then there's a sweater from "French Girl Knits," (the mohair shrug, ohh la la,) and some Jitterbug in blue/green -- keeps getting swatched, and recycled. I've knit the same yarn about six times, still haven't found the perfect mating of pattern/yarn that will allow it to grow to a wearable work of art.
I can't believe that I am actually going to admit my ufo sins, but here it goes. There's a cobblestone sweater behind the livingroom couch that was supposed to be done for Christmas (it just needs a yoke), there's a single ribbed sock in one of the dresser drawers, a child's tunic that simply needs two sleeves at the end of the bed, several projects requiring some simple seaming, a hemlock ring afghan that I am sitting on that needs a serious blocking, and I thought it wise to cast on a child's sock last night at midnight, and this morning after breakfast, I cast on a little lacey sachet with some pretty white cotton. I can't forget about the clapotis in my knapsack that I have been toting all around town for two weeks now. I have problems.
This was my first year at MDS&W so I went nuts and bought enough wool for two sweaters and two shawlettes or kerchiefs. I already had February Lady Sweater on the needles AND an Empire waist cardi, so that makes four sweaters and two scarves. Plus I have a cardigan that's been sitting around for almost three years needing a sleeve cap, seaming and blocking. I better set some goals . . . oh geez. I have to go convert gauges now.
I am kept awake by too many socks and by the sweaters I am neglecting. I got sucked into the Sock Knitter's Anonymous knit-alongs and I can't stop casting on. I had 3 different socks going (one for April and 2 for May) and last night I cast on for a fourth just because I wanted to see how this self-striping yarn would knit up. And then there are the two sweaters that are languishing in their project bags, calling me, calling me....
aside from the assorted socks, scarves,mitts, and yet more socks that haunt my night-times, i have this issue with a fleece artist perl grey imogen kit that i got for a steal on sale,but i'm thinking maybe it is just a size too small for me, so i went and got another imogen kit (on sale, but not quite a steal) and i'm suffering over whether i should try to get an extra skein for the smaller kit, despite the fact that i'm not far enough along on either to see which one is the right fit. and since i love nightmares, i went and did the exact same thing on a fleece artist perl grey kim kit(s). with the one that mighjt possibly be too small in a color i had to wait 6 weeks for. arrgh, maybe i should try to lose 20 lbs, so they can all be too big on me.
Alright, that's it! I'm starting one of thost bandit thingy's!
Keep casting on! they are all beautiful and impiring!!! Your photographs are so great at making the colors shimmer! Thanks for sharing all this inspiration & motivation!
Oh, Heather, are you and I the same person? There is so much evidence! To wit:
#1 - My Rav project page only shows two WIPs. Which is just So. Not. True.
#2 - I have a never-ending Chevron STR project that I reserve specifically for airplane knitting.
#3 - I live with a Luddite. Though he is not taking me to Paris. sniff#4 - I have been driving myself crazy trying to decide whether to cast on for Whisper or Featherweight b/c it has become abundantly clear to me that I must cast on for one of the other of them RIGHT AWAY. I bought the pattern for Featherweight a few weeks ago but didn't buy the yarn yet. I do have enough yarn for Whisper though, and ordered the magazine yesterday. We'll see.
#5 - I have somehow managed to avoid being sucked in by Springtime Bandit - so far. I know it's only a matter of time.
Meanwhile, I have found myself starting - entirely on impulse - Lizard Ridge. That's right. A $200+ blanket has jumped to the head of my queue (un-Raveled, natch), purely on impulse. What? Is it not Noro-blanket-knitting weather? Nevermind the 8 projects that really need to be done by the end of June. I need a wool blanket, stat. (fwiw, I only plan to buy a couple of skeins of yarn at a time and knit a square here and there. Like today, I knit a square. I only have one more skein of Noro - perhaps I can hold off for a few days before cracking into it).
Here ends my novella.
p.s. I only wrote all of that so that you would feel like there was someone out there crazier than you, but none of it is true. I swear!
p.p.s. No need to enter me in the drawing since I already won one of your drawings earlier this year.
i too am a little mystified by the construction of Whisper, but I'm making it anyways. I have enough Malabrigo lace to also make a featherweight cardigan. love them both. I am sure it will look stunning on you as you stroll the streets of Paris!
I have a Mr. Greenjeans in Malabrigo (Paris nights anyone?)
that has been languishing on the needles for a year now - I love it, but for some unknown reason can't seem to find the will to finish the second sleeve.
