Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Embossed Leaves

Embossed Leaves in Malabrigo 'Violetas Africanas'
I am pleased to report that I have made it back from my parents house in Foodislovelandia where I managed to not slather butter on everything in sight (except for one moment of anxiety at the kitchen sink when I might have shoved a scone buttered on all sides and then some into my greedy mouth, but I am chalking it up to a sort of temporary teen-like reversion brought on by being in kitchen where I learned every bad habit), help my dad get settled back into life at home, and finish a pair of socks. Yes, you read that correctly...

Embossed Leaves in Malabrigo 'Violetas Africanas'


Pattern: Embossed Leaves by Mona Schmidt
Yarn: Malabrigo Sock in 'Violetas Africanas'
Needles: Addi Lace, 1.5
Mods: Not doing that weird thing where you cut the yarn when starting the gusset. Whatever for?

Embossed Leaves in Malabrigo 'Violetas Africanas'

This pattern has so much to recommend it--easy pattern to put down and pick up again, a gorgeous leaf motif and perfect sizing. I would happily make this pattern again and again, and given the amount of sock yarn in my possession, I just might...

Embossed Leaves in Malabrigo 'Violetas Africanas'

I am getting ready for a week long trip to Paris, so naturally my thoughts have turned to vacation knitting. The choice of project is key as it must be portable, practical and captivating. I've decided to do another pair of socks as I'm bound and determined to enter a picture in the 'Socks on Vacation' contest for the Summer of Socks 09 on Ravelry. I am so out of energy for most group activities these days, but I had a killer vacation sock shot from last year and forgot to enter it...after making Mr. Sunshine wait while I took like 30 shots. Here it is:

Such a cliche, I know...

Didn't that have WIN written all over it? Sheesh. This year I have my eyes on the prize and am setting an iPhone calendar reminder so I don't snooze again. Any suggestions on an easy yet winningly photogenic pattern that will bring home the bacon for me?


  1. Boy are you ever busy these days! The Embossed Leaves socks are beautiful. YES, that Paris tourist shot was perfect. I am plumb out of ideas on the next attempt. But have a great trip and happy to hear Dad is settled in comfortably at home.

  2. That is a great shot. And you get to go to Paris AGAIN?? Lucky you! Did you do anything with the Jojoland yarn yet?

  3. Lovely, lovely socks!

    I had a momentary pang of "who do I have to kill to go to Paris?", but I'm over it. Mostly. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

    And, btw, how did you score foodislovelandia? I got stuck with don'tbleedonthecarpettown.

  4. I've made the embossed leaves three times so far but once so tiny, that I couldn't find anyone they would fit. Have fun in Paris!

  5. socks look great, the purple is very lovely.

  6. Great socks, love the colour and the pattern

  7. Ah, Paris. Please have a pain au chocolat for me, m'kay?

    What I want to know about the Embossed Leaves pattern is if anyone actually cuts the yarn. Seriously -- why???

  8. Ooh-Paris!

    How about a shot with the downsized Statue of Liberty with the Eiffel Tower behind it? If you contort the knitting a bit, it might look like she's holding it.

    Crepe au nutella y banane! I must have eaten 50 of them in a week.

  9. There is nothing I love more than purple socks. Beautiful.

    I would knit Charade by Sandra Park. Easy peasy pattern with nice detail for photos. Bon Voyage!

  10. Those purple socks are the most perfect things I've seen in a long time.

  11. Yes, indeed, that picture was perfect. Looks like you'll have to recreate it this summer!

    I, too, just finished a pair of Embossed Leaves socks and love them. I'm thinking I may make another pair on my trip to Virginia next week.

  12. Why not try the same shot this year, but during golden hour? Congrats on the socks - love the bright color.

  13. That shot has winner all over it. I'd take another with the Eiffel Tower this year. I don't think the sock or the yarn matters too much for the contest, but a Monkey in Paris would be lovely. I am such a ho for that sock pattern. Here are some other photo suggestions: sock dangling off the end of a baguette; sock posed with yummy French cheese; sock amongst the pastries or chocolates.
    Enjoy your trip!

  14. Lovely!! I love that pattern with that color. I think I'm going to need to cast on for some soon!

  15. A fresh baguette really does taste better in France, from what I remember, or maybe I just wanted it to. Pizza, not so much. There's a charming little Patisserie walking distance from L'hotel Boquet de Montmarte, baked sweets were lovely- now my french teacher had warned me about pizza in France, but I just had to ry it. She was right, the pizza was wrong.
    Have a super stupendous time, knit great socks, and take great vacation pics- I know you will!

    Happy knitting-

  16. I am not even a purple lover, but WOW. Gorgeous, amazing sockage.

  17. Gorgeous! EL is one of my all-time fave sock patterns. Except for the cutting yarn thing, which I don't think anyone does.

    That is a fab sock Eiffel shot! Maybe this time, go for something unexpected? Have some French guy hold a cafe in one hand and your sock in the other while gesturing wildly to another French guy holding a cafe in one hand and the skein in the other and have them both act like it's completely normal to be doing so.

  18. Love the leafy sock. Great job! And what does it say that I saw the blue sock BEFORE the Eiffel Tower?!?!!

  19. absolutely love your finished embossed leaves! That purple is luscious. Your Eiffel tower shot is a total win! I wish I could give you a new idea for this year, but alas I got nada. Enjoy your trip!

  20. Lovely socks! That malabrigo glows so much it looks like there's silk in it.

  21. Foodislovelandia...Dontbleedonthecarpettown...Crackalackin' me up. I grew up in the land of Whyareyoustillhereburg

  22. Gosh, those socks are gorgeous! The color is beautiful! I concur on the Monkey socks - or maybe the Cotty? It's a nice sportweight one you could tear through:)

  23. Beee-yooo-tee-ful! Love these socks. Adore the color. Would love those.

  24. Those are beautiful socks! I hope your trip to Paris was fabulous!
