Friday, October 10, 2008

Things you might see and hear at a Farm Show...

Hollidaysburg Farm Show
1. Conversations between judges and entrants that go something like this:
"Look, Choke-berry is a jelly, not a preserve. It's not my fault if you can't tell the difference when you're filling out the forms."
"Are you saying that I don't know an English walnut when I see one?"
"For Angel Food cake to have a shot in hell at this competition it has to be really, really moist. Like almost too moist but not at the same time."
But my favorite is the following: "Corn relish is a separate category. Read the directions."
Miniature house, part of Farming in Pennsylvania display
2. Very detailed displays on things like "Farming in Pennsylvania" and "Pollination: What You Need To Know". The amount of work that went into these is truly astounding. I think the kid who made the display whose house is pictured above was slightly weirded out by my intense fascination.
Excuse me?
3. Was this directed at me? That sign is hitting a little too close to home.
4. Heartbreakingly sweet puppets. The elderly woman who makes these told my daughter that she does so for the kids in her neighborhood because she doesn't have any family. I know I'm getting all sappy as I age because this made me want to burst into tears (of joy and sadness) at the same time.
Beeswax made to look like candy
5. Every imaginable honey by-product you could possible imagine. Don't these waxy thingies look strangely delicious?
Blue Ribbon, Y'all!!
5. Yes people!! THAT'S what I'm talking about. Peeper-lou made a mad dash for the needlework table, spied that coveted blue ribbon and began shrieking "Mommy you beat everyone!", thereby causing several people to look disapprovingly in my direction. Didn't I read the part in the program that said that the farm show "is people working together, people fraternizing with their neighbors, people ...who take pride in their community and are determined to share that pride with each other"? Oops! Yes, I was a bit chastened at that moment.

My next moment of realization re: my own ass-holitide came when I saw the disappointment of the lady picking up her fun fur scarf (it came in third place). She was showing her son the ribbon and said "oh well, at least I like it." Ok, could I feel like more of a schmuck right now??

At the needlework table I saw two very talented local knitters and chatted with them. When I complimented one of them on her stunning fair isle mittens and and prize-winning Flirty tank, she said that she entered them in the show because she wanted everyone to see what a person could knit, how much the craft could defy expectations and perceptions. Wait, you mean it's not about crushing people? Looks like someone needs to reread the farm show objectives before next year...


  1. Big congrats on your crushing win . . . errr, fine example of shared pride. ;)

  2. You did it! Yay! You annihilated them. Er--I mean, what a great community event!

  3. Humility- I hate it when that happens to me- but I like it. Same as the joy and sad.

  4. You totally deserved it. Thanks for the recap.

  5. Thank goodness! I think your blue ribbon has restored my faith in those who judge this kind of show. Congrats! (For what it's worth, I think you're allowed to be proud. After all, it's not like you were shoving your blue ribbon in fun-fur-scarf-lady's face, right?)

  6. I am so happy to see that blue ribbon next to those squishy cables!

  7. Witness the power of a beautifully-knit Malabrigo cable!

    I must be getting sappy with age too cause I wanted to cry reading your post (over the adorable puppets, the sad fun-fur lady, and your general hilariousness)


  8. Ah, I would be thrilled I beat everyone too. :)


  9. Congratulations!! No offense but fun fur doesn't exactly show off the knitted stiches. That hat is so pretty, I love the color.

  10. YO!!! YOU ROCKED the competition!!!

    Err, rewind:

    Congratulation on taking first place in the knitting competition. I am sure the judges had a very difficult time making their selection. It was only that extra ounce of community pride that got them to award your hat with the blue ribbon distinction.

    Err, rewind again:


    I can't stop grinning.

  11. Congrats on your blue ribbon! The fun fur lady should be glad to win 3rd prize. It is ass-crylic fun fur after all. Although I do feel for her disappointment. I am completely in love with that mini farmhouse and wish I could shrink myself and live there.

  12. Congrats! Did the tea cozy win anything?

  13. Congrats! The blue ribbon win was well deserved and the competition will now push themselves to learn new techniques, hone their craft, and improve their chances of winning the blue next year. You aren't an a-hole, you are an inspiration. At least that is what you can tell yourself at night ;)

  14. Congratulations on winning! Now you'll have to make it a winning streak. As for Fun Fur Lady, I think she's a poor loser. She did place, after all. I'll take 3rd out of say, 10, any day. Sure, none of us go enter the fair to not place first. But how often do we win?

