Saturday, August 25, 2007

Tiny Pals, Vanilla Knitter and a Birthday

I know I spent the last post turning up my nose at Angel motifs, but just look what the Darling Resident Marxist Wallpaper Scraper uncovered in our daughter's room underneath five layers of hideous wallpaper:
Angel #1 from under wallpaper
Angel #2 from under wallpaper
These must be from the 1920's at least. Since both our dads were born in 1927, we both imagined what our fathers lives had been like back then, and how much things have changed throughout their lifetimes. It was a pleasant surprise to find these little treasures, but sadly they are going the way of all the other paper to make way for the decidedly more modern Martha Stewart treatment. Although come to think of it, I'm sure Martha would be amused in her own Martha way by such a retro design find.

When it comes to sock patterns, I think I might have finally found the area in which I am profoundly vanilla. Don't get me wrong, my freak flag is out there and flying high in so many regards, but not when it comes to freak-kay patterns. I have been forced to come to grips with my own limitations after receiving the latest Socks That Rock sock club shipment and feeling yet again completely underwhelmed. Without a doubt the yarn is gorgeous and lovely and amazing in every way, it's just that once again the pattern seems over the top and too busy for my tastes. In fact, ALL of the patterns have been too much for me. When I see a variegated skein of STR like June's Firebird or this month's Flower Power, the first pattern I think of is something simple and uncomplicated with maybe a few ribs, or a basic stitch pattern similar to the one featured in the Jaywalkers. But the lace anklet/crazy cable/wacky stitch thing is just a little too much for me. I can't deal with the frou-frouness of it all. Hopefully I'll find another pattern for this yarn, one that will let me butch it up a little!
Speaking of butch, today is the DRMC's birthday and along with a new hub cap for his car and the recent Beastie Boys album, he is getting the above pictured fantastic loot. Yes, I am thoroughly on board with the Cobblestone and can't wait to get started after seeing this one and this one. Wasn't that so thoughtful of me to give him yarn for a sweater? Actually I happened to have this in my stash and am doubly excited to be able to use it for such a tantalizing project by the mighty Brooklyntweed, who I think we are all a little gaga for at this point...


  1. I'm with you on vanilla socks- give me a nice ribbed pattern and I'm happy.

    That yarn will be beautiful on Cobblestone. Thanks for the links as well. That first love letter was so touching.

    As for Jared- I'm trying really hard to do what I did with my junior high crushes. Deny them into submission. I will say that I got to send him some yarn karma via "goodyarnkarma" and do feel as though I have an much more special relationship with him than many others- we've exchanged emails, you know. LOL

  2. Hey there! Ok, first with the sock club. I'm with ya. It's been fun, but I think I won't do it next time. After all, I haven't got the big bucks right now AND then it frees up a little bit of cash to maybe buy myself a solid skein every once in a while.

    Two: Cobblestone. Thanks! The color you chose is GORGEOUS. And you know that I bought MYSELF the yarn as my birthday present in order to make the sweater for Mr. Frick as an early Christmas present, right? Ah, justifications.

  3. Yep, I like to wear a simple rib knit sock and I like to knit a simple rib knit sock as well. I havn't checked out this Jared person… but I do love his sweater. Alas, poor little me… I have nobody to make it for ;-D. Happy Birthday to the DRMC--Why am I not surprised he's a Virgo?!

  4. I totally agree with you on the patterns from STR - underwhelming, which is an understatement:) Happy Birthday to DRMC - The Beastie Boys have a recent album? I'm so still ready to fight for my right to parrrrrrtay!

  5. Love that brooklyntweed, oh yes I do! It was great to see his pattern in IK this month. I'm also loving the Tyrolean socks in that issue, though otherwise I'm also in agreement with you on the overdone socks - not a fan.

  6. PS I would totally scrape that 1st lil angel off in one piece and stick it on something - it's adorable!!

  7. Not a big fan of hearts nor angels, but I have to admit there is something quaint about these retro cherubs. I think Martha would only love them if they were painted Duck Egg Blue.

    I love the Skye Tweed color. It is perfect for the cobblestone pattern.

  8. Cobblestone will look gorgeous in that yarn. It is a lovely pattern. He is so talented!

    I'm with you on the STR club. Gotta say, I'm not as turned on as I thought I would be. I'm not sure if I'll do it again. (I suppose I might change my tune at some point.) I could direct that $$ to buying colorways that I KNOW I'll like (there are plenty I don't have and would love to add to the stash) and make one of the gazillion patterns I have in my sock binder.

  9. I hear ya! Even a picot cuff is enough to send me over the edge these days... I think Charade, Rozas socks and Monkey are it for me!

