Foot Fetishists Need Not Apply
A warning was posted earlier this week on a Ravelry discussion board regarding certain perved out foot fetishists on Flickr who have been, shall we say, enjoying all the lovely pics of the lady feet festooned with socks and sandals. I have to say that it gave me a chuckle. I mean now that I think of it, it seems so obvious--OF COURSE those shots of Jaywalkers-in-wedge-sandals are kinky to the max and worthy of libidinal investment! As it turns out we sock knitters have been unwittingly giving those Flickr foot enthusiasts the time of their lives. And since I subscribe to the 'if you're not hurting anybody/breaking any laws/corrupting minors', well, I guess I don't have a huge problem with it. But then again since I know that my Clydesdalesque clodhoppers aren't personally implicated in this affair, who am I to say?
More Socks My FO of the day is another pair of Thujas. This whole worsted-weight-socks-on-large needles things has been a real gas, but I think I'm putting this pattern away for the time being. I've enjoyed it but it's time to move on.
Specs: Pattern: Thuja from Knitty, Winter 05 Yarn: Artyarns Supermerino #107 , two skeins Needles; size 6 addi turbo Mods: Picot bind-off that to my mind looks semi-dorky
Contest Results: I enjoyed the entries for the contest. Not only did I read some interesting anecdotes about gratitude and luck, I got to find out about several killer blogs that I had never seen before. Thank you all! According to the random number generator, i.e. Peeper-lou picking from a hat, fresh from her vacation in Ireland and Morocco, the winner of the Phildar mags is Teabird and the Bearfoot goes to Rosina! Two new faces round these parts, congrats to you both.

Tour de France roundup: Sadly my project is doa. Let's just say that the Canal du Midi sock project never really got off the ground due to indecision and poor strategy. But this KAL was certainly one of the best ever--thanks Meg and Debby!
I got a good chuckle out of the foot fetishist warning. My husband jokes that, between my size 11 feet and long red hair, I could make a mint on the internet without ever taking off my clothes! Two birds with one stone, I guess. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss your "Clydesdalesqe clodhoppers." There seems to be a fetish for everyone.
Ha! I'm sure knitting blogs give all sorts of fetishists something to look at... The Thujas are cute (the picot trim looks almost like a little ruffle)!
cracking up about the foot fetish..i actually got an obscene foot fetish caller when i worked at united airlines doing reservations. I wasn't allowed to hangup on him, he was kind of funny! I had never thought of that though with the "sock porn" pics!
Oh,,and congrats to the winners! (lol, even if it wasn't me!) enjoy!
Wow! thank you!
I missed that Ravelry discussion, but somehow, I'm not surprised....
(My Tour de France project flopped too, but the KAL was fun.)
Eh, let them have their fun. If feet are their bag (and not just naked feet, I gather), let them have at!
The color of those Thuja socks is beautiful, and semi-dorky or not, I love the looks of the picot bind-off! I mean, dorky can be good!
As far as foot fetishists go, I subscribe to your attitude about it. It seems harmless enough.
I'm with you on the picot bind-off- I love the socks but until you explained I wondered why you were frogging them. : )
Yes, I am also a loser on the TdF circuit :) We are in good company, it seems. Nice work on the Thujas! Your lovely pairs are making me give this pattern a second look. I have a kid pair on 1s and Breeze on 2s, and suddenly the whole worsted-on-big-needle thing sounds appealing... BTW, I wonder what the throngs of foot people who have been quietly enjoying the pix will say to the jerk who blew their cover... Maybe, "Put a sock in it?" hehe.
I never thought about the fetishists before, and while it makes sense, I'm much happier displaying my sock-clad feet on the internet in blissful ignorance of such possibilities!
Nice Thujas! It had never crossed my mind that those fond of feet may enjoy all our sock FO pictures...
Glad you enjoyed the tour!
Those socks are so cute! I like the picot edge.
I think the little picot edge is adorable! these are very cute ;)
I agree with those who like the picot bind-off, and I'm wondering what they look like on -- but no worries, I'm not asking you to provide visual aids for a foot fetish!
I love those socks and I am still a huge fan of heavier weight socks on larger needles. It's kind of sad because I will see gorgeous sock yarn and put it back because it calls for size 0 or 1 needles. Also I refuse to get bi-focals which may explain everything! The foot thing KIND OF CREEPED ME OUT--this from a woman who put a picture of her cleavage on her blog because she was excited about her new bra but I digress--there is a way around it. After you upload your photos to Flickr and from there, upload them to Ravelry, go back into Flickr and change your privacy settings. They will still show up on Ravelry but no one can see them on Flikr anymore.
By the way, when I checked the "most viewed" pic on my Flikr photos, it was one that showed my chest to advantage (under a knitted tank top of course). So I have already changed my own settings.
LMAO. Yes, I knew it was only a matter of time before this conversation started. I love that the normally sedate world of knitting socks is now a hotbed of perverted desire.... Now, where is my bag of Wollmeise????
And Sweetheart, how on earth did you expect to finish Canal Du Midi when you have like a gazillion projects going. It's like the spinning plates variety hour. *sounds of smashing china*
I love your thujas!
And ewwwww.....! Foot fetishes? Must check to see who's looking at my pics on Flickr.
Love your socks and their shade of blue.
Naked feet will have to beware. I don't know what appeals to people about feet anyway. I mean aside from their obviously wonderful utilitarian aspects.
I am a TDF KAL loser. I got my yarn super late and didn't even have time to swatch. There is always next year I guess...
Thanks so much for joining us. There's always next year!
D'oh! I go on a little walk about and miss the contest!!! But I'm not bitter....much. Guess I'll have to go look at nasty foot pictures to console myself.*sigh*
Hey, when you like something you knit it several times:) I do!
These are awesome looking. I like how you did the top!
found you at tiennes blog & just wanted to say HI! I saw you are from Hollidaysburg, I grew up in Altoona! So greetings!
Great looking socks!! Love the color :)
Lovely FO. Gotta tell ya, one of the worst dates of my entire life was with someone how had a *thing* for feet. Gives me the willies just thinking about it! Kinda funny about the flickr thing though.
Who knew we were giving the fetishers such a thrill? That's a hoot! Cute Thujas. I love the color.
I heart the picots. Not dorky, but sweet! :)
Yeah, I didn't know about the discussion, but I have noticed some "interesting" commenters on sock pics on flickr before. I guess sock knitters are popular for all KINDS of reasons. :P
(My verification for this comment is: "OHMPBJVM", which is somehow giving me a pervy vibe about PB&J...)
That is SOOOO funny on the Flickr sock/foot fetishists...yeah, they're probably having a field day! I've thought about this before (but not about socks) as I've gotten some "interesting" comments on a few of my pictures posted on Flickr in the past...
These are wonderful! You brought up a point I've never actually considered before. Hm. Mind if I link to the socks?
Ohmygosh I never thought about the foot fetish thing... that's actually really funny. There are some really strange people out there on the internets!
Cute socks btw. I love that thuja pattern!
Foot fetishists ??!??
Oh-hooh. Can't wait to put those pomatomus pics online.
The picot edge is adorable, especially on this very sober pattern.
I love the color of your Thuja's and although you're putting the pattern away for awhile, you did a beautiful job knitting them!
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