This pair of Fetching is brought to you courtesy of Jo Sharp Silkroad Aran Tweed, a luxurious blend of wool, cashmere and silk. Luckily I happen to have a ton of this stuff in my stash, and I can eek a pair out of just one ball. I am loving this pattern and am planning on making this my default Christmas gift for one and all. This weekend my peeps and I went to Pittsburgh and I finally got my grubby little hands on the yarn that this phat (sorry, my kids were watching Yo Mama! on MTV) pattern was intended for, some killer Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran, and it was 35% off to boot!

When I was there I also picked up my newest fetish object--Blue Sky Alpacs 5" DPNS! From the moment I laid eyes on them I knew that they would be mine all mine (insert Lon Chaney Halloween laughter here). What was it about them you ask? Was it the special handy decorative tin with alpaca motifs and Taj Mahal designs on it? Was it the fact that they've been featured in every even slightly hip knitting mag this season? Was it the soft, sleek wood? Their diminutive stature? Was it their shocking price? (I won't reveal the actual number as the DRMC does read this blog from time to time and while he would be all in favor of the free trade practices of the company--these needles are "made in India by people who are treated well and fairly", he would faint at the price, let's just say they're the Colinette of the knitting needle world --wink wink!) Yes, it's all of those things. And they are the best dpns I've ever had the pleasure of using and now I want them in every size. Yes I always was a bit of a Veruca Salt type. Anyway, I am working on my third pair of Fetching in the DB Cashmerino on them and it is by far the most enjoyable pair so far. The gauge is smaller and the stitches have great definition. If you are experiencing a lull between projects I am strongly recommending this one, it's so fast and the payout is satisfying. I will be moving on to bigger things soon, like finishing the Top Down Cardi for the above-mentioned Marxist, but for the time being I am really enjoy these as they're making me feel like the kind of knitter that often finishes things...
Ah, the knitter who finishes things... The knitter we all want to be. Is it as great as it's cracked up to be? Please tell me it is! ;)
Beautiful! Great fall colors. I'm looking forward to the DB cashmerino version - it's in my queue as well :)
We ALL want to be the kind of knitter who finishes things… but if you keep posting pictures of "Fetching", I am going to be forced to hold you personally responsible for adding to my long list of WIP's.
Love the Jo Sharp version and of course can't wait to see them in Debbie Bliss.
I had that very tin of Blue Sky Alpaca needles in my grubby little paw at the LYS--then common sense kicked in--on my budget they are a want… not a need. I am most covetous and hope you enjoy every single second with your lovely new DPN's ;-D.
Alright! I must have those needles now! I was just thinking of how I was convinced there were better dpns out there for me. I just didn't know what they were, and now I do.
love your jo sharp version! Can't wait to see your db version. where did you go in Pittsburgh?
your new needles are so cool!!! : )
Welcome to the KR Webring.
Beautiful job and really fun Blog.........
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