  10. Thanks for the link to my blog! I got that same skye tweed but I'll be using it for something other than Cobblestone since I'm already knitting a 2nd for the hubby.

    And yes, you are a truly thoughtful wife to buy your hubby yarn!

  11. Hooboy on that wallpaper - YIKES!!!

  12. Ha! I love those angels! They are such a reminder of that era. It is fun to think of the kid that lived in your daughter's room.

    Your Cobblestone is going to be a beauty. I love the color of that Skye Tweed!

  13. Gorgeous shade of Skye Tweed you have there -- it's going to make a great sweater! That sweater is on my list to knit, too, but I can only handle one man-sized sweater at a time (and a Seamless Hybrid, also inspired by Brooklyn Tweed, is ahead of it in the queue).

  14. I'm with you on the sock patterns. Complicated stitch patterns are just too much with variegated yarn. I love the Skye Tweed colorway. That is going to be a gorgeous sweater.

  15. I think the cherubs are a delight -- a message from the past.

    I'm with you on your thoughts regarding frou-frouness vs. uncomplicated. I'm profoundly vanilla too.

    That Skye Tweed color is divine! Happy Birthday to the DRMC!

  16. I'm swearing off the variegateds for a while, since I'm dying to make Domesticat's Drunken Bees, Kelp!'s Ironwork socks, Bockstark's Billy Reid socks...

    I do think 1920s cherub motif = profoundly different from today's angel craze. You know, creepy, but not Oprah creepy.

    Oh, and happy birthday to the Curmudgeonly Comrade -- your Cobblestone will be really lovely!

  17. Are you sure Henry Darger didn't live in that bedroom?

  18. Buying you hubby yarn reminds me of the time my dad bought my mom a cement mixer for her birthday.

  19. That yarn looks too yummy.
    Perfect for that pattern.

  20. I too think it sort of odd, sort of cool that those angels were hidden right beneath you for all of these years!

    I too will be making my two boys the cobblestone...will just have to modify the pattern a bit as they are 7 and 11! :)

  21. I hear you about vanilla socks - totally agree! And my gosh, what a yummy yarn this is, the color is stunningly beautiful and seems just perfect for that pattern!

  22. Sweetheart, I'm so very glad that you said that about the latest STR-RSC shipment. I thought they would FINALLY send something slightly more butch or at least simple yet classic but alas, I have one more skein of a nice yarn that I'll probably fashion into a BSJ or booties. I'm going to save that money that I would spend on the club and just order the skeins that I really love (and there are many). And I can use them to create the groovy socks in Cat Bordhi's new book (have you seen it???!).

    And speaking of love (or pathetic crushes), Jared totally rawks my world. I'm getting yarn for Cobblestone, too! I might even stash dive!!!

  23. I love the color you've, uh, I mean he's chosen for Cobblestone.

    Best to let the men think they have a say in the knits... but we know better ;)

  24. You ought to peel the angels off the wall and frame them. They'd make great little pictures.

  25. I absolutely love Cobblestone.... and, let's be honest, Brooklyn Tweed, too. I love it so much that I am seriously considering tempting (boyfriend sweater curse) fate and knitting TD a sweater.

  26. You are making me feel so happy that I didn't join up with the STR Sock Club. Although their yarn is yummy, I don't always love some of their colorways and I agree that a plain or semi-plain pattern shows off the yarn the best. My theory is that busy patterns are for solid color yarn, and plain patterns for busy hand-dyed yarn.

    Waaa... I want to knit Cobblestone too, but DH doesn't ever wear sweaters. It may have something to do with the Southern California climate though.

  27. I love that sweater. Very huggable looking.

  28. Your just trying to guilt me into knitting Cobblestone. I get it. I'm lazy. Whatever. I must say it sure does look tempting now. I'm so with you on the whole complicated sock thing. If we wanted a sense of vertigo we would do something more un than looking at our feet.

  29. Cobblestone is a great looking sweater. I've shown it to my husband, but he doesn't care to wear sweaters (what a freak). Anyway, that sweater will look great in that colorway of Brooklyn Tweed.

  30. What an interesting find beneath your wallpaper! The Cobblestone sweater has grown on me, but I'm not quite sure it's right for my husband.

  31. I would actually be seriously tempted to leave those fat little dudes there, with the walls rough. OK, I don't know how long I could live with those beady little eyes on me, actually, but I would respect someone else's decision to. I like the decayed kitsch look.

    Ah, you're a 'stoner too--yay!

  32. I think I'm leaning towards Vanilla myself. It's hard to say no to all the gorgeous varigated yarns, but I think I'm growing tired of them. I did knit up the latest STR club socks. Not my style. I was so releived when my sister fell in love with them. Now they can make her feet happy, not hang out in the bottom of my drawer.
