Many of the appealing traits that make the Darling Resident Marxist Curdmudgeon the lovable lad that he turned out to be, can be directly traced to his mother, Jean. The way he bobs his head for emphasis in a conversation, his ability to chat about any topic, and his kindness to children and small animals are all aspects of his personality that the two have in common. She is a living doll and a one-of-a-kind gal, so I thought it fitting to make her something special for her birthday, which also happens to fall on Mother's Day. I chose the Sigma Tank from Knitty, which despite the math involved, was a quick and fun project. I did it out of Zitron Polo, a recently discontinued yarn distributed by Skacel. What is it with me and disconinued yarn? Perhaps my affection for a certain yarn necessarily dooms it to the close-out bin. In any case, my younger daughter claims that this colorway (#600) reminds her of everyone's favorite breakfast treat Fruit Loops. An interesting observation, given that to my knowledge she has never actually had Fruit Loops. As a mother, I've indeed devoted real effort into her having mainly Cheerios, but that's beside the point. Calling this tank the Fruit Loop tank is entirely appropriate,

mmmm.. fruit loops!! Love the tank! What a great gift! : )
my mom would only let me have cheerios, i loved going over to friends houses so I could have "yucky charms" for breakfast!! *L*
Wow! A pair of socks and a tank and the end of the semester to contend with? You're amazing. I've decided to just make a dishcloth so that I would have some sense of accomplishment. That tank is really pretty.
Beautiful tank and a great gift. I don't remember my mom making breakfast other than toast. I would always try to get her to buy the BOO Berries.....never happened LOL
That is such a lovely tank. I am glad you made her such a thoughtful gift.
The Fruit Loop was a great birthday present! I love the pattern and I love the yarn. Excuse me while I log onto EBay...
Zitron Polo is not discontinued. You can see it still on Skacel's web site (they distribute yarns from Zitron). That particular colorway may not still be around, but the yarn itself is not discontinued.
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