Thanks to all of you that gave me the many recs for what to do with two skeins in Malabrigo in Apple Green. I learned about so many new patterns and have queued many of them. In the end, Earthchick and her Scrunchable Scarf suggestion have carried the day. Thanks Stacey!

I am, at bottom, a hat knitter. I just really can never have too many hats at my disposal--I even made a little private (pointless?) vow to wear a different hat to campus every day this month. And since I am teaching a M-W-F schedule plus a day for advising and other duties, that's 16. Well I have just increased my chances of realizing my secret plan by two, as I proudly add these two darlings into the rotation:

This is the perfect project that helps you remember what you loved about the Noro in the first place. The sheen of the Cash Iroha + the tripped-out color changes of the Silk Garden = extreme hat joy. Their gauges are spot on with one another and so pairing them together is a cinch. Think of this combo as the Garanimals of the yarn world. I am now crestfallen as finding that link has caused me to discover that this brand is now sold only at Satan's Lair, i.e. Walmart. Is nothing sacred? Is the world of my youth completely gone?

The Specs
Pattern: Turn-A-Square by Jared Flood
Yarn: Hat #1 (light green), Silk Garden #242 and Cash Iroha #106; Hat #2 (dark green), Silk Garden #255 and Cash Iroha #100.
Needles; Size 6 and 7, HiyaHiya circs.
Time: Each hat takes basically two days of leisurely knitting, with time off for other projects. Check the name of the blog, people.
I could have easily entitled this post 'What a difference a green makes', as the two greens here couldn't be more dissimilar. On the skein I much prefer the lighter shade, but knitted up I can see that the darker shade has its merits as well. Different strokes and all that...

One of the most appealing aspects of this project is that it introduced me to the jogless stripes technique. Umm HELLO where have you been all my life, jogless stripes technique? I can't believe I had never tried this or heard about it. It has improved the joins to the point that you almost don't see them. Man I wish I had this technique back when I was doing the Kauni cardi and was getting trashed on the Ravelry discussion board for trying to not make a cardigan and proposed knitting it in the round. But what about the jogs?!!! The board became alarmed, my knowledge was questioned. Humiliated and shamed, I gave up. But if I would have had this technique maybe I could have triumphed over the Rav trolls. Whatevs.
This is a great pattern, and I hope to make bunch more, just not now. Tiennie, how do you do it?

While inspecting my stash (Rav link here, don't judge me) I noticed that before I had my head turned by the sexy Malabrigo, there were many other yarns that caught my fancy--so why not knit them up or something? There are worse fates in life than having to knit the yarn you bought on a lark, right? Luckily this is where the cowl becomes a stash bloated knitter's best friend. So all purpose and ready for action. First up...Darkside Cowl in Artyarns Supermerino!

The Specs:
Pattern: The Darkside Cowl by Sarah Fama
Yarn: Artyarns Supermerino, #133, 1 skein
Needles: Size 6

I have a major love-hate with variegated yarns (hence the whole Malabrigo obsession to begin with. Don't the stitches just pop ever so perfectly?), and the variegation on this cowl is just the right amount and is almost on the verge of annoying me, but in the end, it doesn't. The pattern is very quick and make a really nice, elastic fabric.
I seem to have a real thing for the Noro as well and was happy to discover in the above-mentioned stash (still not judging, remember?) more than a few skeins of Cash Iroha. Fourteen of these skeins are set aside for an Hourglass sweater-- Babs has banned me from mentioning this sweater, but just say the word Babs and the Hourglass is ON--but there are several other random colors that seem very cowl worthy.

The Specs:
Pattern: Stacked Eyelet Cowl by Ami Madison, modeled by the Curmudgeon.
Yarn: Cash Iroha, #110, 1.5 skeins
Needles: Size 6

This pattern is really a gem, a classic cowl for sure. Cash Iroha, your silkiness to too much to resist, however your yardage, well, it's no Malabrigo, that's for sure. Sigh.

This non-Malabrigo kick is destined to fail, I can see. To that end, look what the giant sweetheart of a knitter Jodi sent me in the mail, all because I said I liked the color:

Can you believe it? Two skeins! Such a nice surprise. Since I have been on a one skein kick recently, no patterns are immediately coming to mind. Any ideas? Suggest a good pattern and I will have Peeper-Lou draw a name and send you a skein of the Artyarns Supermerino pictured above. Let's pay it forward, people. I'll shut the whole thing down around noon on Tuesday. It's all gimmicks, all the time around this joint. Suggest away!

You all are too sweet--I appreciate the kind words regarding my dad and I am so glad to know that you have my back in the 'paybacks' department. Many of you expressed concern that the Curmudgeon had not adequately paid his debt to society and had somehow gotten off easy at Needlework Unlimited with the measly Jitterbug and J.Knits purchase. Fear not! This girl took your words to heart. Before leaving the Twin Cities, I high tailed it over to St. Paul to the Yarnery and picked up the three skeins of my new bff, Pagewood Farms St. Elias sock yarn (pictured above). This yarn is so utterly gorgeous that I might even cast on a pair of socks right away--yes, it's that good.

I am very pleased to note that Kiri is finished and in the can. Is there anything more satisfying than blocking a shawl? To watch it unfurl, inspect it in its final form and look out on the great expanse of it and think that over series of weeks that you somehow managed to follow the pattern and made that gigantic thing, well, that's quite a feeling, isn't it? I strongly recommend this pattern--at any given moment, you always know where you are. This might be the case with other shawl patterns and I have just revealed my shawl ineptitude, but Kiri is by no means intricate and thus very likely to not lead you astray... Thanks to Ashley for suggesting this pattern--as usual her recommendation was spot on!

The Specs:
Pattern : Kiri by Polly Outhwaite
Yarn: 1855 Fiber Company Alpaca Merino. Three skeins in 'Sweet Pea'. I purchased this yarn at Maryland Sheep and Wool this past May and since I am hell bent on knitting all of the yarn purchased at that event, it was a good choice for this pattern and allows me to continue with my 'knitting shawls out of counter-intuitive fibers' drill.
Time: October to January, off and on.

My next knitting endeavor is going to truly blow your minds. The teaser title : A Series of Small Knitted Accessories Not Made Out Of Malabrigo...