  15. You won! You won! And don't you dare feel humble about it!

  16. I can't help but think that the corn relish bit would be *so* great on a t-shirt.

    That hat totally deserved to win.

  17. will you be changing the name of this blog to "the blue ribbon knitter: because why should fun fur get first place"? just sayin', if i won, i'd be way less humble than you are.

    go heather! you are NUMBER FREAKIN ONE!

  18. Well, you *have* to step on the little people to get to the top. Don't they know that?


  19. Congrats on the win girl! :) Love the photos. :)

  20. HURRAY!!!! Congrats. I hope you had a big celebration last night! To hell with humility!

  21. YAY! You won the blue ribbon. Your hat is incredible!

  22. i knew it! yippee! yay! let's go celebrate!!

  23. Congratulations! I know how bad you wanted it!!!!!!! I have to go to that show next year.

    Now.........want to quit smoking just as bad!! I quit 4 years ago. Cold Turkey, it works. Or next time I'm in Altoona you can come over & visit me at my parents & sit with my father who has emphysema for an hour, it will make you quit.

  24. I love Peeper-Lou's joy - screw the fun fur lady -I mean, it's fun fur - oh, just kidding, I'm not mean or anything, but I did chuckle imagining this scene:) Congrats to you!!

  25. The show looks great, the hat is fantastic, and the fun fur scarf was lucky to walk away with third prize. She's probably home perusing Ravelry right now, looking for her next year's pattern.

    PS - I love that little house!

  26. Good for you!! I LOVE your hat. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a well earned win. You remind me a bit of a friend here("AuntyTink"on Ravelry), she is constantly pushing others to enter their knitting... to "raise the bar" of competition. That doesn't stop her from leading them in a chorus of "We won... we won... we won" when the ribbons get handed out.

  27. Yay for annihilating the competition! And I think it's OK to crush people AND inspire them to reach past fun furr scarves. ;o) We went to a craft festival today. I'm also amazed at the number of possible honey by-products. I was momentarily excited at what I thought was maple sugar candy, but it was a beeswax candle.

  28. Well someone has to come in third!!! and I just knew it wouldn't be you;-) Well done and congrats, I just love your hat.

  29. Oh, there's just nothing worse than having a good gloat RUINED by conscience!

    Congratulations on your big win! (I'll gloat for you.)

  30. Congratulations on your win! You totally deserved it! It's OK to gloat a bit. :)

  31. LOL. Congrats! You worked hard....gloat a little.

  32. Alright! Go you!

    I don't feel bad when I swim a race and am faster than other people- competition is about winning! What are you supposed to do, make your hat look crappier so she can feel better?
    So don't you mind the fun fur scarf lady. Its not like you told her her scarf was crapola and its not like they confiscate her prize and burn it while people watch if she doesn't take first or something.

    Maybe I am mean, but you deserve that blue ribbon. You did great. And you are sharing that pride- with your blog readers!

  33. This was a very fun read!! YAY that you won!!! You deserved it.

  34. YEEEE HAAAAAWWWWW!!!!! you WON!!! I mean... you WON!.. yeah.. YOU won... (doing the secret happy dance).. That's great!... Sadly, as noted the Farm Show objective/rules, we all (including the FunFur Lady) can't come in first...Besides.. that habitat is the bomb!...and hello? in Malabrigo??? Congrats Blue Ribbon Momma!!!!

  35. I didn't even place with my amazing socks at the fair this year, and I was still so excited! 3rd place lady needs to learn to be grateful that she has the talent to even enter anything!

    Congratulations! It's adorable.

  36. Congratulations!! The hat is fantastic and deserves every inch of that blue ribbon :)

    Loved the recap of everything too! Hmmm.... maybe I should try harder to make it to our fair next summer....


  37. It's totally all about crushing people! Congratulations!

  38. I say enjoy the win! Congrats!!!

  39. Now I want to start making mini farmhouses... like I have time for that, but how darn cute is that?!

    Poor fun fur lady, maybe she will discover yarn made out of actual fibers one of these days...

    Congrats and happy knitting-

  40. HAHA Congrats! It never hurts to be a bit competitive ;)

  41. YAY!! You totally deserved it after all the disappointment of the past, and that hat is sooo amazing. Congrats!
