This dispatch is coming to you from the road! I am away from home for one week serving as a reader for an AP exam, which means that for one week I'll be correcting high achiever high school students tests and trying not to go mental. This is the closest I've ever been to an AP exam since, well, I wasn't really the AP type of gal in high school. The only advanced placement I achieved in high school was in gabbing on the phone and hanging out with the fun stoner crowd--I'm an academic late bloomer, so to speak. So I jumped at the chance to see what this was all about. I could give high fallutin' reasons for my reasons for wanting to be an AP reader, something about interest in assessment and testing outcomes or professional development, but mainly I'm just doing it for the cash!
Above you see the half-completed Jaywalker sock that I have been working on since Monday. Note the particle board table that it's resting on, proof that I am writing this from a dorm room! My goal is to finish it before the end of the week. I am loving this pattern! Grumperina is quite the designer, I must say. I am doing it in the Opal Hand Painted because a. it's the yarn she did it in, and I'm such a sad ass person that I try to imitate the designer's instructions completely and b. I had some in my stash, just by chance. I love the purple and green together. Once I got the hang of the double decreases, I was off and running and highly encourage anyone who thinks that this pattern might be too complicated to go ahead and give it a try.
I really love the color of those socks I would have used the same too. They look awsome, I haven't tried the jaywalker pattern....yet. I have no time right now till I can organize myself for anything :-(
That's coming out great so far!
I like your socks! I'll have to give the Jaywalker socks a try soon, too.
Well if we both didn't sleep, we should have visited with each other!
Those are great looking jaywalkers. I envy your progress. Have fun. I kind of miss dormitory life!
I love this yarn. Really...It's awesome. Teh sock is looking great!
Love the colors, nice and bright : ) Have fun!
Mwahaha, I knew you'd do them eventually! They look great!
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