Saturday, June 30, 2007

Venez nombreux!!

There is a fun event about to happen and as a French teacher I would be remiss in not coercing gently suggesting it to you all. It's the Tour de France knitalong and is promising to be super chouette...You choose a French-inspired pattern (or one that you'd be not afraid to wear for fear of being ridiculed at a café in France) and then choose your category. You'll receive a special jersey (button) depending on the category that you choose.
Since I am old school all the way, I'm going for the yellow jersey, natch! And because I'm on a major Nancy Bush Knitting on the Road kick, I have chosen the appropriately French Canal du Midi socks and plan on using this lovely Fleece Artist Sea Wool. You don't have to be a Francophile to participate, just someone who loves looking at guys with extremely muscular legs in tight shorts!


  1. Ha-ha, you do tempt me! I'll have to go check it out. We're off on vacation soon, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up.

  2. You'll be at the "tete de peloton"!

  3. What pretty yarn! Can't wait to see your progress in this KAL!

  4. Does knitting a bike seat cover and calling it the Sir Lance-A-Lot butt hugger count?? Wait, he's not french. D'oh.

  5. Love that yarn--what a beautiful color! I'm not sure I can come up with anything I wouldn't be afraid to wear at a French cafe for fear of being ridiculed. I do love the bike seat cover idea, though. Do you think I could convince my mountain-biker hubby to wear knitted bike shorts?

  6. Okay, I'm in! Good luck :)

  7. I shall check it out! That Fleece Artist yarn is a gorgeous colour, by the way :)

  8. I have a vision in my irrational mind of a team of women riding bikes while they are knitting.

    I would love to join the knit along but I have a big hate-on for biking at the moment due to the fact that the bike shorts I purchased to ease the suffering of my swollen arse while rowing have not worked. They have, in fact, made it worse! Zut!

    I am in full support of your participation however and will cheer you on as you go. Gorgeous wool. Happy knitting.

  9. OK, you got me. Actially, you had me at "tight shorts"

    Sign me up

    Vive le France (et le Garcons de Francaise!)


  10. Oooooooooooh. My *favorite* color!

  11. Do you know I've never joined a knit-along. I'll have to check it out.

  12. Great choice for le Tour! (I'm sure everyone knows how I feel about Sea Wool, by now. And about green sock yarn).

    The race is passing through the Dordogne, right by where my bf is excavating this summer... he'll actually get to witness part of the race! He really is just too cool for school. He's loving it, too, since he's a biker.

  13. tight shorts have to be one of the best things about watching men bike!
    Love the color that you picked out! I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines : )

  14. I should join because I watch the tour daily! Even without it being the tour de Lance!

  15. That Sea Wool looks beautiful. Happy Tour de France knitting!

  16. I'm knitting Jaywalkers (your knitting nemesis) in Seawool right now. I don't know why, but I have had to rip this extremely simple pattern a bunch of times. I think because it is so easy, I don't pay attention. The yarn is quite nice--love the color!

  17. Fun times - I'm going for the green jersey! Hopefully I'll have a finished sweater at the end of it!

  18. He he- I was just checking out this knitalong the other day (I think I have knitalong fever now too) and I thought of you!
    Still bummed that our meetup didn't work out- hopefully on your next visit back this way...
    Have a great 4th!
    Happy knitting-

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Cute! Sounds like fun. :)


  21. Oooh, those socks will look great in that yarn. :)

  22. Green is my favorite color. That Sea Wool has an especially gorgeous hue! Enjoy knitting those socks!

  23. Mmm, that Sea Wool has been haunting my dreams, and this photo does NOT help!

  24. I haven't tried sea wool but anything with 'sea' in it has got to be tres bon. You don't have to be a cycling fan to join, or knit anything special -- come join us!!
    (My sister has already pointed out my first blog error in French -- ugh!) Must.fix.that. :)

  25. Ooh-la-la! Now this sounds like my kinda knitalong! That sea wool is lovely, isn't it? I've got a skein that needs to be made into something!

    Can't wait to see your finished object!

  26. How very appropriate! Enjoy!

  27. J'adore le Tour de France. But biking AND knitting? Even better!!

    I have to join. Hmm... now what to knit? Better get my Phildar mags out. Thanks for letting us know about this cool event!

  28. can't wait to tell my mom about this. (but last time I was in france, i got made fun of for using super chouette! apparently, it's no longer de rigeur!)

  29. Allo Cherie, bon courage for the competition. I will be with you in spirit. I'll watch our copy of Triplets of Belleville in your honor. And, can you please tell us what to use in place of "super chouette" or "vachement cool"? Merci!c
