I feel that my role in our ye olde village is to be that person that you can always look at and say to yourself, "well at least I'm not as batshit crazy as Miss Thing over there...". Because a. I have not finished any of my projects on the go and b. have cast on for one more, and it's a doozy! And I might have even ordered the yarn, stalked the pattern and made all the plans for all this foolishness since my last post. Put me in the knitting stockade, I am certifiable. Hey--you're welcome.
I have been dying to make the Diminishing Rib Cardigan as it has all the hallmarks of WIN written all over it: top-down raglan construction (yes), done on size 8s (more yes), and no expectation of it being able to be buttoned closed (a big plus-sized YES). My yarn choice, pictured above, is no surprise: Silky Malabrigo in Wisteria. Genius call, right? Also I love Linda at Yarnzilla because she let's you write things like "yes I'm f*cking crazy, I'm ordering more Malbrigo from you" in the comments box of your order and not only doesn't get offended but usually writes something hilarious right back atcha. Love her and her drugs.
Well, I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself. Some of you clearly share my distracted ways when it comes to knitting. Many of you came clean and admitted to having many, many things on the go, and I appreciate that. A random selection based on nothing in particular except for me not having to pay postage to California (KIDDING) has brought up the names of Laura and Beth, and I will be sending them their winnings very soon indeed. Thanks to everyone who shared their indiscretions with me.
Yippee!! How exciting!
I've been eyeing the Diminishing Rib Cardigan too. The Silky Malabrigo is luscious. I have some Green Mountain Spinnery cotton in mind.
I totally want to come lie in that bundle of Silky Malabrigo. You wouldn't mind, right? ;-) I think it'll make a smashing cardigan.
That's going to be stunning!
So funny! What's odd is I pulled out the IK issue the other day and decided to consider the same sweater as a future project. First time out, nothing in the issue caught my eye. Now, the Diminishing Rib Cardigan jumped out at me!
Good luck, your yarn/color selection are spot on, as usual!
Nice Malabrigo - that color is a real winner.
I'm horrible like that too; I've got four projects that are in the home stretch... but I can't pick them up because I keep casting on new!
Bah, you're in the minor leagues, kid. You've got nothing on me. I just don't broadcast my level of kookoo on the top of mount batshit. I live right next door to our city's mental health hospital (true story!), so I gotta be careful. They don't allow pointy sticks in there.
LoveloveLOVE that wisteria colour!
Oh, what a beautiful color, and Silky Merino is such a nice yarn. Now that's going to be a gorgeous cardi.
I've been casting on for baby blankets right and left lately! Now that's pretty nuts -- way too many of my friends are pregnant right now.
That will be a nice yarn/pattern combination-
yes you are one of the standard bearers regarding boundaries (or lack thereof) in knitting and stash. I'm so grateful.
Doesn't "standard bearer" sound better than f*ing crazy?
I love that Diminishing Rib Cardigan! I wish I'd designed it... hehe. I dunno if I'll ever find the time to knit one, but here's hoping...
That yarn looks scrumptious- can't wait to see some progress shots!
Happy knitting-
Woohoo! Thanks so much.
That Wisteria silky merino is gorrrrgeous.
Hahaha! I hope I'm not that batsh*t crazy Miss Thing either. :)
I've had my eye on this pattern as well, and was tossing around the idea of using some "Topaz" silky malabrigo that I have in my stash. I'll be interested to see how yours goes.
I find that crazy is best when shared. This is going to be spectacular.
a most beautiful color of purple, and your photograph makes it leap off the screen! wow- your sweater will be so lovely!!!!! CAST ON!!!!!
There is nothing wrong with being a cautionary example!
You are not alone in your crazies. Nope, not alone at all.
Linda is pretty awesome, I agree!
why did i not even give this a second look until now.
i LOVE the diminishing rib cardi. and in purple. wow.
okay. when oh when are you making a trip to knitone?
clearly you need some other projects for summer.
and school will be out soon. hurry up!
I will never EVER be able to say that I am not as batshit crazy as you.
As you well know.
Can't wait to see the WIP!
Man.... beautiful Malabrigo and I think I need to check out that pattern a little more. Yep, you're crazy.. and that's what we love about ya.
Thanks for being that gal! ;)
We all loves you for it.
your totally killing me over here!! I need to buy some more yarn, now. I'm going through withdraw.
Crazy attracts crazy ya know.
LOVE the new yarn! Congrats to Laura & Beth too :) Oh and thanks so much for following me on Twitter! I feel like much less of a loser now :) Looking forward to your tweeting hilarity!
Thanks for commenting on my blog about my Ashling Tote Pattern!
And yes you are being way too hard on yourself. Isn't planning new projects, starting new projects, and buying supplies for new projects NORMAL??!!
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