Thursday, January 20, 2011


"The Big Easy" in Tosh Vintage, "Baltic"
After all the pay-attention-to-your-chart color work knitting that's been happening around here, I've been in serious need of a plain jane zone-out knit. This is a first of a series of unimpressive yet satisfying plain knits that you'll be seeing up in here over the next several days. You'll be forgiven if you're not bowled over by them and wonder to yourself " that what knitblogging has come to?". Why yes, yes it has.
"The Big Easy" in Tosh Vintage, "Baltic"
The Specs:
Pattern: The Big Easy by Vivian Aubrey
Yarn: Tosh Vintage in 'Baltic', .75 of a skein
Needles: size 7 & 9
Mods: None. I'm all about following the rules.
"The Big Easy" in Tosh Vintage, "Baltic"
Sometimes, like when you're watching hockey or have blown out your adrenals playing Angry Birds for three+ hours, you just need a pattern that you can knit and knit on without checking your new iPad(!!) to see which row you're on, you know?

"The Big Easy" in Tosh Vintage, "Baltic"
I have been longing to use the MadTosh color 'Baltic' for a very, very long time. I am not even a blue person but wow I love this color. It has a touch of silver and edges in different directions toward teal and green at the same. In other words, you can stare at it a long time and it will mesmerize you...
"The Big Easy" in Tosh Vintage, "Baltic"
I am a huge fan of this pattern, mainly because of the fact that the end result is a plain hat with an interesting shape. There's a slouchiness here that seems a tad old fashioned yet still modern. The proof? The model you see pictured here didn't throw the hat at me in disgust after our bathroom photo shoot. She is in fact-sshhh-still wearing it...


  1. Marvelous hat!

    I'm currently on a self-imposed Angry Birds Ban. So far it has been 7.38 minutes since my last game.

  2. I am knitting a totally garter stitch easy baby garment on 6mm needles.

    This is what comes following intense colourwork binges.

    And I have lost my boyf. to Angry Birds, so I know all about that one, too...

    Lovely hat! And don't you just love something easy and pleasing in a decadently wondrous yarn? I have never knit with Madeline Tosh but it does get rave reviews and looks very good here.

  3. You are so right! We need that kind of project which is simple and at the same time, very very nice! Thanks!

  4. sometimes you just need a good plain knit... I'm in garter mode myself at the moment.

  5. oh there is ALWAYS a place for plain-jane-minimal-brain-use knitting in my life. this is a great looking hat!

  6. I just heard about Angry Birds this afternoon, I am going to try it on my ipad..... hope I don't lose all my knitting time playing it.

  7. The hat is very cute, and I LOVE the color! I've been jonesing after that colorway for a long time, but my commitment to knitting from the stash has abided thus far (for the most part).

  8. MadTosh Vintage may just be one of my favorite yarns ever. I made a cowl out of in Crimson(?), and it's bee-yoo-ti-ful. :)

  9. I love love LOVE this color. The hat is fab, but the color of the yarn totally makes it.

  10. sometimes it's great just to celebrate the amazing yarn in a plain knit. this is one gorgeous hat!

    and now i want some of that yarn...damn stashpact. *grumble*

  11. Erm, plain knits constitute 99% of my blog. What are you trying to say??? It's all about showcasing the yarn, right? The Tosh vintage is particularly gorgeous and
    "mise en valeur" beautifully by the clean lines of the design. No wonder your model is holding on to it.

  12. Oh, and I forgot to say, I'm going to google "angry birds" now. I am so out of the loop. But not everyone is "branché" enough to have an ipad...

  13. Beautiful color! And you are right: the degree of slouchiness is perfect.

  14. gorgeous color and love these hats you've been churning out! And um, the new blog style too!!

  15. like the new blog... thought my computer was having issues loading. I like the hat... we are in need of some hats in the house and that looks like it might be just the ticket.

  16. I love the color, and a simple hat in a gorgeous yarn is always a classic.

  17. I LOVE to see you knit a simple hat - it's something that I could do.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE that color!

  18. Love the hat. Simple construction with pretty yarn is just always a winner.

  19. OOOOOH I love that color blue. And I especially love when I knit and someone takes a liking to something I make and they actually wear it! (Obviously this doesn't happen to me very much -- it's why I own so many pairs of mittens. So sad.)

  20. you, too, have been on a hat kick!
    love them all!!

    when, oh when, are you and babs headed to the burgh?!!!!

  21. LOVE it! Color, style, model, all.

  22. what are some good knitting apps you have been using with your ipad? i got one too and am feeling lost! i LOVE the hat, that color is absolutely divine!

  23. I'm very impressed with your hat output--and your daughters are beautiful.

  24. I hear ya -- those mindless, in-between projects are always so crucial. There's always a time and a place for plain old stockinette knitting!
