Felted Tweed Lovefest & Things I'm Planning on Stealing from my Parents' House
Awhile back I started the 'Things I'm Planning on Stealing from my Parents' House' group on Flickr. Ohai this group takes on a new meaning when you are cleaning out your parents' house, the one your family has lived in since 1965, in preparation for a life changing move out of state. I'm trying to remain upbeat about it, but I'm not gonna lie, this feels like emotional roulette. Which emotion are we dialing up today--grief, fear, rage, or resentment? Depends on how many Craigslist freaks are deciding they want to actually show to on any given day to get their free stuff. Luckily, because my family has never thrown out one single item ever since 1965 (see emotions #3 & #4), I've found some objects to distract me from the distress:

The past week I have been doing some top-secret knitting with a yarn to which I have taken a Promise Keeper's monogamy pledge: Felted Tweed. I am seriously crushing on this yarn and have fallen hard for it. This isn't the first time I've used it but WOW am I having a hard time coming up with good reasons to ever knit with another yarn again.

Aren't those colors kind of amazing together? I am knitting a Drive-Thru for a friend that just adopted an 18 month old. I made the pull-over before and am now trying my hand at the cardigan. The purling will likely cause me to bug, but I am trying a brand new gimmicky set of square needles--the Kollage needles--and I gotta say, they are unbelievably light and are thus making the job go that much quicker.
Yes, I can see how this knitting project is excellent therapy. Wow! What awesome colors. That's one thing I love about Rowan, even if they discontinue yarns and colors as fast as O goes through diapers. I hope things have gone well in MN. My lifelong goal is to overcome generations of packratitude. My dad's house is the same way.
I have been coveting Felted Tweed for two years now and haven't bit the bullet (I'm desperately trying to knit 20% of my stash. Which is...a lot.) But is that blackberry I see? My resolve just weakened...
I would (almost) take that MN "Car 1" license plate off your hands. Almost.
Never knitted with Felted Tweed. Must remedy.
I also love felted tweed. It goes really far too. I bought 10 balls in a sale, and only used 6 for a sweater, so I plan to get 4 in another colour and do a fair-isle jumper (next big hard difficult project).
Clearing out old homes = yep emotional roulette. Both my flatmate and I have had to do it with family in recent years, and it's a weird (but on balance: nice?) experience.
I love falling in love with a yarn, and feeling that you really could knit with it forever and ever. I've felt that way with Felted Tweed before. Good luck at your 'rents house.
mmm, so pretty! I can't wait to see the results!
The Felted Tweed looks luscious. Must get some. I think my mom has that same frog.
My mom got mad at me when I started pointing out things I wanted from her house. I thought it a compliment, but apparently - not so much. She looked at me and said, "I'll masking tape your name to the bottom of it!" I guess the up side is that you have so many treasures and memories to sort through. The downside... well, the same and then some. Beautiful color selection for the tweedy good sweater. The purling isn't so bad on a small sweater.
That Felted Tweed is gorgeous!! That is a beautiful combo for a baby! Oh, and btw, I've got my eye on that Wales souvenir plate. Jusy sayin'.
I'm glad you are finding time to knit while working on clearing out your parent's house. Helps to relieve the stress of it all.
I've got a sweater's worth just waiting for me, too...can't wait. Love the photos of objects from your parents' house, too. My mother is very unsentimental, so the cool objects are few and far between. So, I lift old photographs instead. At least she still has those. But I can't let my sisters find out... ;)
I love that Bilberry somethin' fierce.
I have a skein or two of the Felted Tweed but haven't used it yet. BTW, I finished my Saroyan; loved it!! Lots of photos on my blog of it, cause I'm shameless.
Weak in the knees for that gorgeous felted tweed. Wowza!
How do you like the Kollage circs? I returned mine after trying to do magic loop on some socks. The cable was like sewing thread and I could never easily slip the sts back onto the needle.
I've heard the DPNs are much, much better.
NO WAY! I had THAT FROG as my one and only piggy bank. I believe it's in a box downstairs right now, and only didn't get handed down to a daughter because the plug was all degraded and didn't work. I've never seen it anywhere else...
I will have to look into Felted Tweed; I've never tried it. You're friend is adopting an 18-mo. old, eh? That's a fun age. We adopted a 12-mo. old from S. Korea last August, and she's such a joy.
Felted Tweed is great, isn't it? I knit a Harry Potter sweater for Son #1 with it and it knit up great. So soft and lightweight. Gotta get some more. Sorry about the house cleanout. I did that with my 4 siblings, which sure helped a lot. And mercifully, our parents were not packrats (unlike my husband and myself). I had the same teaset in the pictures!
felted tweed NOM :]
Gorgeous FT! I got a kick from looking at those old pics of Peeper Lou. No scowl! No arched eyebrows of disdain!
I have a whole stash that I cannot knit up...I'm like a hoarder... I love that you are diggin it. it's loverly!
My parents have lived in the same house since 1965 too. They keep everything. Except for the stuff they try to sell off every year in garage sales. Hasn't made a dent. I think they should put the house up for sale with all contents included(after I've gone thru it for treasures first of course) Grin!
Oh this is going to be a cute one. I haven't heard much about those square needles but they certainly are intriguing!
Hello - first comment and have been lurking for a short while :) I came through "needled" and fell in love!
Anyway, have you experience with Rowan's Scottish Tweed 4 ply? What do you think of it's feel and quality? I'm thinking of knitting a little top with it...
And these colors are grrreat!
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