1.) The Katharine Hepburn Cardigan, filed under 'what the &*%*^% was I thinking??':
Oh sure, she's a beaut. And that Louet Gems is quite aptly named. But an XL cardigan in Sport Weight on size 5 needles? Really? Please also factor in the fact that because it's a cable and lace project, you don't get any respite on the WS--your ass is knitting in pattern on both sides. The project was put away last summer and relegated to the 'you are dead to me (zzzz) zone of Ravelry' , but recently I've pulled it out hoping that maybe the new improved me were somehow faster and more skilled now. And no, as it turns out, my skills are still the same and this mother is going to take foreveeer...
2.) The Modern Quilt Wrap, filed under 'Can I pay you to just finish this for me?'
Babs is currently sporting one of these that her mother made and it is a stunner. Big Babs if you're reading this: I WORSHIP YOU. I love this it. I want it. The Silky Wool is a joy. And the mitred squares are fun. And I don't even mind the weaving in the ends part. But man alive this is taking a toll on me. I spent two full days last week only working on it and a. made scant progress and b. felt like I was a turn-of-the-century garment industry worker. So if you're looking for some extra cash...
3.) The Classic EZ 'Brooks' Sweater, filed under 'Only to be worked on when you're not pissing me off'.
I had been wanting to give the Berocco Inca Gold a whirl for quite some time, and given my love for the EZ lifestyle, this pattern seemed like a no-brainer. The problem with this one is the recipient: a certain little doom-and-gloom forecaster that we like to call the Curmudgeon. Folks this New Economic Reality® represents for him a huge 'I told you so moment' as he wags his finger at the responsible parties (read: everyone) but also a time of extreme worry and doubt. Which is expressed as negativity. At me. So yeah--I love him dearly, but the second he starts ranting, this sweater is PUT AWAY. You will note that I am 9 inches into it. Will I make it to attach the sleeves? Only the Dow Jones knows!
Tonight I am going with the Curmudgeon to see the only person on this planet that can spew bile in a more uplifting fashion than him.

Happy Happy Joy Joy!
That was the most entertaining Long Term WIP post I've ever read!!!! :) Just keep thinking how satisfying it will be to finish each one up - and let me know if that crock of bull actually works. LOL Morrissey - oh how I loved him back in "the day"!!
Heh heh. You are farrrrrr more ambitious than I am in terms of projects. You totally deserve the Moz for being such a knitting trouper.
I'm cracking up -- can you hear me? The whole Curmudgeon-Dow-Jones piece: hysterical!
Have fun tonight.
I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to we-ar. . .
Frankly, Mr. Shankly, those are some serious WIPs! Can't wait to hear how the Morrissey show is. I hope he plays some old Smiths songs, too.
Oh my your WIP list was so entertaining! I hope you'll be able to progress or transfer the ones that drive you up the wall into the frog-pile.
Came across your blog today, off to read the rest of your posts!
With the current state of things, I'm forecasting an upturn on the progress of the Curmudgeon's sweater in the third quarter of 2010.
Oooh, have fun at the concert. I saw him at a venue that held around 500 just a year or so ago and he was awesome!!!!
I used to be a huge Morrissey fan. Oh, the songs of the melodramatic...I mean that as a compliment. Lovely pink cardi.
Remind him that knitting is a skill that might be useful in the brave new world. Maybe he will leave you alone.
Hah, I haven't heard Morrissey in some years, have some fun, if you can, you know, amidst the angst and all...
I knew there was more to you than cowls and hats- you go girl!
Happy knitting-
Hey, you're, like, down the street from me right now!
Your Curmudgeon cracks me up. I certainly hope that as the Dow rises, so too does your sweater.
Please, please, please let me, let me, let me, let me see Morrissey once before I die.
(hilarious post btw)
Ahh Morrisey. Perfect show for these doom & gloom, angst-ridden times. Very funny ZZZZZZ WIPs round up. Maybe you should just frog the Catherine Hepburn Cardi. Sounds like a knitting nightmare and if you ever finished it they may not let you wear it at the mental hsopital.
Question: How is the Brooks sweater different from the Seamless Hybrid? They look the same to me. Are they the same? I'm going to knit my husband a sweater in Cascade Heathers soon and I'm choosing a pattern.
Comment: AHHH I'm jealous. Morrissey was literally, I kid you not, around the corner from me last week. Parking was a nightmare in front of my house and people were everywhere, but did I have tickets? No! I watched all these excited people in my neighborhood and had to look longingly at the venue from the outside! Tell us, was the show great?
Oh. I'm so jealous! I was such a Smiths fan back back way then. I hope you had fun!
That was just crazy pants funny! That cardigan is so worth finishing....
my knitting projects are all "long time to knit" projects, too! this darn hanne is taking FOREVER.
wait. all the way to oakland and not a mere quickie at the ol' knit shop?!!!
hysterical WIP roundup. I love that Hepburn Cardigan... i have dreams of one too but yikes to I have a good slew of WIPs myself!
Have fun at Morrisey!
I love the "new and improved [me]" -- where can I get one?
Your Curmudgeon should meet up with my Eternal Optimist, who is firmly convinced that this economic turmoil is merely a blip on the continual upward progress of the human race on its way to eternal economic nirvana.
"itsmorrisseysworld.com"?! Hee hee!
Your KH cardi is going to be awesome. Enjoy the process.
In a fit of madness, I bought yarn for the KH cardigan a couple of years ago, but never even managed to get to the cast-on point. You're right -- beautiful, but I think I've come to accept the fact that it is not in my knitting future (these days 98% of my knitting happens on the bus). There's a lovely short sleeved sweater in Wendy of Knit & Tonic's book, "Custom Knits" that appears to be mostly stockinette in the round (aka "heaven" in bus-knitting terms) that calls for the same yarn, though.
I'm really impressed that anything that you move to the ravelry wasteland that is the "Zzzz" section ever comes out. Thus far, everything I've banished has never been seen again.
And see, I can't even be bothered to put things in the snooze zone on the rav...I end up losing wips all the time. I think that says a lot about me, really.
I would choose carefully, then frog the crap out of the ones that don't make the cut. It's a seriously liberating experience - trust me, I know ;)
Thanks for the heads up that that Katherine cardigan - I wanted to make this one but now, who knows!
Katherine Hepburn just got booted out of my queue. I love that sweater, but I need my WS respite.
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