I sporadically work on my Clapotis (Lion and Lamb - Taos Thanksgiving) that I'd really like to have done soon as it would make a great spring/summer wrap.
There are a couple different pairs of socks in various stages and a couple more that I'm gearing up for - but I feel the urge to cast on again...Liesl? Juliet? Sigh...so many choices.
Based on all of the above comments, you are not alone in your startitis insanity. I suffer from the affliction as well. There is a little basket sitting next to my knitting chair and in one evening I've been known to work on as many as three of the projects therein. Let's not even talk about the skeins of yarn on the floor next to it that keep screaming at me for attention.
All your projects are gorgeous! I am actually quite jealous of your startitis, as I seem to have lost my knitting mojo recently. I am working on a shawl, but I am utterly uninspired. Happy knitting to you!
Hi there. I'm in the last few inches of my Fit n Flare trumpet skirt- and each round is about 600 sts. It's taking forever. Also I cast on for those gorgeous lace knee socks from the last Vogue, but haven't gotten very far yet. Thanks for asking! Your projects are always inspiring.
Love all the new projects! Oh yes, just like you, I have many many WIP's and ZZZZZ's that I just don't bother to list because it's too embarrassing. But what's keeping me up at night? I'm in love with Cherry Fizz and I have the yarn and pattern in hand but just can't bring myself to start it because I have too dang much goin' on on my needles already. But I dream about it at night and I covet the pattern at least once a day. I just started a test knit in lace weight Malabrigo and I'm so so afraid of finishing it on time, that I have to physically smack my own hand every time I reach for another project. ~Sigh~ But it's good to know I'm not alone ;)
wow, so many beautiful WIPs! I'm also deciding between the featherweight cardigan and the whisper. But what's really nagging me are the 2 cardigans that are done except for seaming, weaving in the ends, and sewing on buttons. Why does that part seem to take longer than the actual knitting? hmmm...
Love all those new projects. I am feeling virtuos as I have just finished my bearfoot yarn socks and a Jo Sharp Jumper Started last year and am over half way with a NZ yarn Possum Jumper whoops forgot the lovely Elsbeth lavold Jumper that is just waiting for me to get back to and have just started a pair of spiral socks and have a pair of caterpillar socks (opal Yarn ) in the wings and waiting. Yes I am looking forward to winter and great knitting weather. I like having lots of choices on the go cos it is great when you get to a few finishing lines.
I am OBSESSED with the Whisper Cardi and with Laminaria! Have cast on for Whisper and am stalking Laminaria.. it's only a matter of time! Thank you for the yarn contest - such fun! :)
I frantically knit on Liesl until it was finished Saturday night, and now I've got a new Swallowtail and my third Ishbel (for a bday gift) on the needles. I can't seem to stop with the shawls, although the Featherweight Cardigan is really intriguing.
Thanks for the contest!
My small problems with having too many projects at once actually led me to buy a second set of Denise needles, so I could have more projects on the needles at once! Right now what's keeping me up is a Gathered Pullover, a shrug, a shawl, a scarf (see a theme here?), some baby hats and an overabundance of felted cat toys to use up all those wool odds & ends. Phew! Better get knitting...
Those are some awesome projects! I wish I could actually keep track of that many at a time. I love that combo for the chevron - I loved it so much, I knitted it twice! :)
I just finished the Knitty shipwreck shawl (yes - with all 5000+ beads) last night. That's bugger has been keeping my fingers busy for months! Tonight I started a heart baby blankie for the baby girl we are adopting in June. I'm just smitten with this pattern. :)
i'm pretty sure we have the same amount of wips. right now i'm trying to finish a pair of socks for my dad and am about to start the leaf beret from this month's knit1.
i have a book that my kids bought me for knitted food. it's with all my other books that i don't knit from.
but i own them all and love them.
is yours over easy?
I'm glad you jump between several projects as well. Sometimes it's difficult to admit to others how much I have going on! I have two (okay, four) pairs of socks going, as well as three different knitted toys, an adult sweater, and a couple half-hearted projects that haven't yet taken off and might still be ripped back.
What keeps me up at night is wondering how I am ever going to finish any of my projects when I have so many and so little knitting time. Maybe I should rip some of them and forget they ever were...
I love coming to your blog, you always manage to find knitting time!
let's see: a baby gansey in one of the str spirits, just finishing an everyday wrap in colinette parisienne, working on a fern scarf in snguine gryphon, working on another scarf in kidsilk haze, a skif design sweater in a mix of yarns, and i have a bunch of projects waiting...
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